Muslims hate Jews?

path said:
Treatment of jews under islamic rule has historically been a totally subjective affair, there were rulers who were benevolent towards them and others who despised them similar to what was witnessed historically in christian lands.
Of course we don't hear of many historical complaints about life under muslim rule because it was expressly FORBIDDEN for jews or christians to complain doing so cancelled your protection officially.


From 1910 Yemen by the imam Yahya, before any state of isreal

The jews must not
1)Raise thier voices in front of muslims
2)Build houses higher than the houses of muslims
3)Brush against muslims whilst passing in the street
4)Carry on the same trade as the arabs
5)Say that muslim law can have a defect
6)Insult the prophets
7)Discuss religion with muslims
8)Ride animals with a saddle
9)Screw up thier eyes in perceiving the nudity of muslims
10)Carry on thier religious devotions out side thier places of worship
11)Raise thier voices during prayers
12)Sound the shofar with much noise
13)Lend money at interest, which can bring about the destruction of the world
14)They must always rise in front of muslims and honor them in all circumstances

And it was unlawful for a jew to testify against a muslim in an islamic court, so basically you can do anything to a jew and get away with it.

More later

1910 Path?? that what we talking about? How were minorities treated in America in 1910 Path? Notice the titles of the books on that link you provided.....sound like a fair and unbiased view on Islam? Maybe I should post some hate-site links to support my view? How are Muslims treated TODAY by Jews in Palestine?
well yes ok Muslims did help Jews but what what the fuck were you Muslims thinking!!! surely you should of known the jews would of backstabbed you and by fuck they have!!!!!!!!!!! its in theuir nature and they have been doing it for centuries (thus the REPEATED perseuction)

if i was a Muslim (or an Arab Christian or arab etc.) now id be pretty pissed off aswell and would go to Jew land and beat the living shit out the jews.

okinrus said:
Germany also did eventually did pay restitution for the victims along with aid to Israel.

jews are trying to completely suck Germany dry, you ever read the book by a JEW (i must point that out) called "THE HOLOCAUST INDUSTRY"?? basically to THIS day Jews are trying to suck Germanys dry and is even going so greedy that it is suing countries not involoved in the holocaust for "not doing enough to prevent it" (how the fuck can the prevent it if they are getting attacked them selves) also Israel should pay back ALOT of the compensation for the things that ISRAEL is doing to the Palestinians that Hitler did to them (and there are MANY)

okinrus said:
There was a Zionist movement before the war, but it gained support after WII because the Jews needed a homeland in order to protect themselves against racism

yes but Israel was not granted for that reason. it is ALL about timing. Arab countries had just fallen from their empire and split up so it was vital to put a foreign body in the heart of Arabia. plus Communism was spreading fast so they need a lookout point in the Middle East, next America thought it was vital putting a totally dependent on the west country in the Middle East that would serve the west well. also a foreign body in the Middle East would help control the regions resources and oil. now, there are lobbies and voting blocks aswell jews who donate to pro-Israel candidates (both Kerry and Bush are being paid by jews so they are competing with each other to support Israel EVEN MORE to get more money). NO ONE REJECTED THE OFFER ABOUT ISRAEL EVEN THOUGH THEY DIDNT THINK IT WAS A GOOD IDEA because the Nazis were overthrown and there was paranoia about so NOBODY WANTED TO BE ACCUSED OF BEING A NAZI. also there was public propaganda about the Holocaust. the fear of being accused of a NAZI was so much that the media did not dare speak about the Palestinians, thats why Palestinians started to do hijackings of planes and things, to get media attention as they had become forgotten people just as the jews had become under Nazi Germany. the point of a suicide bombing is also to get attention whethr good or bad the Palestinians NEED IT!

okinrus said:
For instance, if some country decides to persecute Jews, the Jews can be assisted by Israel. Of course, Israel is not just the homeland of the Jews, and there are Arabs who call it their homeland as well. Two nationalities can have the same homeland, hence zionism is not exclusionary.

Zionism is racist and was declared racist in the late 80's by the UN. The original UN decision was because of the reason is stated above. Zionism would mean that the Palestinians who owned over 75% of the land would be evacuate and without compensation lose like 70% of their land but of course jews were not happy with all this land and took eve MORE!!! And by the way there are hundreds of ARMED, MALICA whose job is to get rid of ALL Arabs (including Jewish Arabs out of Israel) in a recent poll 70% of “Israelis” think that Arabs should be forced to leave Israel by the government as they are a threat.

okinrus said:
Depends on the age. Spain, Russia, and Poland are pretty notorious at times for their treatment of Jews. Many of Jews in Germany before Hitler were able to eke out a pretty good living.

