Moving blob on mars

Magical Realist

Valued Senior Member
Apparently there is a whole group of people who do nothing all day but examine pics of the Martian landscape for anomalies and strange shaped objects. I'm not one of these, but I do find this case somewhat interesting. Seems to show something moving from one spot to another. What could it be?

Perhaps the grapling arm of the rover picked it up to examine it then put it back down a few times.
The guy may be on to something, though. Only today I saw hundreds if not thousands of "creatures" detaching themselves from trees and moving clearly of their own volition onto the ground. But some clearly weren't happy with their initial resting spot and so moved around a bit, presumably to get a bit more comfort.
It is obvious that the picture is that of a rock and that looking at different angles you can see it easily and at another angle it blends in with environment. No aliens, no creatures, no balls, nothing.
It is obvious that the picture is that of a rock and that looking at different angles you can see it easily and at another angle it blends in with environment. No aliens, no creatures, no balls, nothing.

Special self-camafloging rock. Yep...that must be it.
You had to have noticed that the photos are from different viewpoints. The one in which the object has disappeared, is just taken from a different angle. The object is behind the large rock from that angle.
You had to have noticed that the photos are from different viewpoints. The one in which the object has disappeared, is just taken from a different angle. The object is behind the large rock from that angle.

I don't see that at all. Compare photo 2 and 3. They are exactly the same angle on the same rocks. No difference, except for the blob is there in one and missing in the other. Now compare 4 and 5. Same angle, only one with the blob and one without.
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I don't see that at all. Compare photo 2 and 3. They are exactly the same angle on the same rocks. No difference, except for the blob is there in one and missing in the other. Now compare 4 and 5. Same angle, only one with the blob and one without.

In those photos, look at the rock in the background with the "V" shaped shadow? on it. Use that as a reference for the angle the photo is taken from. In photo 2 it is between the two large rocks. In photo 3 it is farther to the left.
In those photos, look at the rock in the background with the "V" shaped shadow? on it. Use that as a reference for the angle the photo is taken from. In photo 2 it is between the two large rocks. In photo 3 it is farther to the left.

I don't see the V in photo 3 at all. There are details in the background that seem entirely different. But going by the position of everything in front, especially the 2 big rocks, the angles look the same to me.
I don't see the V in photo 3 at all. There are details in the background that seem entirely different. But going by the position of everything in front, especially the 2 big rocks, the angles look the same to me.
Quit trying to ruin MR fantasies by using logic and plain good sense.
Well I mean I love MR's enthusiasm, because there are ghosts and aliens in his world, but even with all the criticism I still love that he is open to possibilities. So keep it coming, maybe some day we will indeed see green aliens in a photo and it will be for real.
Well I mean I love MR's enthusiasm, because there are ghosts and aliens in his world, but even with all the criticism I still love that he is open to possibilities.
And what I hate is the complete lack of critical thinking and analysis. How about spending 5 minutes to drop the photos into a photo editor and measure the distances between objects? Heck, how about just checking the date and time they were taken? When it comes to putting a critical eye to these things, MR is highly skilled at thought avoidance.
And what I hate is the complete lack of critical thinking and analysis. How about spending 5 minutes to drop the photos into a photo editor and measure the distances between objects? Heck, how about just checking the date and time they were taken? When it comes to putting a critical eye to these things, MR is highly skilled at thought avoidance.

But you see a world without imagination is a dull and a grey world of mundaneness...that is why we love watching movies so much, we want to get away from this reality.