New Unseen Ufo videos online for researchers

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Re: skeptics

Originally posted by Ufotheatre
and it was using nanotechnology that allowed it to carry an entire fleet of ships inside of it.

... most ufos are controlled by remote with small robots that were created to do the work that we have to do when flying planes and other things.

... that is not that strange they are just checking to see if we have messed up our genetic code because they put us here for a reason and a purpose.. a simple colony to sustain life.

We are now an out of control colony that must be stopped from killing ourselves...

... The age of aquarius reigns the great flood just as it was before... check your astrological calender if you want to know what time i really is.

See... I'm trying to be serious, but now you're being silly... Quit playing with me :p

Originally posted by Ufotheatre
... quote your bible that tells of the day of the lord as it really is nothing magical about it..

My bible is entitled A Demon Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark, by Carl Sagan. As far as religion goes... whether its UFO cults or christian ones... it makes no difference to me.
Just exactly like i said..

You mix up truth and fiction to make your judgements on reality.

The truth is that i did see a fleet of orange ufos using nanotechnology in 1996 right outside of killeen texas.

I was not the only witness to this event.

I dont have to read books written by other colony members to form my basis on reality.

I have seen those who have the real technology and they proved to me without any words books or misunderstandings that there was infact something far beyond my own understanding right here on earth with me.
If you look up all the 2003 predictions May/June particulary,they say that the zetas will come down,which wont happen.Its funny how so-called ufos mainly circulate america,and rarely circulate the other continents,seen as how america as been media crazed since roswell,1947.(The Witness's were all lie detected and were all liers in the end,and it was done by a live broadcast show,so dont blame the government).I have noticed predictions never ever happen as complexed as imagined.(Your Under the Influence of the Matrix,UFOTHEATRE).
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Nancy leider is not nothing more than a colony member making a simple life by selling her stories and ideas much like an author sells books.

No i do not believe zeta talk and its absolute nonsense... the place is full of faked pictures of planet x and its all fake.

Sorry but that is nothing more than colony nonsense.

Even has fallen for nancy leiders bullshit and that is sad because kent used to have a decent website.
Here's How I think it was done!

I'm sitting around thinking... hmm... if I wanted to fake a UFO video, how would I do it?

I think I'd like to use a digital format from the beginning, so I won't have to bother with conversion. Digital will be much easier to manipulate frame-by-frame in Adobe premiere and Photoshop.

Then I'd like to get some small, preferably shiny object and suspend it as high in the air as I can and use a fishing rod and line to "pull" it across the field of view as I video it (I'm going to need a friend).

I want this to go behind a building or tree to demonstrate perspective..... preferably a house, since I can use it to help create the suspension line.

Now, bearing this in mind, I looked at this Video frame-by-frame. What I noticed right away was that the reflection in the "UFO" changed just as it neared the house. If it were "2 miles away" this would not have occurred, however it is possible that another object caused the reflection change.. unfortunately, none is visible in the video.

The second thing I noticed was the line, and though I was looking for it, I was surprised because this is something I would have been very careful to utilize Photoshop's clone tool to remove.

At first, I merely thought it to be an artifact of the video, however, this "artifact disappears behind the "ufo." That is not consistant with digital video artifacts. (I do know a little about video after all it seems).

Here's the images as I've noticed them:

UFO Fake line.jpg

If the "claimants" replace the video, I have a copy of the original that I can link to... I'd fix the line if I were them, but we'll see.
OK goober... what you have there on that line is from my VCR...

The original video did not have that line... and im working with jeff to get the original hi-8 tape to make new conversions with.

That is my fault for having shitty equipment.

His ufo is not a hoax because i have the VHS tape copy and he shoots the same ufo when he is not even CLOSE to the house.

I will update my website with another video showing him shooting the same ufo FAR away from his house.

You are pretty retarted i can tell and it will be an uphill march to the reality of the non hoaxed ufo for you i can tell.

Why dont you try to debunk his phoenix lights footage from 1997?

Come on super debunker... lets see your stuff.

He has never send me anything hoaxed and he has send me 8+ vhs taped and there was not 1 single hoaxed ufo on them.

You are going to look really stupid when that evidence of a line from a shitty transfer is gone and then you will find something else to bitch about.

Im sorry but your shooting at the moon with blanks... THERE ARE NO HOAXES ON MY WEBSITE.

Originally posted by Ufotheatre
Just exactly like i said..

You mix up truth and fiction to make your judgements on reality.

