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My five-year old son really loves painting. Now I am looking for a place where I can buy painting supplies for affordable price. Any suggestions? Thanks!
Why affordable prices? Doesn't your 5 year old son have a lot of money?My five-year old son really loves painting. Now I am looking for a place where I can buy painting supplies for affordable price. Any suggestions? Thanks!
https://www.joann.comMy five-year old son really loves painting. Now I am looking for a place where I can buy painting supplies for affordable price. Any suggestions? Thanks!
I'm interested in why you thought the best place to get advice on this was on a science discussion forum.My five-year old son really loves painting. Now I am looking for a place where I can buy painting supplies for affordable price. Any suggestions? Thanks!
Actually, I get all my own (semi-pro) poster paints, Bristol board and brushes there. Half the price of WalMart, same make. The very dense, soft brushes I need for stencils are from the makeup section, one aisle over. (Don't make the mistake of turning down the candy and snacks aisle with a 5-year-old. On second thought, never mind, you can't get to the cash register, anyway, without a chocolate bar or two sticking to you. Like burrs, them!).5-year-old --> Dollar Store.
five-year old
That's because cadmium is so much better for you.When I was 11 years old, my favorite oil paint color was uranic orange. It was very bright. Imagine my sorrow when I ran out a couple of years later only to find it had been taken off the market and replaced with cadmium orange, which I still use 50+ years later.![]()