When Dawkins said they compartmentalise, he didn't mean exactly what you said. Its pretty obvious from his writtings that he thinks that "Relifious Scientists" can't possibly have ever applied their Scintific thinkign to their Religious beleifs. Ever. And its precicely because if they did they'd have to give up their Relgiion becaue Religion can never, ever be compatable with Science. That s also thwe implicastion that Spidergoat and Mr. Taylor tend to be aiming for. I know this is not True however sicne I cn citw specific examples such as Dr. Ferancis Collins, and some even go so far as to write whole books about how the Science they belive in is in no way contradictory, but is instead supportive of their beelifs. The Compartmentalisation Theory Dawkins proposed is based on the Draper-White conflict Model, tht says that Science and Relgiion are two opposing forces. In dawkisn mind, you can't be both Relgiiius and Scientific at the Same Time. it's not just the language and methodology, tis the beelifs themselves he, and Spidergoat, were speakign of.
As for yoru latr post aboru me being a mere apologist and this devolving, I still don't think you are beign fair. I'm not just hurlign insults and aspologetics here, I've been polite, and I do think you give too much credit tot heout and out Atheists liek Spider. I mean, really, if I had come here, declared relgiion bunk and all Religiosu peopel midnless simplerons and how Science is superior to relgiion in evert way and shoudl be used insetad ou'd not think I had an attitude problem. Meanwhile, sayign thatthis enture thouht proccess is itself wrrogn and challengign it is somehow a massive atttiude problem.
I really think you are a bit biaed here.
As for evidence, I did promise 12 essays. I am not going to give evidence peicemeal, as then itgets lost int he shuffle. All you have to do is wait the two weeks for me to get back and I will show you what I mean. My posts thusfar hve only been intorductory.
Dawkins what?? That's foolishness, Zav. Perhaps you first encountered the idea while reading Dawkins, but people were making that observation long before he ever came along.
Spidergoat is right. Religious scientists, like artistic scientists and bungee-jumping scientists, tend to compartmentalize their thinking and behavior.
When they are in the lab, they pursue narrow and highly technical research projects employing the concepts and methods relevant to their research problem. They talk the language of their specialties with their collaborators and they think in those terms.
When they are at church or in the temple, they practice their devotions or their prayers or their meditations, employing the concepts and methods derived from their religious tradition. They talk the language of that tradition with their fellow religionists and think in those terms.
While there are certainly a few individual exceptions, what they don't typically do is devote a whole lot of thought to bringing these widely divergent parts of their lives and their thinking together and weaving some larger philosophical theory around them in hopes of binding everything into one.
We see exactly the same kind of thing happening when (as often happens) scientists are interested in and dabble in the creative arts. They do science in the lab, and then paint or play their musical instrument at night or on the weekend. When they are being arty, they will typically be hanging around with an entirely different crowd and be talking and thinking in a very different vocabulary.
An evangelical Christian accountant is going to be thinking and working in terms of generally accepted accounting principles when he's down at his financial firm. When he's at church, he's probably not going to be thinking about accounting at all.
When Dawkins said they compartmentalise, he didn't mean exactly what you said. Its pretty obvious from his writtings that he thinks that "Relifious Scientists" can't possibly have ever applied their Scintific thinkign to their Religious beleifs. Ever. And its precicely because if they did they'd have to give up their Relgiion becaue Religion can never, ever be compatable with Science. That s also thwe implicastion that Spidergoat and Mr. Taylor tend to be aiming for. I know this is not True however sicne I cn citw specific examples such as Dr. Ferancis Collins, and some even go so far as to write whole books about how the Science they belive in is in no way contradictory, but is instead supportive of their beelifs. The Compartmentalisation Theory Dawkins proposed is based on the Draper-White conflict Model, tht says that Science and Relgiion are two opposing forces. In dawkisn mind, you can't be both Relgiiius and Scientific at the Same Time. it's not just the language and methodology, tis the beelifs themselves he, and Spidergoat, were speakign of.
As for yoru latr post aboru me being a mere apologist and this devolving, I still don't think you are beign fair. I'm not just hurlign insults and aspologetics here, I've been polite, and I do think you give too much credit tot heout and out Atheists liek Spider. I mean, really, if I had come here, declared relgiion bunk and all Religiosu peopel midnless simplerons and how Science is superior to relgiion in evert way and shoudl be used insetad ou'd not think I had an attitude problem. Meanwhile, sayign thatthis enture thouht proccess is itself wrrogn and challengign it is somehow a massive atttiude problem.
I really think you are a bit biaed here.
As for evidence, I did promise 12 essays. I am not going to give evidence peicemeal, as then itgets lost int he shuffle. All you have to do is wait the two weeks for me to get back and I will show you what I mean. My posts thusfar hve only been intorductory.