Yes of course!! You dummy, yes jews were very rich and well off in Germany because the STOLE from Germany and stabbed the Germans in the back, that is why HITLER hated them and though they were a threat. Hitler was a smart man and his predictions are coming true as Israel now seems to have a foothold on America and is to this DAY sucking Germany dry just as Hitler said.

Anti-semetic refers only to Jewish race(Webster).[/QUOTE]
surenderer said:
1910 Path?? that what we talking about? How were minorities treated in America in 1910 Path? Notice the titles of the books on that link you provided.....sound like a fair and unbiased view on Islam? Maybe I should post some hate-site links to support my view? How are Muslims treated TODAY by Jews in Palestine?

If you read the first post of this thread it is claiming that life was so much better under islamic rule. Then it was claimed that it wasn't until the creation of the state of israel that muslims had any animosity towards jews hence that tidbit from 1910 it was the first I found handy I will post more from earlier periods as I find them. Any site that doesn't praise islam is seen as biased isn't it, well unfortunately there are 2 sides to every story. Post away about the jews awful treatment of palestinians it is a fact I won't deny it, it is shameful and sad but it is off topic so make another thread.
If I didn't have to look at all the islamic propaganda in here recently I wouldn't feel the need to respond to it.
path said:
If you read the first post of this thread it is claiming that life was so much better under islamic rule. Then it was claimed that it wasn't until the creation of the state of israel that muslims had any animosity towards jews hence that tidbit from 1910 it was the first I found handy I will post more from earlier periods as I find them. Any site that doesn't praise islam is seen as biased isn't it, well unfortunately there are 2 sides to every story. Post away about the jews awful treatment of palestinians it is a fact I won't deny it, it is shameful and sad but it is off topic so make another thread.
If I didn't have to look at all the islamic propaganda in here recently I wouldn't feel the need to respond to it.

Well I would be in denial if I would say that there hasnt always been "friction" between Muslims and Jews( or Jews and anybody for that matter) but with the creation of Israel is when MODERATE Muslims began to have problems with Jews before that I would say that it was mainly fanatical Muslims who hated Jews for their treatment of our Prophet(pbuh)
surenderer said:
Well I would be in denial if I would say that there hasnt always been "friction" between Muslims and Jews( or Jews and anybody for that matter) but with the creation of Israel is when MODERATE Muslims began to have problems with Jews before that I would say that it was mainly fanatical Muslims who hated Jews for their treatment of our Prophet(pbuh)

That I can live with that is a much more honest perspective. Your prophet wasn't exactly kind to the jews either now was he?
John_angry said:
well yes ok Muslims did help Jews but what what the fuck were you Muslims thinking!!! surely you should of known the jews would of backstabbed you and by fuck they have!!!!!!!!!!! its in theuir nature and they have been doing it for centuries (thus the REPEATED perseuction)

if i was a Muslim (or an Arab Christian or arab etc.) now id be pretty pissed off aswell and would go to Jew land and beat the living shit out the jews.


Well as Muslims we have to live by the Koran which states:

[8.61] And if they incline to peace, then incline to it and trust in Allah; surely He is the Hearing, the Knowing.
[8.62] And if they intend to deceive you-- then surely Allah is sufficient for you; He it is Who strengthened you with His help and with the believers
path said:
That I can live with that is a much more honest perspective. Your prophet wasn't exactly kind to the jews either now was he?

Well at first the Prophet(pbuh) was very nice to the Jewish tribes in Arabia and even signed peace treaties with them but when the backstabbed the Muslims and secretly conspired with the enemies of the muslims then yes their punishment was indeed harsh but the Jews were the 1st non-muslims to be protected by muslims....and thats a fact
786 said:
Well, hello there Randolfo.

I'm not surprised that you jumped into this debate. Well the part about the God of Islam is different then the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is wrong. But I don't expect you to take my word for it.
I won't, so prove it :>)

We can have a lengthy debate on this issue. I don't want to ruin the purpose of this thread.
can you enlighten me on the purpose then, i's not propaganda, I suppose?

So I recommend you open a NEW thread about this issue. You can present your claims, and I can present mine. This will be a long, but very interesting debate. So I leave the choice to you. If you want to discuss this thoroughly then open a new thread. But if you just want to make claims without support then make whatever claims you want. I leave the choice to you.

Peace be unto you : )
good idea chap, cherrio
path said:
Stop the presses! An islamic site that actually pedals *gulp* islamic propaganda. :p


And yes ... historically, Muslims have treated Jews better than Christians. So what? Historically, Muslim countries have been more advanced than Christians, in terms of science and technology. Now the Muslim world, is by and large, a corrupt, plutocratic shithole.