So let's talk a bit about "truth."

Originally posted by Ufotheatre
The truth is that i did see a fleet of orange ufos using nanotechnology in 1996 right outside of killeen texas.

First, what indications did you have that this was nanotechnology?

Second, why should we accept that as the truth. Many people hallucinate and lie everyday. I work with a young man that believes he sees demons and angels standing behind people and that's how he can tell if someone is good or bad. To him, that is truth. To the rest of the world, it's part of his mental illness. I'm not suggesting that you are mentally ill, but every single one of use can hallucinate or dream given the right conditions.

Originally posted by Ufotheatre
I was not the only witness to this event.

Means little.... The event was very likely related to flares by A-10 pilots or ground artillery units on Fort Hood. I was stationed there for many years and can tell you that these things look strange, even to the trained and experienced eye.

Originally posted by Ufotheatre
I dont have to read books written by other colony members to form my basis on reality.

Your basis on reality is apparently skewed. It is definately not based on critical thinking.

Originally posted by Ufotheatre
I have seen those who have the real technology and they proved to me without any words books or misunderstandings that there was infact something far beyond my own understanding right here on earth with me.

Now this, I'd be interested in hearing about. Perhaps there is evidence that I (and the rest of the world) has been overlooking all this time.
Originally posted by Ufotheatre
OK goober... what you have there on that line is from my VCR...

The original video did not have that line...

Okay... fair enough.. but I still wonder why the line goes BEHIND THE UFO. Either the line was there first or the UFO was. If it is a line from a video artifact, that means the UFO was super-imposed, frame-by-frame. I see that as unlikely since it is easier to remove a line with photoshop's clone tool than to make a separate UFO image for each frame.

But what about the reflections in the first set?

Oh... I'll get to the "Phoenix Lights" footage soon enough.. :D
Hold your horses buddy..

I know what the hell flares look like... the orange object used nanotechnology and there was atleast 8 cars pulled off the side of the highway watching this object as it went across the highway.

The orange object emited objects out of the underside of it and these objects were small at first but then they all went up and around the original object like they were shielding it and they all grew to the same size of the object than had let them out.

They stayed like this for about 15 minutes while the parent object remained motionless the objects around the parent object continuously shifted positions around the parent object.

They all stayed in specificly geometric positions around the parent object for 20 minutes atleast before they all RETURNED back into the bottom of the parent object and then 2 more parent objects appeared above the main object and they all Departed together to the north.

The parent object had a force field around it that was amazing... it would shimmer and it would seem to change its shape to fit best when the smaller objects would move around it.

Also.. the people who were on the side of the road watching it with us... 2 of them were in fatigues and in the military and i asked one guy ron if this was some military object and he said that he had never in his life seen anything like that before and his friend kept saying OH MY GOD OH MY GOD like 10 or 20 times during the event duration.

I myself didnt sleep for 2 days afterwards wandering what the hell that thing was... it was the most amazing thing i have ever seen in my life and it was not even in the catagory of flares dropped from anything.

Flares are not even half as bright as this object much less have super flares that dont smoke.

I know it was a real object... i dont think there was aliens inside of it but it was controlled and built with technology that we are not even close to accomplishing.
These objects do exist..

This is a link to objects which are just like the ones i need in killeen that time.

The only thing different with the ones at that link is that i was just across the highway and this object and its spawned objects flew right up and past us and we were so close that it was downright scary for everyone.

They were so amazing and the formations of light they would create were very strange and awesome at the same time.

It was amazing... but the reality of it was so much that it changed the way i think and the way i look at ufo sightings.

Im sorry that you didnt get to experence it for yourself.

Im positive that these orange objects are still here and people are always seeing the exact same thing i seen that night.

Do a search on google for strange lights.. or orange ufo or ufo lights and you will find more reports of the same thing.

must be mass hysteria because that ufo has been here since atleast 1942.

Here is a direct link to another picture.

Also.... you see the parent object in the spotlights... and you see the smaller ones around it that came from the parent object... and i am positive that if you do your research you will find that these objects almost always glow bright orange and they are always described as beautiful or amazing.. because they are i have seen them and i know that they are so amazing that i cant even find the right words to describe fully what i seen that object do.
UFOTheatre, you discredit yourself as a witness with many of your statements.

