My Beleafes

MewSkitty sucks!
Registered Senior Member
This is what I beleave:

1: Spelling should not determain intelect

2: Humans arn't the only life out ther, I should know cause I'm not from Earth

3: Not to type to long but I beleave the Universe is a closed, three torus shape. I'd explain why I beleave this and how it would explane alot of stuff but I don't like to type that mutch

4: Humans have the ability to pick up the emotions of others, but most humans have a clouded mind and thay don't pick up the signals

5: Humans can see through the minds of others if thay share the same "mind frequency"

6: Every mind hase a frequency as you might call it, and there thoughts and anything that hase to do with the mind is set at this certain frequency and if two minds share the same frequency thay can share thoughts and feelings.

7: Some humans have the ability to change there mind frequency and connect with other minds, thus causeing whay you call vesions from the minds of others.

8: The brain is a "house" for a mind. Minds can survive without a body, but would be made out of thought, and not energy or matter. Also the brain can give a mind abilitys that you would call psychic powers.

9: Sometimes a mind can inhadit a body that has not yet developed a mind and every once in a while a memory of the mind's past body, or life as you may call it, can come up and a place that body has never been to could seem as familair as the back of there hand *looks at back of hand* "What's that?"

10: Humor should be used every chance you get and I sgould stop typing cause my hands are starting to hurt.

If you want to you can share your opinions on my beleafs.
I get thoughts like this all the time. After testing them with the knoledge I've gained if thay still stand up on there own I keep them in the coridors of my mind for future refrince.
My beleafes: I beleafe that "belief" is written like that if it is a noun and written "believe" when it is a verb...

Also, I believe people should keep to some grammatical/orthographical rules and standarts.
I don't ever plan to even atempt to try and correct my spelling because I think it's a waste of time cause people will know what your talking about as long as it's spellied the the word sounds. Also I ain't never going to try to talk without my accent all the time cause than I'd talk like a city person and I hate citys cause there ain't never any room, I like wide open fields and you can see for miles all around and not see another house.
But some people might refrain from reading your posts because it can be quite tedious to go through your mistakes and structural disorder just to decipher the meaning of a text. At least this is the case for me. On the other hand, I think that when I, someone who is not a native speaker, try to write a decent English, so can others.
I don't care how I type things cause the most important things to me I think about and I think in pictures not words so I've no need to correct my spelling cause I plan to live alone and away from every living human when I'm on my own.
I get thoughts like this all the time. After testing them with the knoledge I've gained if thay still stand up on there own I keep them in the coridors of my mind for future refrince.

Yes, it would make sense that one fantasy could support another.

I plan to live alone and away from every living human when I'm on my own.

We, the 'living human(s)' greatly appreciate your decision. :D
I don't use "fanticy" I use thes thing you can text books and resurch. *end sarcasm*
I think this thread should be the poster of the cesspool, what all cesspool threads should aspire to be.
This thread alone should be sticky.
Huh? Does it really deserve to be in the Cesspool? Maybe it should be in Free Thoughts instead?

Okay, maybe MewSkitty is making a weak point. I think, however, that it has much more potential than some people believe it to have.

This thread just doesn't seem like Cesspool material. :(
Are you kidding? Not only is this cesspool material, its epitomises what cesspool threads should be. I'm utterly appauled with this thread, and I love it.
This forum has been getting more and more boring because I'm not realy learning anything new. That's why I post mostly in stupid threads and create usless ones like this. Also I've found other thing to do to occupy my time.
If you like posting stupid, useless threads, why not try joining a pokemon forum? And if you really aren't learning anything new here at sciforums, then why are you still here(assuming your goal is to learn)?

Spelling is very important, especially if you want people to respect you, read your posts, and not consider you as an idiot. When I first read this post, I did think you were too simple to take seriously, but after reading your post a couple times, you do in fact have some brains. Spelling may not be sign of intellect, but using a spell check is.
MewSkitty said:
This forum has been getting more and more boring because I'm not realy learning anything new. That's why I post mostly in stupid threads and create usless ones like this. Also I've found other thing to do to occupy my time.

... im getting the im better then you vibe from your freq. personally ^^
Ah the joys of boredom...

MewSkitty said:
1: Spelling should not determain intelect
No it should not. But it goes a long way in determining what you are trying to say.

2: Humans arn't the only life out ther, I should know cause I'm not from Earth
One would think that since you had the intellect to develop the technology to get here from another planet, that you would be able to spell. No?

3: Not to type to long but I beleave the Universe is a closed, three torus shape. I'd explain why I beleave this and how it would explane alot of stuff but I don't like to type that mutch
And yet you managed to type quite a bit. Maybe you should have concentrated on quality instead of quantity?

4: Humans have the ability to pick up the emotions of others, but most humans have a clouded mind and thay don't pick up the signals
Ah but that's why we have mouths with which to speak. And not to mention the fact that we can usually tell if another human is happy or not by their facial expression. For example.... a :D... would show to other humans that the smiling fool is happy. A :( on the other hand would demonstrate levels of unhappiness. Do you get where I'm going with this here?

5: Humans can see through the minds of others if thay share the same "mind frequency"
I'm seeing in your mind right now a lack of... well... ermm.. just a lack.

6: Every mind hase a frequency as you might call it, and there thoughts and anything that hase to do with the mind is set at this certain frequency and if two minds share the same frequency thay can share thoughts and feelings.

7: Some humans have the ability to change there mind frequency and connect with other minds, thus causeing whay you call vesions from the minds of others.
Refer to my response above for point 5.

8: The brain is a "house" for a mind. Minds can survive without a body, but would be made out of thought, and not energy or matter. Also the brain can give a mind abilitys that you would call psychic powers.
Again refer to the response to point 5.

9: Sometimes a mind can inhadit a body that has not yet developed a mind and every once in a while a memory of the mind's past body, or life as you may call it, can come up and a place that body has never been to could seem as familair as the back of there hand *looks at back of hand* "What's that?"
Ermmm ok. If you're asking 'what's that?' when you look at the back of your hand, it probably means that you missed with the toilet paper.

10: Humor should be used every chance you get and I sgould stop typing cause my hands are starting to hurt.
Admit it! You just freaked out when you looked at your hands typing and actually went 'what's that?' didn't you? To the bathroom for soap and water for you child! And then to the dictionary to learn to spell 'belief', and all the rest that I frankly am getting too bored to list.

I don't ever plan to even atempt to try and correct my spelling because I think it's a waste of time cause people will know what your talking about as long as it's spellied the the word sounds. Also I ain't never going to try to talk without my accent all the time cause than I'd talk like a city person and I hate citys cause there ain't never any room, I like wide open fields and you can see for miles all around and not see another house.
Here here!! Of course we know what you are talking about. We may have to read it over and over again to get the gist of what you're trying to say, but so what? You keep that yokel accent of yours my dear child! Cos you gotta keep dat akcent of yours shinin thru in your typin. Not like tha rest of tha citified edumacated folks who axtually look up dem dere words in dikcionaries.

I don't care how I type things cause the most important things to me I think about and I think in pictures not words so I've no need to correct my spelling cause I plan to live alone and away from every living human when I'm on my own.
Maybe you should think about posting in pictures? Instead of all dat typin and all.

This forum has been getting more and more boring because I'm not realy learning anything new.
It is a shame that you failed to gain even some appreciation or a basic education of the english language.