My Cosmology

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I often think space is like a fluid..when you think of all that must rush around all over...and energy is a ripple in that fluid and matter is clumped because of the pressure of that fluid and the ripples of energy having their way.☺.

Space is a fluid .

This fluid is in the extreme cold of Space .

Space vaccum
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I try and imagine all the stuff flying about at c.
Take just nutrinos ...billions or trillions from all the stars following every tradjectory thru every point such you could not fit in another particle ...then there is light in fact the whole EMS occupying every trajectory...folk dont like the idea of an ether and probably never bother thinking about it that way.
Just thunk there are nutrinos passing thru every point in your body and at each point frim every conceivable or geometric☺ direction.
Like try it with a photo ..put points all over everywhere and draw as many straifht lines as you can fit...and that would not give you but a small understanding of how many and the countless trajectory.
A special fluid?
Would such a sea of particles or energy thought of this way not act like a fluid..responding to influence or not?
And you could imagine this "fluid" must be expanding given the nutrino flow is non stop...manifesting like a dark energy to cause the universe to expand☺
Have a look on google Earth at Easter Island. To the North West of the Island about an Island or two away, under the sea, you will see an interesting dome , there are others in the area, but this first one sits on the start of an interesting series of square shaped sections lining up in a Northerly direction...

I am wondering if it is the remains of an ancient city.

The domes are presumably natural but maybe not...I am thinking to crowd fund an expedition in a flash cruiser ... but it sure looks like some thing...what do you think.
I try and imagine all the stuff flying about at c.
Take just nutrinos ...billions or trillions from all the stars following every tradjectory thru every point such you could not fit in another particle ...then there is light in fact the whole EMS occupying every trajectory...folk dont like the idea of an ether and probably never bother thinking about it that way.
Just thunk there are nutrinos passing thru every point in your body and at each point frim every conceivable or geometric☺ direction.
Like try it with a photo ..put points all over everywhere and draw as many straifht lines as you can fit...and that would not give you but a small understanding of how many and the countless trajectory.
A special fluid?
Would such a sea of particles or energy thought of this way not act like a fluid..responding to influence or not?

Excellent Alex

To your last statement , Agreed
Not just particles but also waves , both combine to give the Universe both wave-particle -particle-wave ( no particular , order here ) , fundamental properties of energy and matter . Three dimensions , length , breadth and depth

Hence the fundamental dimensions needed for anything to actually move beyond its current place , ability to move ...
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And you could imagine this "fluid" must be expanding given the nutrino flow is non stop...manifesting like a dark energy to cause the universe to expand☺


Dark energy , Dark matter , is explained as a low energy , state of energy .

Both is a form of extremely low energy , but in different states , of this low temp. Energy .

Dark energy is in space and has electrical , magnetic properties , Dark energy is the highest form of energy which does not manifest .
The superfluid of the extreme cold , produces non-friction , energy , of the extreme , to the point of zero , friction .

Hence the speed of energy is faster than light .
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It is better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than to open it and remove all doubt.
The superfluid of the extreme cold , produces non-friction , energy , of the extreme , to the point of zero , friction .

Hence the speed of energy is faster than light .
Anyone can string together a bunch of words, the trick is these strings of words should make sense.
Look up a photo of the Cosmic Web .

When you do , you will find paths of high energy and low energy . High Energy concentration are points of Blue and White light .

Low energy has none of these , but feeds these spheres of concentrated high energy plasma

more than one path , leads to these spheres of concentrated high energy plasma
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Look up a photo of the Cosmic Web .
I think you will find its an artists impression.

To me it looks like a nervous system but that does not mean it is...

But good for you river attempting to make sence of it all...but tell me why is it the way it is.

Thanks River.
That is neat.
I have read stuff that says gallaxies line up like buttons on a string...have you heard about that? In fact it seems the "string" is something...maybe an energy flow☺ it seems the jets enjoy some sort of link.

That you would think would have folk wondering why...but no.

No one seems to want to discuss the observation often saying casually and somewhat dismissive that we can expect such as it is consistent with big bang cosmology...what ever that means.

Absolute zero and greater? Do you mean near absolute zero?
On a more serious note, is it possible that absolute zero is not an aspect of the universe, but is a result of no temperature existing outside of the expanding universe.

As the universe expands it is cooled by the complete absence of temperature, which translates into "absolute zero" relative to universal temperatures?
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