Newton's Third Law of Motion: A question for willing teachers

as far as a real world scenerio goes, I think any force you generate on the ship by throwing the brick would get bled off as heat. Think of how much mass has to be effected as a result of this. every intermolecular bond has to register this push. and every intermolecular bond will turn a little bit of this force into heat as they strech and contract ever so slightly. I think the net effect on the ship would be zero. I dunno if you are looking for this kind of answer or an ideal one. not trying to be a wang . Just giving another perspective.
Can you give me the equations to describe this?

kind regards
Hi Warren :)

The three-volume hardcover set is the same price as all three softcovers bought separately (they are not available in a set). Volume I contains mechanics, kinetic theory, that kinda stuff. Volume II is E&M. Volume III is quantum mechanics.
They came today. :D

Wow!! They are awesome! I've got my work cut out now. Thank you once again for bringing their quality to my attention. :)

kind regards
This is the principle behind the 'mass driver' concept.

Now suppose, you throw the entire spaceship out the back....
