New technology not


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I have heard that the governments top secret levels have been withholding technology for years and that everything now known is 30 years old. That would include radical life extension technologies as well as nanotechnology which could rebuild tissue in the human body on an atomic level curing all forms of disease and cancers in the human body as well as restoring and or increasing brain capacity in anyone with any brain related diseases afflicted by aging. There reason for withholding this technology is the fact that people must die so that the planet does not become overpopulated.
The only way that someone on a low income and that is ageing could possibly get access to any of this technology in the near future I think would be those who could choose to take themselves outside of the problem of world overpopulation and as far as I see the only hope I see in that is in the Mars project. I have little knowledge of it but know their planning on doing more than simply building domes and hydroponic agriculture. they are eventually attempting to create an atmosphere and establish water on the planet.
I am 50 years old and my life savings are less than 1 dollar. I am waiting on a disability or government check. The Mars project may be my only hope and the same goes for millions of people like me. I would sign a contract to go to mars for 50 years and work in return for life extension technologies like the Total body transplant or Whole body transplant. Or any nanotechnology or age reversing technologies that may exist.
Oh, so leaving this planet which is in trouble and going to mars to create more problems is a good thing?
Yeah, and someone told me a few days ago about how "they" have the cure for cancer(all types apparently), and that Ebola doesn't really exist. They are both just huge money making schemes. So I guess, mars or bust.
Yeah, and someone told me a few days ago about how "they" have the cure for cancer(all types apparently), and that Ebola doesn't really exist. They are both just huge money making schemes. So I guess, mars or bust.
No no. "They" said "they" have a cure for Ebola, and it's cancer that doesn't really exist.
It should be obvious to anyone who has spent any time reading about nanotechnology that where nanotechnology is headed or is already there is the ability for nanobots to be able to construct or deconstruct matter on a atomic or molecular level. That means it can replace the role of human blood transferring oxygen. It will be able to reconstruct nerve endings anywhere in the human body including the human brain. It would even be able to reconstruct every cell in the human body to a younger state to whatever age desired. Cancer cells and any form of virus or bacteria can be deconstructed by the nanobots like a demolition crew tearing down a building. Technology on this level is not only scary but biblical. It allows human beings to play god. Do you really think that the government would not hide or suppress such technology at any cost. If anyone thinks not then they are very naïve. I was born in 65 not yesterday. I would be very surprised if the government doesn't already have such technology.
Also the planet is in the state it is in because of third world countries not technically advancing. Hunger, disease, and war are all forms of humans not ascending out of the dark ages. Overpopulation is nothing but a fallacy. The fact is that if the entire united states were to be set up like New Your City it would all fit into the state of Texas and everyone would possess a half an acre of land.
We have to learn how to make better use of all our natural resources. One example. The deserts are a huge waste of space. But if pipelines for water were being built instead of pipelines for oil to pollute our atmosphere The amount of energy from the sun properly harnessed thru solar energy technology plus the wind thru windmill technology would most likely power the entire continent. Large skyscrapers fitted with solar panels and reflective mirrors would allow farming or agriculture an multiple floors. enough of them could feed millions of people. The total food production and proper space management could enable our planet to grow in population 10 fold before we would even have to consider expanding the human race into the solar system. I know it sounds stupid but if an alien race were to come here and drop off a space station orbiting the earth with the technology and resources to manage this planet properly and put me in charge. I would move the human race close to paradise right here on earth.
A lot of rich greedy people like oil tycoons and politician's would be pissed off and a lot of religious people would be pissed off too as everyone on the planet would have a choice whether to suffer and die or not. And war mongers and criminals who torture and kill people would all be sent to a space station on the dark side of the moon.

sincerely Latecurtis
Do you really think that the government would not hide or suppress such technology at any cost.
I don't know: why do you think they would? What would the government have to gain by suppression or lose by allowing the technology to develop naturally?

A lot of rich greedy people like oil tycoons and politician's would be pissed off...
Why? What you propose sounds expensive which means rich people could make lots of money off of it!
It should be obvious to anyone who has spent any time reading about nanotechnology that where nanotechnology is headed or is already there is the ability for nanobots to be able to construct or deconstruct matter on a atomic or molecular level. That means it can replace the role of human blood transferring oxygen.
