
There are people out there HIV positive, with AIDS, with TB, etc and they are still having sex. They and their partners take precautions.

You working on stopping them from having sex because of bacteria??
There are people out there HIV positive, with AIDS, with TB, etc and they are still having sex. They and their partners take precautions.

You working on stopping them from having sex because of bacteria??

Obviously i was talking about sex without protection. :rolleyes:
Btw. AIDS is caused by a virus.

Im not working on stopping anyone from having sex. I was merely giving a possible reason why necrophilia is considered immoral. :shrug:
Obviously i was talking about sex without protection. :rolleyes:
Btw. AIDS is caused by a virus.

Im not working on stopping anyone from having sex. I was merely giving a possible reason why necrophilia is considered immoral. :shrug:

immoral or disgusting? I agree on disgusting. Anyone has sex with any relative of mine is gonna get prosecuted/sued for emotional distress to the other relatives.

But if the dead person has already said "go ahead" why can't they? How is it any different than organ donations. If the dead person is so bacteria filled, why would they take the organs?

I think is disgusting, but not immoral.
But if the dead person has already said "go ahead" why can't they? How is it any different than organ donations. If the dead person is so bacteria filled, why would they take the organs?

I think is disgusting, but not immoral.

That is a highly hypothetical situation, which is against the law btw.
Most, if not all, things that are against the law are considered immoral by the majority of people. But i personally have no problem with it if consent is given. I still would think its sick and i probably wont hang out with that person though.

Organs are only taken from fresh bodies. You will find, if you do a little bit of research, that its common practice for necrophiles to rob graves and have sex with the corpses.


dis·gust·ing /dɪsˈgʌstɪŋ, dɪˈskʌs-/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[dis-guhs-ting, di-skuhs-] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
–adjective causing disgust; offensive to the physical, moral, or aesthetic taste.
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....You will find, if you do a little bit of research, that its common practice for necrophiles to rob graves and have sex with the corpses.....

LOL, you are so niave.
Its common practice for them to work at a funeral home, morgues, etc.
Just like pedophiles who get jobs at schools, day cares, etc.

Why go to all the effort of digging up a body when they can have one delivered to them?
LOL, you are so niave.
Its common practice for them to work at a funeral home, morgues, etc.
Just like pedophiles who get jobs at schools, day cares, etc.

Why go to all the effort of digging up a body when they can have one delivered to them?

Just look up some articles and you will see that necrophiles do dig up bodies.
Also: so pedophiles never just grab a kid from the street and abduct them ??

No comment on the definition of 'disgusting' ? :rolleyes:
Just look up some articles and you will see that necrophiles do dig up bodies.
Also: so pedophiles never just grab a kid from the street and abduct them ??

No comment on the definition of 'disgusting' ? :rolleyes:

I never said bodies never got dug up. I'm saying many many of them don't have to dig up their bodies. They come to them and no one is the wiser.

What about your definition of disgusting? I don't get my morals from a bible, but I'm supposed to get them from a dictionary?
I never said bodies never got dug up. I'm saying many many of them don't have to dig up their bodies. They come to them and no one is the wiser.

What about your definition of disgusting? I don't get my morals from a bible, but I'm supposed to get them from a dictionary?

The definition of distgusting being "offensive to the physical, moral, or aesthetic taste" has nothing to do with getting your morals from a dictionary.
The definition states nowhere what your morals should be. It rather means you are using the word 'disgusting' in an undefined way if you dont specify further.

I would think not all necrophiles manage to get jobs at morque etc. Actually, statistically seen, i think the majority dont work in such places.
I'm using 'disgusting' in an undefined way? What is the definition of 'anal idiot'? :rolleyes:

So in your eyes definitions have not value whatsoever ?

But by all means, sell you family to necrophilia clubs after they die. See if i care. :p

Please dont resort to name-calling.
So in your eyes definitions have not value whatsoever ?

But by all means, sell you family to necrophilia clubs after they die. See if i care. :p

Please dont resort to name-calling.

and what is your definition of name calling? seriously! Your moral arguement involves picking apart the definition of the word 'disgusting'. I think Clinton did the same thing with the word 'is'.

