My ufo experience

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Hi sorry you cant view the images, and thank you for the welcome
What do i think the UFOs mean one of two things one our goverments have secret crafts that fly in and out the earths atmosphere to some unknown spacestation or moon and may be mars bases,this would mean the govrement is telling lies and are more than 30years ahead maybe more with the space craft technology,and use funding for nasas outdated Shuttle and Rocket technology and show the world Astronaut in a outdated spacestation now the big Q is why would they the goverment want do this and deny they have such spacecrafts maybe they are or have genetically modified race that is more than 30years old as well and the dream of a mad man from the last world war lives on ONE RACE.
My be the aliens that do the Abduction to so many people from all over world are or are a part of that new race, can all the people around the world have the same dream or Hallucinations and illusions.
There are many who think that they are alien crafts and have a strong belief that they are here to help our world, and believe the aliens created life on earth now out of all the planets outhere and much older than earth by millions billions of years and evolution took the same path as humans evolved
then look how far we have come lets say in 50years with our technology then may well be that some of the crafts are not of our earth and there are many types of alien races outhere and are Visiting earth and space is teeming with life forms more advanced than us.
what do i think the UFOs mean? that we humans are a outdated race and in need of some outside help, we are a outdated race that struggles to survive
and the chosen from our race have all been picked.
lsufos said:
I have seen ufos and none where footballs going add more ufo pictures from the footage i have taken and you all are welcome to view them click ufo pictures.

comments are welcome

I don't see any UFO pictures on your website. All I see are out of context blobs, with NO supporting information, no date, time, location, behaviour, who witnessed, flight direction or duration, or why the flight characteristics were out of the ordinary. Basically, your site is pants.

Anyone can put blobs on a web site, you must try harder. Well, trying might be good.
Yep just a few pictures, with no supporting information date, time, location, behaviour just pictures thats all.
All taken from footage that has supporting information, date, time, location, behaviour, who witnessed, flight direction and duration.
And would like to see you if you can film these blobs as you call them give it a go.
My site dont show pants and you must try harder kids nowadays.
phlogistician said:
I don't see any UFO pictures on your website. All I see are out of context blobs, with NO supporting information, no date, time, location, behaviour, who witnessed, flight direction or duration, or why the flight characteristics were out of the ordinary. Basically, your site is pants.

Anyone can put blobs on a web site, you must try harder. Well, trying might be good.
Go fuck yourself. I wouldn't take anything this idiot says seriously. Eat those flames moron.
I saw a green orb in the sky. On March 17 at about 6am est.
After researching, I found that it possibly could have been comet that
passed very close to our earth. It was green as well. and very large.
One question to Jes, since you live in MO near the new madrid faultline,
i wonder if you heard a boom prior to the sighting. My point being,
methane sneaks up in bodies of water and when it reaches oxygen,
boom, there is a sound like a boom. I don't know if it "ignites" at that time
but it is something to ponder. New Madrid Fault could release some methane as well.
cool skill said:
Go fuck yourself. I wouldn't take anything this idiot says seriously. Eat those flames moron.

Are you saying you DID see supporting information on that web site?

Are you saying those anonymous blobs definitely defied being categorised as any known phenomena?

Or, are you just lashing out while licking your wounded ego?

My critique was reasonable, your impotent profanity not.

btw, you also swap direct article in your outpourings. First, it seems to be targetted at me, and then lsufos, and then me again. That's really sentence structure, maybe you should pay more attention at school, and lay off the crank web sites for a while?
Okay all the images/pictures on view are taken from footage, in the footage you can see backgrounds etc.
All the footage with commentary etc will be put on DVD soon, none of the footage is faked this is what is flying above our heads in Scotland.
lsufos said:
All the footage with commentary etc will be put on DVD soon,

Ah, so you have come here to hawk your DVD.

I don't know what's worse, the people that compile and sell this crap, or the people that buy it.
Never came here to sell any DVD just puting my 2 bob over to you and if you read the above message it says pictures taken from footage now even you can work that out that it must have everything you asked for.
LSUFOS is a NEW Scottish site that will be selling CDs DVDs soon but never asked you to buy or anyone here ethere you asked for info on pictures and pictures are taken from footage as it says.

You must live in a small world that what you cant see you dont believe and even when took by the hand and shown you still cant see through what is it called again you know though.

I am off for week to lochness posted when i get back

The truth is outhere
lsufos said:
Never came here to sell any DVD just puting my 2 bob over to you and if you read the above message it says pictures taken from footage now even you can work that out that it must have everything you asked for.

