New Moderator...?

Fraggle Rocker

Staff member
I just discovered the weirdest thing about SciForums. If they start a new forum and after a week or two they discover that you've posted on every thread in it, they make you the moderator. :eek:

I was happy to see the Linguistics Forum appear. This was a hot topic when I first found SciForums six or seven years ago. It lost critical mass for a long time, but interest has revived.

I'm new at this moderating thing, in fact no one would have ever called me "moderate." About the only personal twist I'll bring to Linguistics is my desire to make SciForums more attractive to people who stumble onto it from a Google search of a topic. We need to revive our membership and I certainly want to see more people here with an interest in linguistics. So no flaming will be tolerated; this is not Free Thoughts or even Politics.

If you do feel the need to insult someone, just don't do it in a language I can read. :)

Let's have some fun!
We need to revive our membership and I certainly want to see more people here with an interest in linguistics. So no flaming will be tolerated; this is not Free Thoughts or even Politics.

Feel free to move any irrelevant comments to Free Thoughts if you would like.
Awesome. I'm sure you'll do great.
Thanks! I appreciate your support.
Hello Fraggle, what languages do you speak?
Using my own powers-of-three scale on which I'm 8.5 in English: 7.5 in Spanish and Esperanto, 7 in German, 6.5 in French and Portuguese. 3,000 words, that's about the threshold of "fluency," beneath that you're just "the precocious foreigner who's picking up our language so be careful what you say around him." And I have a bunch of those, from Catalan to Mandarin to Yiddish.
Feel free to move any irrelevant comments to Free Thoughts if you would like.
I'm not so concerned with irrelevance, this is your forum and you should be able to enjoy yourselves. I'm just specifically tough on flaming--and, I suppose, egregious racism--because I really do want people who drop in from a Google hit to not be put off.

After all, if your post uses language, isn't it relevant? :)
wow you know babyspeak as well, jeg kan kan læse hollansk