No, it doesn't mean that.
It will be able to reconstruct nerve endings anywhere in the human body including the human brain. It would even be able to reconstruct every cell in the human body to a younger state to whatever age desired. Cancer cells and any form of virus or bacteria can be deconstructed by the nanobots like a demolition crew tearing down a building. Technology on this level is not only scary but biblical. It allows human beings to play god.
I remember people saying the same things about nuclear power - it would give us eternal free energy, nuclear rockets would take us to the stars, every car would have a reactor etc etc. It didn't quite live up to the hype. Nanotechnology is very similar. Seems to have a lot of potential, but for now it seems mainly used by science fiction authors and hucksters.
Do you really think that the government would not hide or suppress such technology at any cost. If anyone thinks not then they are very naïve.
You vastly overestimate both the technical capability of the government and their ability to keep secrets.
We have to learn how to make better use of all our natural resources. One example. The deserts are a huge waste of space.
I suspect the plants and animals that live there would disagree! They probably think forests are a huge waste of space.
But if pipelines for water were being built instead of pipelines for oil to pollute our atmosphere.
They are; canals and pipelines move incredible amounts of water across our country.
A lot of rich greedy people like oil tycoons and politician's would be pissed off and a lot of religious people would be pissed off too as everyone on the planet would have a choice whether to suffer and die or not. And war mongers and criminals who torture and kill people would all be sent to a space station on the dark side of the moon.
You might be pissed off too when your house was bulldozed for all those farms, solar power stations and pipelines. But I guess as long as you were in charge you could make sure that someone else's house was bulldozed . . . .
It should be obvious to anyone who has spent any time reading about nanotechnology that where nanotechnology is headed or is already there is the ability for nanobots to be able to construct or deconstruct matter on a atomic or molecular level. That means it can replace the role of human blood transferring oxygen.
No, it doesn't mean that.
It will be able to reconstruct nerve endings anywhere in the human body including the human brain. It would even be able to reconstruct every cell in the human body to a younger state to whatever age desired. Cancer cells and any form of virus or bacteria can be deconstructed by the nanobots like a demolition crew tearing down a building. Technology on this level is not only scary but biblical. It allows human beings to play god.
I remember people saying the same things about nuclear power - it would give us eternal free energy, nuclear rockets would take us to the stars, every car would have a reactor etc etc. It didn't quite live up to the hype. Nanotechnology is very similar. Seems to have a lot of potential, but for now it seems mainly used by science fiction authors and hucksters.
Do you really think that the government would not hide or suppress such technology at any cost. If anyone thinks not then they are very naïve.
You vastly overestimate both the technical capability of the government and their ability to keep secrets.
We have to learn how to make better use of all our natural resources. One example. The deserts are a huge waste of space.
I suspect the plants and animals that live there would disagree! They probably think forests are a huge waste of space.
But if pipelines for water were being built instead of pipelines for oil to pollute our atmosphere.
They are; canals and pipelines move incredible amounts of water across our country.
A lot of rich greedy people like oil tycoons and politician's would be pissed off and a lot of religious people would be pissed off too as everyone on the planet would have a choice whether to suffer and die or not. And war mongers and criminals who torture and kill people would all be sent to a space station on the dark side of the moon.
You might be pissed off too when your house was bulldozed for all those farms, solar power stations and pipelines. But I guess as long as you were in charge you could make sure that someone else's house was bulldozed . . . .
Nobody's house would have to be bulldozed. If you listened I stated that the entire population of the USA could fit into the space of Texas if it were set up like NY. city. Building cities and large structures in the desert vertically and using large mirrors and advanced solar technology would enable large farms that grow food on multiple levels. Space management. There is lots of space in the US alone that is not being used for anything. we would not have to take away from our national forests or anybody's land. There is always an excuse for people to do nothing. I have to go now but think about what I just said please. Thanks Latecurtis out.
Also many people will come up with lots of no good reasons why technology should not advance. Thanks latecurtis
Also ending world hunger and converting to renewable green energy will be most difficult as mankind is afraid of change.