Crappy run on sentence beside, the fuzzy blobs you posted do'nt have enough info on them. Maybe the shite on DVD you are going to sell has more info, but who cares, the quality is rubbish.

LSUFOS is a NEW Scottish site that will be selling CDs DVDs soon but never asked you to buy or anyone here ethere you asked for info on pictures and pictures are taken from footage as it says.

Ah, but you will soon you fraud. If 'the truth is out there', why is it sold on DVD? Why not given away freely?

You must live in a small world that what you cant see you dont believe and even when took by the hand and shown you still cant see through what is it called again you know though.

Christ, how old are you? You must be ESN or a schoolkid or something to construct that sentence.

I am off for week to lochness posted when i get back

Ooooh, Loch Ness? To get some footage of the monster for yet another fraud DVD?
First thing stop throwing all these allegations about fraud about me another thing it was me who used the kid stuff first about you silly boy.
And for some one who has never seen the footage can come up with quality is rubbish.
thick or what you need to get out the house more instead of wasting you silly time on message boards may be you cant for you got nobody to go out with chased them all away sad.
lsufos said:
First thing stop throwing all these allegations about fraud about me another thing it was me who used the kid stuff first about you silly boy.
And for some one who has never seen the footage can come up with quality is rubbish.
thick or what you need to get out the house more instead of wasting you silly time on message boards may be you cant for you got nobody to go out with chased them all away sad.
Hey lsufos, dont let the phlo put you off. i am glad of what you are doing and your presence here.
you find with this dying breed, the scientific materalistic pthological pseudosceptics tis very aggressive hostile snarling attitude against anything theirlimited brains demand can only be the truth the whole truth and nuthin BUT the truth. like little hitlers are they. all we can do is laugh at their antics, as they constantly go purple in the face...hehe
lsufos said:
First thing stop throwing all these allegations about fraud about me another thing it was me who used the kid stuff first about you silly boy.
And for some one who has never seen the footage can come up with quality is rubbish.
thick or what you need to get out the house more instead of wasting you silly time on message boards may be you cant for you got nobody to go out with chased them all away sad.

Pay more attention in English class, kid.
I saw a UFO too
phlogistician said:
Are you saying you DID see supporting information on that web site?

Are you saying those anonymous blobs definitely defied being categorised as any known phenomena?

Or, are you just lashing out while licking your wounded ego?

My critique was reasonable, your impotent profanity not.

btw, you also swap direct article in your outpourings. First, it seems to be targetted at me, and then lsufos, and then me again. That's really sentence structure, maybe you should pay more attention at school, and lay off the crank web sites for a while?
What an idiot.
I never even mentioned any website.
Oh are you attempting to add you meanings to what I said that are different from what I meant?
I don't even know who lsufos is. BUt only you would htink I would.
I guess you are just too dumb to know how dumb you are.
Communist Hamster said:
I saw a UFO too
ok ok, now wees gettin down tobusiness. i knooow your takin the piss, but at last we hve a pic we an all share a look at...!

crap. obvious fake. so whats your point
Communist Hamster said:
How is mine an obvious fake and the other guys blurs aren't? Don't be so skeptical duendy....
cauuuuse,i knooow you yo commie likkle Hamster you...hehe
seriously tho. check my post above. i told dude i couldn't access his site, so trhat's first time i have seen one of his pics....
yes i admit it is veery blurry and not the best 'UFO' pic i have seen by far. but, at the mo, i kinda trust him. but i knew straightaway your motive. i can appreciate yur challenge though.
I smell a double standard. You are right, of course that my picture is a "fake" blurred UFO picture.


Why aren't you skepitical of other peoples UFO photos?
Communist Hamster said:
I smell a double standard. You are right, of course that my picture is a "fake" blurred UFO picture.


Why aren't you skepitical of other peoples UFO photos?
because yours was prticularly naff?....i have seen very good UFO pics, and film, whay do YOU underestimate my perception capacity?
oh yes, and of course i know your position regarding this subject, bt even not, that pic wasn't convicning. and i've alread admiteted the other one is too blurry, so........?
i am being curteous wit te persn. i have noiced time and agin te ATTITUDEof the so-called sceptics here to newcomers who claim stuff, and it is SO hostile. so rude, cynical, distrustful. WHY?? does it cost you anything to be critical WITH courtesy. not all the time but at last first meeting? i am not averse to challenges though. but particularly phloss and skins attitude as really viscious---can be!
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