I think necrophilia is DISGUSTING but not immoral. I would love to read a report of diseases being passed around due to necrophilia and not average every day sex. To knowingly give someone a disease is immoral, but the sex act itself isn't.
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Serial killer John Wayne Gacy Jr of Chicago climbed into a casket holding the body of a 14 year old boy and laid underneath him for thrills when he was only 12 years old. He liked the hardness of the corpse's private part. Years later he would murder 33 young males in a spree spanning 2 decades.
Necrophilia is a sickness and a sign of bad things to come for it's participants.
and what is your definition of name calling? seriously! Your moral arguement involves picking apart the definition of the word 'disgusting'. I think Clinton did the same thing with the word 'is'.

I think necrophilia is DISGUSTING but not immoral. I would love to read a report of diseases being passed around due to necrophilia and not average every day sex. To knowingly give someone a disease is immoral, but the sex act itself isn't.

To me its unthinkable that one can find something disgusting without finding it to be immoral. You are saying "I think its disgusting, and yet i think it is moral".
To me that is contradicting so i looked up the definition of 'disgusting' to see if my 'personal definition' of the word 'disgusting' was flawed. But i found i was right. Was i wrong for poiting out to you that your definition isnt in line with the widely accepted (i presume) definition ?
It was only a minor point and had not much to do with the discussion. Im surprised that you are making such a big fuss about it. :shrug:
To me its unthinkable that one can find something disgusting without finding it to be immoral. ..

haggis is disgusting. immoral?
golden showers are disgusting. Immoral?
changing a diaper on your grandfather is disgusting. immoral?
If something is disgusting, then it is immoral. If it is immoral, it ought to be illegal. If it is illegal, it ought to be punished. If it should be punished, it should be effectively punished. If it is to be effectively punished, it should be permanently and totally punished. If it is to be permanently and totally punished, it should be punished with death. Therefore to disgust is to invite death.
haggis is disgusting. immoral?
golden showers are disgusting. Immoral?
changing a diaper on your grandfather is disgusting. immoral?

dis·gust·ing /dɪsˈgʌstɪŋ, dɪˈskʌs-/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[dis-guhs-ting, di-skuhs-] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
–adjective causing disgust; offensive to the physical, moral, or aesthetic taste.

Something is immoral to you if it is morally offensive to you.
You are not physically offensed by dead things as you pointed out on several occasions. So that cant be it.
Aestethically offensed ? Hmmm maybe but i doubt it, aestethically it is rather similar to regular people having sex.
So you must be morally offensed by necrophilia, thus you think its immoral.

If neither of these three apply you are using the word disgusting in a wrong way.
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To me its unthinkable that one can find something disgusting without finding it to be immoral. You are saying "I think its disgusting, and yet i think it is moral".
To me that is contradicting so i looked up the definition of 'disgusting' to see if my 'personal definition' of the word 'disgusting' was flawed. But i found i was right. Was i wrong for poiting out to you that your definition isnt in line with the widely accepted (i presume) definition ?
It was only a minor point and had not much to do with the discussion. Im surprised that you are making such a big fuss about it. :shrug:

Things that are disgusting are not necessarily immoral. I find people who eat their own nose pickings disgusting, but I don't think of them as immoral. The death sentence for snot eating would be a little excessive, though I could come round to the idea. :)
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Things that are disgusting are not necessarily immoral. I find people who eat their own nose pickings disgusting, but I don't think of them as immoral.

Read post above, maybe i should have posted it earlier..
I thought it was obvious from the definition..
dis·gust·ing /dɪsˈgʌstɪŋ, dɪˈskʌs-/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[dis-guhs-ting, di-skuhs-] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
–adjective causing disgust; offensive to the physical, moral, or aesthetic taste.

I think that there's an extra "or" implied. "offensive to the physical or moral or aesthetic taste"
I'm sure that the combination of these types of disgust also occurs.

I feel that disgust as a word is generally used to describe the fear of a thing or an act which can produce disease.

We are more disgusted by a swarm of cockroaches than a swarm of bees, and it is not their appearance which makes the difference.

There was a story in which a man tried to get out of the army by pretending to eat his own faeces, and so be discharged on mental grounds.
He used brown peanut butter. We can see how other people in the story would find his actions disgusting, but we are amused by them.