My observation: atheists are anti-creativity

It seems that atheists think they are so "rational" and love "rationality" so much, it often seems as if atheists are anti-art, anti-philosophy, anti-culture, and anti-creativity.

Is this the case? After all, "art" isn't "rational", right? Let's just live in a society that has no beliefs, no culture, and no art and music!

What fun!
Actually, some theistic governments have banned music and art. Just look at the total loss of the nude human figure in Islamic coutnries - you want to try fashion? Like what - a black burka?
Creative impulses are derived from specific brain activity. Religion can be an inspiration but so can may other things. We should differentioate between inspiration and religious belief.

Some art is inspired solely based on past works, we cannot say that the Atheist is without original thought.
Oh look, the Muslims all got together and started an atheist bashing thread.

What fun!

Let's all open our holy books to see what kind of tortures we can perpetrate on those infidels nether-regions while insulting their mothers. hehehehehehehhehehe

The Halls of Hypocrisy echo loudly these days.
It seems that atheists think they are so "rational" and love "rationality" so much, it often seems as if atheists are anti-art, anti-philosophy, anti-culture, and anti-creativity.
you have (HOW MANY)atheists saying so, to prove your silly ramblings ? :rolleyes:

btw you should Google famous atheists sometime ;)
It seems that atheists think they are so "rational" and love "rationality" so much, it often seems as if ....
You do set yourself up a fair bit Norsefire. You have been saying that agnosticism was the most rational position... Does that mean you think art is pointless?
I'm an atheist to my ice cold, reason loving core.

I'm also currently making my own death metal cd, have almost finished writing a novel, and am also quite fond of poetry.
It seems that atheists think they are so "rational" and love "rationality" so much, it often seems as if atheists are anti-art, anti-philosophy, anti-culture, and anti-creativity.

Is this the case? After all, "art" isn't "rational", right? Let's just live in a society that has no beliefs, no culture, and no art and music!

What fun!

Paintings, songs, etc. aren't rational? I'm sure there is much evidence for them.

Your argument makes no sense.
Writing a book of fiction doesn't mean you have to believe it to be true. Christians manage to write works of fiction they don't believe are true. Atheists do the same. It's just atheists have one more book on their list of "Books I consider fiction".
I find it ironic that someone would claim athiests are anti creativity, when it has long since been (fundamentalist) theists who attempt to stifle the thinking process and insist that the whole world blindly follow a single publication...
Is this the case? After all, "art" isn't "rational", right? Let's just live in a society that has no beliefs, no culture, and no art and music!

WTF dont you posters even try to think about what you say.. Just beating my Cminor tuned (evil) drums... After all "religion" is "irrational" and art is not art unless it conforms with your views.:rolleyes:
The fact that there are many atheist artists, fiction writers, etc. is proof that many atheists are not anti-creativity. Sorry, but your hypothesis does not correspond to observed reality. Better luck next time.
As an artist, one that is especially fond of the surrealists and dada, I find this thread interesting in it's delusional inferences. Art is a personal expression, everyone knows that. There is room in our lives for the irrational and rational, as long as we know the difference. No one says a piece of art is false, it cannot be, it is itself. Atheism is an attitude about theism and the supernatural, that's it. It's not a religion.

Just look at which side of the argument censors art more, which side tries to cut funding for the arts, which considers fine art to be "elitist". Look at the art that is most treasured by the evangelicals - fucking Thomas Kincaid:

Praise Jebus!



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