More than 50% of Americans support Gay Marriage

This is so much noise. I've already made my point about why you're wrong about homosexuality being unnatural, and the rest is just Christian rote being recited by someone who probably has never even read the relevant texts. Evil? Do you even have a concept of what that means, or is this just something your pastor tells you?
I still maintain my point; homosexuality is unatural. God made this sex of thing to be enjoyed between the opposite sex, but you guys have turned it to something else out of your own iniquity. Have you ever seen a hen mating with a hen? The answer is no, it would rather be a cock mating with a hen and not the opposite.

As for the death penalty, it exists in Mauritania, and lawmakers in Liberia are trying to pass a bill that would make the act punishable by death. Outside of West Africa, it's punishable by death in Nigeria and Sudan, and Uganda is trying to pass a death-penalty bill right now. And in 38 African countries, homosexuality is illegal, and criminalized in most of them, with ten years in prison commonplace.
You are right! In that case, the goverment of those African countries have taken a bold step in chasing such abominable and unpalatable act (homosexuality) away from their domain. I trust the goverment of my dear African countries as far as this matter is concerned; they will never let me down! Kudos to my goverment! I assure you, they will even adopt more worser punishement if there is any, to deter people from engaging into this type of criminal act.

"Gay" describes the general act, but it also describes the person. And perhaps if you're going to cite a dictionary, you should also quote one, as opposed to Wikipedia. Here is a dictionary entry for "Gay"

a homosexual person, especially a male.

As for "Homosexual"

of, pertaining to, or exhibiting homosexuality.

Understand now? "Gay" is one of those elastic words that can mean a dozen things. Perhaps that's leading to your confusion.

What maths??

Your theory is too familiar to be original. This is nothing more than a fear and hatred handed down from generation to generation, no formulation necessary. You hate because your parents hated, because your neighbors hate. There isn't an original thought in there. You don't even understand what morality is. How is homosexuality a moral issue when it hurts no one, causes no one suffering? It isn't. It's just your hang-up, and it's only your hang-up because you were raised to think that way.

You and yours are a dime a dozen.

As far as this matter concerned, my opinion = to my facts and nothing can change it.

You don't even understand what morality is. How is homosexuality a moral issue when it hurts no one, causes no one suffering? It isn't. It's just your hang-up, and it's only your hang-up because you were raised to think that way.
You can call it whatever you want, hang-up or whatever, my point still remain:
my opinion equals my fact.
Homosexuality is very immoral because of the negative health implication it pose to the people practising it, especially the gay; if that will make you understand the immorality behind it. You can look into the following links to aid your understanding:
Actually homosexual pairing is common in the animal world. If God didn't want gay people, why did he make people gay? Tell me, how do you know it's unnatural? Married men and women do anal all the time, should there be a law against it? If so why? How does it hurt you? Why do you have to control other people's behavior?
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..You are right! In that case, the goverment of those African countries have taken a bold step in chasing such abominable and unpalatable act (homosexuality) away from their domain. I trust the goverment of my dear African countries as far as this matter is concerned; they will never let me down! Kudos to my goverment! I assure you, they will even adopt more worser punishement if there is any, to deter people from engaging into this type of criminal act....

People that advocate the death of gays deserve death themselves. :spank:
If God didn't want there to be gay people, why did he create gay people?
God never created gay people in the first place; if not for the devil's enchantment to man; you would never have heard, witnessed or practised such a despicable act.
Let's cite from what happened in the Garden of Eden; when God had finished creating a perfect man, Adam, the devil being likened to the snake cunningly made Eve ate and as well gave her husband the forbiden fruit to eat. That is how the devil is making the concept of gay marriage look attractive to you.
I have a few arguments for chikis...

1. If you believe the Bible, why don't you follow all the old testament laws?
Leave that for me. Do you believe the bible? Apparently, you don't. So how are you suppose to know? When we get to the river, God will provide a boat or canoe that we will use in crossing it.

