Muslim Massacre - the Game: a couple of things

No rationale required at all, play the game and have fun. If someone wants to make a game where atheists are the prime target, all the power to them. So what?

What? Playing games?

Any game is acceptable. It's those who are unable to distinguish between a game and real life that is the problem, Zak. I understand that you and other Muslims might be offended, but so what? There are many things people say and do that are offensive. But, to push an agenda of censorship is not the right thing to do, and to create fabrications to justify the censorship is even worse, and that is exactly what that group is doing.

Muslim groups are free to talk about how offended they are with that game, but that is the limit; talk. They are not free to fabricate lies, they are not free to demand censorship of that game.

It's quite simple, if they don't like it, they don't have to play it.

Interesting....i can understand it if we were talkign about a game which was about infiltrating and locating terrorisat cells (which there are a few) and you happen to ahve to kill a few bad guys who are Arab and have beards and stuff in there features or wear turbans etc.. cos that is what you get in the desert.. but muslim massacre!!!???

So i guess then "BOOM bYE bYE" the tune by Buju banton shoudlnt have been banned then - you know the one about shooting gays in the back!!

My son is at school and i hope none of his friends get to know or play this game - how do you think he will feel??!! As a father how woudl i explain it to him??
SAM, the makers of the game (aussies, btw) also released two games where Christian children were the targets.
In one you're the shooters of the Columbine highschool killings, the other you are the shooter in the Virginia tech Massacre.

This is a media stunt to put their name out. They knew Muslims and Christians would go nuts on this thing

hummm ok they could do a 3 for 1
My son is at school and i hope none of his friends get to know or play this game - how do you think he will feel??!! As a father how woudl i explain it to him??

Just tell him to be the kind of secular humanist that promotes genocide in children.
humm then i would have to explain secular humanist!!

Someone who promotes genocide equally for all people [but especially Muslims] but gets huffy when Ahmedinejad is mistranslated "wiping out" Jews.

Someone who promotes genocide equally for all people [but especially Muslims] but gets huffy when Ahmedinejad is mistranslated "wiping out" Jews.


right ok... but things like this game coudl cause trouble for youngsters like my son, as he is porbably the only muslim in his class and the other kiddies woudl rip him to peices!!!!
Interesting....i can understand it if we were talkign about a game which was about infiltrating and locating terrorisat cells (which there are a few) and you happen to ahve to kill a few bad guys who are Arab and have beards and stuff in there features or wear turbans etc.. cos that is what you get in the desert.. but muslim massacre!!!???

Zak, there are other massacre games out there similar to this one, Muslim Massacre is not a new idea.

So i guess then "BOOM bYE bYE" the tune by Buju banton shoudlnt have been banned then - you know the one about shooting gays in the back!!

The song wasn't banned, as far as I know. Do you have a source for that? I know there are gay groups lobbying against "murder" music, but they haven't been successful at getting the music banned.

My son is at school and i hope none of his friends get to know or play this game - how do you think he will feel??!! As a father how woudl i explain it to him??

Explain it like it should be explained, it's only a game and there are many games similar to it. Explain that the people who produce these games are only looking to make a buck, and that there are many enterprises, some scrupulous, others not, in which people will invest to make more money. Simple really.
right ok... but things like this game coudl cause trouble for youngsters like my son, as he is porbably the only muslim in his class and the other kiddies woudl rip him to peices!!!!

Geez, don't be a pussy. Get him a copy of my new game UltraJihad:UK© :D
Zak, there are other massacre games out there similar to this one, Muslim Massacre is not a new idea.

ok i dont mind the massacring a lot of games out there are shootem up crazy but the content and titled coupled together can be use by some morons to promote specific hate??

The song wasn't banned, as far as I know. Do you have a source for that? I know there are gay groups lobbying against "murder" music, but they haven't been successful at getting the music banned.
No i dont have a source, look i was only guesssing to make my arguement sound cooler, i know it was banned from the airwaves (ie radio stations) and got all sorts of media condemnations in the UK, also i got in trouble for trying to play it (when i used to be a homophobic knob and a DJ) at univeristy

Explain it like it should be explained, it's only a game and there are many games similar to it. Explain that the people who produce these games are only looking to make a buck, and that there are many enterprises, some scrupulous, others not, in which people will invest to make more money. Simple really.

hummma bit tricky
he is not so old as to explain all that and also it wont stop other kids victimising him??? he is the only muslim in his class to my knowledge!!!

I do understand your points, but freedom does come with responsiblities too..

Obviously if the gamne was called terorirst hunter or somethign and you were a dude( you coudl chose your chracter) and you ahd to kill a load of guys in trainign camps and then had to finish off BIN lid at the end then cool.....
ok i dont mind the massacring a lot of games out there are shootem up crazy but the content and titled coupled together can be use by some morons to promote specific hate??

That is true, Zak, but that can be said about a great many things people say and do every day. There is nothing special about this case other than the fact it hits home with you and your family. You're a reasonable man, Zak, and I think given a bit of time, you'll see clear through this and realize it's not as serious as you think.

No i dont have a source, look i was only guesssing to make my arguement sound cooler, i know it was banned from the airwaves (ie radio stations) and got all sorts of media condemnations in the UK, also i got in trouble for trying to play it (when i used to be a homophobic knob and a DJ) at univeristy

Certainly, some promoters have canceled Banton's shows, but that is their prerogative as they are the ones investing the money.

hummma bit tricky
he is not so old as to explain all that and also it wont stop other kids victimising him??? he is the only muslim in his class to my knowledge!!!

Then, if he's too young for you to explain it to him, how can you be calling him a Muslim? He clearly has not made that decision himself as you claim he's too young to understand such things.

I do understand your points, but freedom does come with responsiblities too..

I would agree, but that doesn't stop unscrupulous people from making money.

Obviously if the gamne was called terorirst hunter or somethign and you were a dude( you coudl chose your chracter) and you ahd to kill a load of guys in trainign camps and then had to finish off BIN lid at the end then cool.....

Agreed. And there probably are games just like that, just as much as there are probably people who would find that game offensive, too. It's "cool" for you and offensive to them. Does that make sense?
Yeah Zak, be sure to tell your kid when he's picked on or hassled that he's not a Muslim. That its you they are targeting, and his mother. That should make him feel loads better.

Actually, just tell him what else can you expect from people that have corralled native populations to reservations and killed them to steal their lands and resources? Just tell him they are like Israelis who want to kill all Palestinians to steal their lands. Perfect arseholes.
Yeah Zak, be sure to tell your kid when he's picked on or hassled that he's not a Muslim. That its you they are targeting, and his mother. That should make him feel loads better.

Actually, just tell him what else can you expect from people that have corralled native populations to reservations and killed them to steal their lands and resources? Just tell him they are like Israelis who want to kill all Palestinians to steal their lands. Perfect arseholes.

Sam makes it extremely difficult to know which is worse for children to see, the game or her insane vitriol.
Here Sam, why are you not ranting and raving about Kadarks avatar? He's a Muslim taking advantage of free speech, yet we hear nothing from you on that.

JamesR said:
Oh, and by the way, your Hitler avatar is most likely offensive in the extreme to Jewish people. I am allowing you to retain it because I can think of no better label for you that shows so clearly what you are. With your avatar, at least anybody logging in knows immediately that you are a bigot and anti-semite."
There are enough Jews to protest their freedom to suppress expression here.

You of course, vehemently support Kadark in this matter, being all secular and humanistic, like.
I would probably condemn such a thing, but seeing how muslims dont condemn anything that is anti semitic, or\and most of them are, fuck them.