New program on Discovery channel , about aliens

Its called Alien Mysteries

On sunday march 3 at 8pm , eastern time

I'll be watching it closely to see how good it actually is and how authentic
Well it seems interesting

The first show about abduction , they seem sincere , and was well researched by MUFON

The vehicle was both , un-naturally magnetized and had higher than normal radiation levels

So for me probably true

The second show was even better , when MUFON got the radar info. From FAA , and showed the reality of the three unknowns

As well in the end 100 witnesses came forward to say that they had seen this phenomena in Stephenville , Texas , in 2008 , and the local newspaper was involved as well

As well that f-16s had been seen going after the sightings

Not a bad start so far

By the way this a Discovery Channel Canadian or .ca production

More evidence (as if it was needed) on how worthless the discovery channel has become...
More evidence (as if it was needed) on how worthless the discovery channel has become...

To you , not to me and hopefully other people

You seem to have bought into the intelligence and government line , UFOs don't exist or they are some sort of hallucination etc. They aren't

The more you investigate and therefore read about the subject the better

Have you read anything about the subject , origin ?
I will predict that river will be citing the DC show as a source.

Have you read anything about the subject , origin ?

You've asked me this as well, and I've read more than enough to recognize it as illogical nonsense.
THe alien show is better than CNN. Both lie. Both are pretty to look at. Except the alien show requires some sort of imagination, but CNN is just propaganda fed directly from TV screen.
THe alien show is better than CNN. Both lie. Both are pretty to look at. Except the alien show requires some sort of imagination, but CNN is just propaganda fed directly from TV screen.

What are they both lying about ?

And what propaganda is CNN promoting ?
THe alien show is better than CNN. Both lie. Both are pretty to look at. Except the alien show requires some sort of imagination, but CNN is just propaganda fed directly from TV screen.

What do you think CNN is lying about? It is not like FOX or MSNBC that take a deliberate right / left slant.

Of course CNN covers what Americans are interested, for the best ratings, so the coverage spends more time on what people were wearing at the oscars instead of reporting on the consequences of the fall of the Syrian regime for instance.
I look at ALL evidence and then discern from there

Based on what I have read

I found no reason to dismiss out of hand what has been presented so far

So you have shown spidergoats statement to be correct.;)
It makes me wonder if there's anything river won't believe. Apparently, if someone wrote it, or made a bad TV show, river will accept it as gospel.
It makes me wonder if there's anything river won't believe. Apparently, if someone wrote it, or made a bad TV show, river will accept it as gospel.

Yet you believe the opposite , the question to you is , why ?

There is plenty of examples , information , documented , that have UFOs on radar , and jets that have been sent to meet these craft

So whats the problem ?