Muslim Marriage Contract

Michael has such prudy prudy attitudes, which probably reflect his Catholic upbringing, I wonder what he would say if a guy was to come up to him and kiss him. :D
I was not raised catholic. Luckily, even though everyone in my family and community was Christian, I wasn't really forced to go to church and when we went it wasn't to the same one and it wasn't every weekend. So, I went to a few different Baptist, Methodist, a Presbyterian, a few Pentecostal, one Jehovah's Witness and a lot of non-denominational churches - only two times did I go to a Catholic church. Once for a pancake breakfast (that I worked at as a boyscout) and once with a girl friend.
Why are Americans so ignorant? Its not illegal to marry your first cousin. Except in some states in the US.
You're quote was in regards to cousins - I qualified my statement as FIRST cousins.

Yeah, you want to marry your 3rd removed cousin, so what?

Oh, I see, yeah, someone has allowed it. Well, I think it's not right.
So, polytheists, can not worship in the same manner as Muslims worship? I mean, build a temple and worship Gods and Goddesses in it publicly?

I'm assuming by your answer the answer is no?

Under an Islamic government, can Christians proselytize and convert Muslims out of Islam and into Christianity?

I don't believe in proselytizing, irrespective of the religion in question. If people want to convert, they'll know where to go; there's no need to travel from door to door, trying to score recruits.

As for the issue of polytheism, I'm afraid it has no place within an Islamic society. No temples or public statues would be permitted, at least under my glorious reign. If they want to worship at home, then so be it. Damn, I wish I was a dictator.

Don't you?

You're quote was in regards to cousins - I qualified my statement as FIRST cousins.

Yeah, you want to marry your 3rd removed cousin, so what?

Oh, I see, yeah, someone has allowed it. Well, I think it's not right.

No, my quote was in regards to laws regarding FIRST cousins, the only laws that prohibit this marriage are in some "free thinking" US states. :rolleyes:

Of course, you think its not right. After all, you get to decide who should or should not get married.
In private, yes.
Another "gay gene" advocate? Knock me over with a feather. Quite frankly, this is a clear issue to me, with or without the innateness of homosexuality: it isn't allowed in Islam. Of course, I'd rather steer clear of this topic altogether, to save us all our time and sanity.

A certain number of any population will be born homosexual. We cant go around eradicating people based on their sexual preference. But seeing the Adolf avatar nothing would surprise me from you.

So your prejudicial Christian attitudes are all your own then?

yeah, people thinking for themselves is not an original concept, and it shouldn't be. Do you check in with someone to verify your thoughts?
So its just a coincidence that an American who probably comes from one of those states that say ewww when they hear cousins and marriage in the same sentence, seems to think it is sinful for first cousins to marry? Because he is thinking for himself? ;)
A certain number of any population will be born homosexual. We cant go around eradicating people based on their sexual preference.

Who said anything about eradicating? That's such an ... ugly word, isn't it?

But seeing the Adolf avatar nothing would surprise me from you.

He was a misunderstood soul.


It is not viewed as SINFUL, that is your own concept (edit: i should say that is the concept you believe in). There really are people in the world who dont use terms such as sin and evil to explain laws.

Michael, obviously from read all his posts because i dont know him personally, does not believe in the concept of sin. As far as marrying cousins, Christians and i think Catholics dont really have anything stopping cousins from marrying. Lawmakers in U.S and in the West dont consult religious books. If you cannot understand this or believe this then i cant help you with it.

I know i dont care what they do in Muslim countries or what religious laws they have. That is the whole point of this thread. If you, and you obviously do, believe in Sharia laws then you live in those countries that have these laws. What is so hard to understand about this?

I am not saying what law is right or wrong and i have never put your religion down or made fun of it, if i have then show me where. But this is what you enjoy doing to people who do not share your own beliefs.

The world does not revolve around you, i dont know what you've been told but i dont know what to tell you except that people are not going to change to suit you.

Speaking for myself, i can never think like Kadark. This guy must walk around with a bull whip.
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I don't believe in proselytizing, irrespective of the religion in question. If people want to convert, they'll know where to go; there's no need to travel from door to door, trying to score recruits.
Me neither, but, nevertheless religion does come up in conversation and so my question really is: Under an Islamic government should it be legal for Muslims to convert out of Islam and into another religion, such as Christianity or Hinduism?

Under an Islamic government should it be legal for Muslims to make images of Mohammad? I mean as in art?

Under an Islamic government should are Muslims and non-Muslims taxes similarly or differently?

Of course, you think its not right. After all, you get to decide who should or should not get married.
Due to genetic issues that arise from consanguineous couples, yeah, that's my opinion.

What about brother and sister - should they also marry? There's a German couple who have now had a number of children. Many of whom have genetic problems - but not all. Some are apparently normal.

In a well functioning society first cousins should not more marry than is statistically probable.
Ya, he would be a Canadian product. :D

It's not a question of what is stopping them but who is stopping them. The answer is members of their close-knit communities.

It's like the way the Amish behave towards their children.

Yeah, like the Saudis are so divorced from their families, eh?

So once again it comes back to, whats wrong with the British?
Ya, he would be a Canadian product. :D

Yeah, like the Saudis are so divorced from their families, eh?

So once again it comes back to, whats wrong with the British?

NO, the question is : Why do British Muslims behave as they do ? I would expect you to have had an answer, From my perspective they are indulging in what I would call tribal behaviour. They set themselve apart from the rest of the population.

My best guess is that a barbaric religion tolerates such behaviour. May I remind you yet again that the Muslim Council of Brirtain supports this backward behaviour. So either all "Muslims" are not true Muslims or Islam is for backward people. You tell me !

Under an Islamic government should it be legal for Muslims to convert out of Islam and into another religion, such as Christianity or Hinduism?


Under an Islamic government should it be legal for Muslims to make images of Mohammad? I mean as in art?


Under an Islamic government should are Muslims and non-Muslims taxes similarly or differently?



Sam keeps arguing that Islamic dictators are US made. You would refute that argument.

The Muslim world is in desperate need of a single dictator; personally, I think I would qualify for the job. The Prophet forbade multiple kalifs, which is what we witness today in the Middle East. There is nothing wrong with dictatorship when it starts at home.

The Muslim world is in desperate need of a single dictator; personally, I think I would qualify for the job. The Prophet forbade multiple kalifs, which is what we witness today in the Middle East. There is nothing wrong with dictatorship when it starts at home.

There's the small problem of people not wanting to be ruled by an egomaniac.

It's also typical of Muslims exploitation of their holy books to twist what is stated there to promote their own personal agendas.

Thanks for demonstrating that. :)





The Muslim world is in desperate need of a single dictator; personally, I think I would qualify for the job. The Prophet forbade multiple kalifs, which is what we witness today in the Middle East. There is nothing wrong with dictatorship when it starts at home.


So they need a dictator. That suggests they cannot manage their own affairs
NO, the question is : Why do British Muslims behave as they do ? I would expect you to have had an answer, From my perspective they are indulging in what I would call tribal behaviour. They set themselve apart from the rest of the population.

My best guess is that a barbaric religion tolerates such behaviour. May I remind you yet again that the Muslim Council of Brirtain supports this backward behaviour. So either all "Muslims" are not true Muslims or Islam is for backward people. You tell me !

I guess that makes the British barbarians, much of their history has been directed by such tribal behaviour. I can see such a society causing infinite regress.

"its turtles all the way down!"