2. Even if you believe the Bible forbids gay sex, why outlaw it for others who may not believe as you do?
This your question is just like asking me what wrong do I see in kidnapping, rape, terrorism, prostitution and many other social vices of which I will not answer because you already know it but just trying to make mockery of me.
If sexual orientation is a choice, when did you decide to be heterosexual?
Right from when my manliness character started materializing till date.
Is it right to encourage births in a country that may have lots of poor people?
Before I answer that question, let's pause a bit. Are you from a poor country or country where a lot of poor people exist?
God never created gay people in the first place

According to creationists, God created all of us....including homosexuals. If God didn't want homosexuality then he never would of created it...since he created everything.

If two people love each other and want to profess their undieing love for each other, and vow not to fuck anyone else....what's wrong with that? Whether they are a man or women...or two men...or two women....what the fuck is wrong with committing to a single partner? That should be a Christian value....don't fuck around on your partner. I don't understand.
Leave that for me. Do you believe the bible? Apparently, you don't. So how are you suppose to know? When we get to the river, God will provide a boat or canoe that we will use in crossing it.
I don't believe in God or the Bible, I'm an atheist. I know that the Bible also endorses slavery, so it cannot be the source of morality. In America, we enslaved black people for 400 years, and all of the slave masters were Christians. Leviticus gives all sorts of rules about life, but apparently the only one that modern religious people chose to follow is the one about homosexuality. Why is that?

This your question is just like asking me what wrong do I see in kidnapping, rape, terrorism, prostitution and many other social vices of which I will not answer because you already know it but just trying to make mockery of me.
Who is harmed by consensual gay sex?

Right from when my manliness character started materializing till date.
Yes, when you started to mature. It's the same for gay people. They didn't make a choice, it just happened. But even if they did choose, that's no reason to discriminate.
Before I answer that question, let's pause a bit. Are you from a poor country or country where a lot of poor people exist?
No, I'm in Portland, Oregon, USA.
I'm not a big fan of gay anything, but I don't hold it against anyone who is that way. I don't like hearing what anyone says about what God wants, because their is no God and that makes you a control freak using a concept of what God wants to control others. As to what's natural in the animal world, please review the very long list of unnatural animals in the link below.
Forget about that link. The link is ambiguous. Let me put this question to you:
Have you ever witness where a male dog is putting it penis into the anus of another male dog? Please be sincere.
God never created gay people in the first place; if not for the devil's enchantment to man; you would never have heard, witnessed or practised such a despicable act.
Let's cite from what happened in the Garden of Eden; when God had finished creating a perfect man, Adam, the devil being likened to the snake cunningly made Eve ate and as well gave her husband the forbiden fruit to eat. That is how the devil is making the concept of gay marriage look attractive to you.

Is the devil more powerful than God? I find this to be an easy excuse for all of God's moral failings.
Forget about that link. The link is ambiguous. Let me put this question to you:
Have you ever witness where a male dog is putting it penis into the anus of another male dog? Please be sincere.

Human beings should be free. I know the Bible says that people should be enslaved, but that is not my feeling.
5. Even if there is a God, how does anyone know what he wants? Is it possible that his wishes evolve over time?

6. Do you think preventing gay marriage will prevent homosexuality? Or do you think it will help prevent sodomy? I say it will not prevent any such thing, so what's the point? Gay people that can't get married will still have sex and some will live together.
I think you obviously need deliverance. I pray that God will visit you just like he visited Pual on his way to destroy christians.
And you need deliverance from the tyranny of religion. It makes otherwise good people evil.

God must like me, because I am far from poor. Will God play a trick on me like he did to Job? Torture me just to impress Satan?
Forget about that link. The link is ambiguous. Let me put this question to you:
Have you ever witness where a male dog is putting it penis into the anus of another male dog? Please be sincere.

Dogs will hump anything...including this cat...and your leg:


However male chimpanzees will fuck other males in the brood to establish their dominance.
In the same way, people that advocate evil deserve to be dealt with mercilessly.

What does that mean? Anyone that doesn't agree with your brand of religion should be all means...please let us know what you mean by this statement. Are you advocating for the death of all gay people?
How do you know that Jesus Christ is the final judge? and not some other guy that lived 2000 years ago?

How do you know that John the Baptist, Zeus, or Mohammad, or David Koresh is not the final judge?