Mrow Q&A


Registered Senior Member
I've been here for awhile now, but I guess I don't post that much so not too many people here know me yet. I've wanted to do this for awhile so ask away. :)
What are your views on:
- the natural environment
- humans vs nature (however contradictory it might seem)
- religion
- evolution
What exactly about the natural environment and humans vs. nature?

As far as religion, I'm agnostic. I guess that's the category I'd be in anyway. I'm technically Roman Catholic but do not believe in the bible, nor do I think Jesus is the son of God. I'm not sure if there's a God or not, therefore, since I don't completely deny the possibility of His existence, I can't be considered atheist I guess. However, currently, I have yet to come across anything that would make me think there was. I think religion, when used as personal faith, is a very beautiful thing, but when pushed upon others can be very dangerous.

I'm a strong believer in evolution as I am currently a genetic research student. I think it is a theory that most do not understand the claims of (i.e. it does not once say humans evolved from monkeys, but rather all primates evolved from a common primate ancestor).
As far as religion, I'm agnostic. I guess that's the category I'd be in anyway. I'm technically Roman Catholic but do not believe in the bible, nor do I think Jesus is the son of God. I'm not sure if there's a God or not, therefore, since I don't completely deny the possibility of His existence, I can't be considered atheist I guess. However, currently, I have yet to come across anything that would make me think there was. I think religion, when used as personal faith, is a very beautiful thing, but when pushed upon others can be very dangerous.

I'm a strong believer in evolution as I am currently a genetic research student. I think it is a theory that most do not understand the claims of (i.e. it does not once say humans evolved from monkeys, but rather all primates evolved from a common primate ancestor).
Thanks :)

What exactly about the natural environment and humans vs. nature?
Whatever you feel is worth telling me, I just want your general views on those things :)
Hmm...well I'm still not entirely sure what you mean about the natural environment. But as far as humans vs. nature, I feel we are having a bad effect on the environment and Earth in general but that it can be changed and humans are not as some people say "a parasite" on this planet. Every living thing has its effect on this planet, both good and bad. Our current habits do need to change, though.
Hmm...well I'm still not entirely sure what you mean about the natural environment. But as far as humans vs. nature, I feel we are having a bad effect on the environment and Earth in general but that it can be changed and humans are not as some people say "a parasite" on this planet. Every living thing has its effect on this planet, both good and bad. Our current habits do need to change, though.

I don't completely agree with the parasite thing as you said it, it's mostly our numbers that is the problem.
I think "cancer" would be a better analogy.


- Favorite color ?
- Die now or live forever ?
- Any hobbies ?
- Favorite group of animals (try to keep it at class level or below) ?
- Any Phobias ?
- Are you a calm person, or rather a hyper-active person ?
I don't completely agree with the parasite thing as you said it, it's mostly our numbers that is the problem.
I think "cancer" would be a better analogy.


- Favorite color ?
- Die now or live forever ?
- Any hobbies ?
- Favorite group of animals (try to keep it at class level or below) ?
- Any Phobias ?
- Are you a calm person, or rather a hyper-active person ?

I said humans are not a parasite...


Tough forever I guess...I don't want to live forever but I definitely wouldn't want to die much more to do :)

Punnett squares, ice skating (though I don't get to much anymore), reading, violin (very recently)

Another tough favorite animal is a panda but they're not in my favorite group...I'm fond of the cats most I think

Tornadoes and vomiting

Definitely calm
Mrow, do you think that Draqon will ever get to go to Mars before he grows to be an old man and dies?
Mrow, What is your favorite color?
Favorite book?
Favorite movie?
Favorite food to eat?
I said humans are not a parasite...
I know, I don't entirely agree.. ;)

Any particular shade ?

Tough forever I guess...I don't want to live forever but I definitely wouldn't want to die much more to do
I ask everyone that question :p

Punnett squares, ice skating (though I don't get to much anymore), reading, violin (very recently)
About reading.. what genres ?

Another tough favorite animal is a panda but they're not in my favorite group...I'm fond of the cats most I think
What your most favorite in that group ?

Tornadoes and vomiting
Are those real phobias or just fears ?
Do you live in tornado valley ?

Definitely calm
Thought so :)
Mrow, What question thus far in this thread has been your favorite?
Mrow, Do you think that humans will ever settle on Mars?

I do think we will go one day. I think it's quite possible that we'll live there one day but not for a long time, and that may be time we don't have.
Mrow, Do you think that people who are color blind are inferior to people who can see colors?
Mrow, How long do you think it will take before Draqon signs on and starts asking questions?
Mrow, Do you think that Enmos really thinks that my question about color blindness is lol worthy?
Mrow, What is your favorite color?
Favorite book?
Favorite movie?
Favorite food to eat?

See above

Catch-22 if I had to pick, but there's so many...I love reading

American Beauty

Filet Mignon...unfortunately I can almost never afford that :p