You said:
the orange object used nanotechnology

The parent object had a force field around it

they are just an older race of humans

they have somehow inbedded computers into their minds and become 1 with the machine

they all had energy fields around them

most ufos are controlled by remote with small robots that were created to do the work that we have to do when flying planes and other things

when our creators return all goverments will fall and the ones in control will attempt to kill everyone with those weapons because they will no longer be leaders in power.

The universe started a chaotic flash of energy controlled from the outside and molded into a spendid array of spirals and circles that are proof that chaos is controlled by peace and understanding from the OUTSIDE... Not from the inside.

Our true saviors are those who are from the stars and the ones who know the universal law of understanding and peace.

The age of aquarius reigns the great flood just as it was before... check your astrological calender if you want to know what time i really is.

I would really like to see the evidence you have for any or all of these claims. I'm sure many other would as well. You really aren't helping Jeff at all with trying to get people to believe his video is genuine.

Actually, I think you are being duped by Jeff.... I certainly didn't pay for the video.
Nobody is being duped.

Your a skeptic who has no experence in the ufo field... you have not ever had a sighting and you dont know what your talking about.

All you know is hoaxes.. your life is a hoax... your beliefs are a hoax from a failing society.

Im sorry but anyone with any astrological knowledge can vouch that the coming age of aquarius is the rebirth of astrological time as we know it.

You are just a skeptical person with nothing else to do accept hang out on ufo forums and ATTEMPT to keep up with the post and trying to debunk.

Why dont you go hang out with other skeptics on the NON ufo forum where primitive thinking is more your speed.

Thanks for your time and your skeptical retardations... i dont have to shit to prove.. i have proof in videos you have to prove that the proof is fake to reinforce your failing beliefs system that there is no life outside earth and that when earth was a boiling ball of lava that was ejected from the sun that it already had life on it somehow.

All life comes from space... that means primitive thinkers too... not just ocean creatures and dinosaurs.

Dont ask yourself why dinosaurs were so much larger and all life back then was bigger.. because even though the answer is right in front of your eyes.. you will never see it yet you will try to debunk the answers you dont even know because your colony reinforces the idiotic belief system that humans are the most advanced thinking creatures in our galaxy to keep control of the other primitive thinkers.

Your one of those primitive thinkers and you prove it with each post.
So I take it you are not going to share any evidence of "aquarius," "force-fields," or "nanotechnology" with us?

Why dont you go hang out with other skeptics on the NON ufo forum

I am in a "non-ufo" forum. This is a Psuedoscience forum. Pseudo meaning false or pretended. We here to talk about "pretend" science.

Science, my friend, is about testing hypotheses. Your hypothesis can't even make it to theory since you reject all other possibilities out of hand.

If you listen to the things I'm sharing with you, and develop your critical thinking skills, you'll be able to more effectively make your case. There are a lot of plausible arguments that you had going for you that get invalidated by claims that have little credence. The vcr/video artifact for one.

Dont be mad because you cant keep up with the times buddy.

Excuse me... but you have no ufo experences... therefore you can keep your comments and quoting to yourself.. go find another post to chase because you and your thoughts are light years in the past there primitive thinker.

Your all alone in the cosmos and your the smart scientist with all the answers.

Originally posted by Ufotheatre
Nobody is being duped.

Your a skeptic who has no experence in the ufo field... you have not ever had a sighting and you dont know what your talking about.

First of all........."You're a skeptic" I hate to point out spelling errors.........but mis-using your and you're really irritates me. It's just a personal thing I have.

Secondly, does it not occur to you the fact that he has never had a sighting give him MORE credit in debunking UFO's? I mean, it would seem rather silly for him to deny their existance if he had actually SEEN one.
Why dont you go hang out with other skeptics on the NON ufo forum where primitive thinking is more your speed.
Actually, his thinking is rather advanced, he is analytical and intelligent in his replies and arguments. YOU however, are resorting to simple nay-saying and repetition of what you've said before, bringing no actual evidence or proof to counter his arguments.

Thanks for your time and your skeptical retardations... i dont have to shit to prove.. i have proof in videos you have to prove that the proof is fake to reinforce your failing beliefs system that there is no life outside earth and that when earth was a boiling ball of lava that was ejected from the sun that it already had life on it somehow.

I highly doubt he believes that earth had life on it when it was a boiling ball of magma. My guess is that he believes that original once celled life began on this earth around a billion years or so ago due to a combination of chemicals and minerals that were given the necessary conditions to facilitate mutation into life.....or something like that......I never really paid a lot of attention in biology...........But that one celled life evolved and mutated over a billion years into what we have today...............
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