New Lucid Crossroads

Pantalimon said:
Hallelujah "fur shur," Chrunchy cat dude, your just a slacker flamer aren't you? Come on now just admit it matey boy. Your not interested in quite frankly anything I really have to say, and cetainly not fact, I do actually think you cannot read properly actually, your posts upto now certainly would point to either not being able to read or not reading properly anything put in front of your nose. So come on admit to the world you love to flame and you'll do it no matter what.

Actually, I am quite interested in giving you the opportunity to prove your
shared dream claim. I don't however love to flame. I do like to point out
charletons though.

Pantalimon said:
Come out of the closet boy place your hand on the almighty flamers bible and repeat after me "I Crunchy Cat, just love to flame, I can't help myself, I don't repent cause I can't and won't stop!" :eek:

If you've seen Montey Python's 'Holy Grail' then you will understand when
I say 'I fart in your general direction'.

Pantalimon said:
Hmmmm lets examine your flamer boy claims more closely

The following is the books description of Surfing Through Hyperspace: Understanding Higher Universes in Six Easy Lessons from Amazon.

I know you have a funny definition of the "truth" so we'll stick with what science currently can prove. Because the properties of the 5th dimention are so bizzare (sorry I realise you don't understand about higher dimentions of space time, you'll just have to take sciences word for it if you can't get your head round it) Clifford Pickover uses a device (people do this in books Crunchy you'll find from Shakespear to Rushdie) of using FBI agents like Mulder and Scully to explain the bizzare but science fact of the book. This helps people like me who only took physics to below degree level and others who might not be science masterminds like you (oh sorry I forgot your not, your just flamer boy).

It's not my 'claims' you should be worried about. It's the book. Space-time
is simply 4 dimensions that are observable. It is theorized that 10-11
dimensions exist (super-string theory); however, we are about 2 years away
from testing the theory to even see if we're on the right track. One
interesting theory is that a '5th' dimension may consist of 'gravitons' and
this dimension intersects our universe (without being bound to it). Once
again it's a theory that lacks any solid testing.

I find it quit interesting that you accept the assertions of the book as fact;
however, like many others this is something that is to be expected. In the
great words of Q (I believe), the book is nothing more than 'horsepucky'.

Anyhow, we're getting offtopic (the focus of the thread was your website).
Want an opportunity to prove the share dream claim?
Anyhow, we're getting offtopic (the focus of the thread was your website).
Oh off topic are "we"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Want an opportunity to prove the share dream claim?
Yes, but as I've only ever had one I'd like to be monitored everytime I sleep. I'd like to be wired upto to an EEG and have anyone who appears in my dreams to be interviewed by your choice of scientist or you even, pop over I'd be glad to show you the ropes.
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Pantalimon said:
Oh off topic are "we"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes, but as I've only ever had one I'd like to be monitored everytime I sleep. I'd like to be wired upto to an EEG and have anyone who appears in my dreams to be interviewed by your choice of scientist or you even, pop over I'd be glad to show you the ropes.

Seeing as the event was only encoutered once, would you and the other
person involved mind being a part of an interview process? This could tell
us how similar the experience truly was and provide some deeper insight into
it's origins. Let me know what you think.