Telling lies again river? You come here claiming you have come up with an idea 20 years ago, yet was unable to or refused to answer my questions at least 4 times over a 100 posts back, then reveal that suddenly you found it promoted just recently in some questionable book, by a certified loonie and occultist.

Basically saying rocks and the universe were/are alive or similar mystical crap.
I'm not concerned one iota about it being related to the mythical god most of us define, I'm laughing at your idea simply river as crazy, along with damn well near all your ideas.
You are obfuscating again river; That was all explained to you before.
Telling lies again river? You come here claiming you have come up with an idea 20 years ago, yet was unable to or refused to answer my questions at least 4 times over a 100 posts back, then reveal that suddenly you found it promoted just recently in some questionable book, by a certified loonie and occultist.

Basically saying rocks and the universe were/are alive or similar mystical crap.
I'm not concerned one iota about it being related to the mythical god most of us define, I'm laughing at your idea simply river as crazy, along with damn well near all your ideas.
No, I'm telling it as it is and as you are claiming: I'm certainly not demeaning you as you claim, you are doing an excellent grade A+ job yourself.
Telling lies again river? You come here claiming you have come up with an idea 20 years ago, yet was unable to or refused to answer my questions at least 4 times over a 100 posts back, then reveal that suddenly you found it promoted just recently in some questionable book, by a certified loonie and occultist.

Basically saying rocks and the universe were/are alive or similar mystical crap.
I'm not concerned one iota about it being related to the mythical god most of us define, I'm laughing at your idea simply river as crazy, along with damn well near all your ideas.
No there not, and again now you are trolling and lying.
Telling lies again river? You come here claiming you have come up with an idea 20 years ago, yet was unable to or refused to answer my questions at least 4 times over a 100 posts back, then reveal that suddenly you found it promoted just recently in some questionable book, by a certified loonie and occultist.

Basically saying rocks and the universe were/are alive or similar mystical crap.
I'm not concerned one iota about it being related to the mythical god most of us define, I'm laughing at your idea simply river as crazy, along with damn well near all your ideas.
Again, you are trolling and lying river, you have some silly notion that you picked up again in one og your mystical books.

And you claim I and others are demeaning you?

river, seriously no one could do a better job at that then what you are doing yourself.