We will continue to make excuses for our laziness and our governments greed and mismanagement of our planet. Religious people will continue to leave everything up to god and humanity and our planet will continue to suffer from pollution hunger poverty disease and war. Its really sad as we are capable thru technology and world peace to evolve to the point where we could have close to heaven here on earth and perhaps human immorality.
I simply don't feel like looking up my sources, too bad for you, but I recall reading that the entire human population could live comfortably in an area the size of Minnesota. Minnesota is quite large, but significantly smaller than Texas, and there was no talk of manhattanizing Minnesota. Everyone could live in one story, suburban homes. So more like New Rochelling Minnesota. So who is right, latecurtis or Landau Roof?
Its all good. The point being that the planet can easily accommodate the growing population for many decades. The quality of life on our planet is entirely up
To us as we must learn how to use all our resources efficiently. Third world countries need to understand birth control as well as agriculture. Green energy technologies must be exploited to their fullest potential and fossil fuels must decrease dramatically. We should improve our own planet before doing anything on Mars. life is the most precious and more valuable than anything. Each individual. However life extension technologies are suppressed by governments for no good reasons. Old age should be treated like an illness or disease and reversed or cured accordingly.Not ignored or accepted. We are still living in the dark ages until we change our way of thinking . Sincerely Latecurtis out.
Yes, the government works on technology that is presently classified, that's how it works. But no they cannot perform miracles. They seek to capitalize on any new technology with civilian implications. It's absurd to think they are withholding technology that can rebuild bodies, or have nanotechnology that can cure all diseases. Who is the government? You and me. Remember that.
I disagree. I don't know about you but speaking for me and the common man we have little or no control of anything the government does.
Just like less than 5% of the US population controls over 50% of the wealth in the country. A small percentage of the population makes all the important decisions. They cloned a sheep in the 70s and did a head transplant on a monkey in the early 80s. We need to wake up the decisions made by people in power will only benefit the very few. The very few extremely wealthy. Sooner or later people will start to realize. Hopefully before it is too late.
Sincerely Latecurtis.
Nobody's house would have to be bulldozed. If you listened I stated that the entire population of the USA could fit into the space of Texas if it were set up like NY. city. Building cities and large structures in the desert vertically and using large mirrors and advanced solar technology would enable large farms that grow food on multiple levels. Space management.
So you will move people forcibly to a large city? What if they want to stay where they are?
There is lots of space in the US alone that is not being used for anything. we would not have to take away from our national forests or anybody's land. There is always an excuse for people to do nothing.
You're right. So what have you done?
They cloned a sheep in the 70s....
Ah, no. The first sheep was cloned in 1996.
You have a lot of very strange and very wrong ideas about technology.
Nobody's house would have to be bulldozed. If you listened I stated that the entire population of the USA could fit into the space of Texas if it were set up like NY.
Fortunately, nobody lives in Texas so we wouldn't have to bulldoze anyone's house to build that 40,000 square mile city, right?
and did a head transplant on a monkey in the early 80s.
I had to look that up and I was surprised to find out you were right. Of course there is no way to repair the spinal cord so the pitiful thing was a quadriplegic on life support.

How freaking barbaric was that experiment? :eek:
Yes, the government works on technology that is presently classified, that's how it works. ... Who is the government? You and me. Remember that.
...I disagree. I don't know about you but speaking for me and the common man we have little or no control of anything the government does.
Just like less than 5% of the US population controls over 50% of the wealth in the country. A small percentage of the population makes all the important decisions...
I'm with latecurtis on this one. I mean about the government being totally divorced from the people, not the rest of what he says. You've been hoodwinked thoroughly if you think there's anything like a representative government in the United States anymore. Hasn't been in your life time if you are under 175 years old. It's like you believe everything they told you about America when you were knee-high to a grasshopper. Wake up. Read a little. :(
I'm with latecurtis on this one. I mean about the government being totally divorced from the people, not the rest of what he says. You've been hoodwinked thoroughly if you think there's anything like a representative government in the United States anymore. Hasn't been in your life time if you are under 175 years old. It's like you believe everything they told you about America when you were knee-high to a grasshopper. Wake up. Read a little. :(
That's just what they want you to believe. But actually votes matter. That's why politicians spend millions on elections.