Nikola Tesla's Earthquake Machine


Valued Senior Member
Do you believe it was real and he truly had some better understanding of science than we currently have today? What of his more esoteric ideas? Circles of light for portals? Wireless transmission of electricity? Earthquake device? Or was he part scientist part scammer?
Do you believe it was real and he truly had some better understanding of science than we currently have today? What of his more esoteric ideas? Circles of light for portals? Wireless transmission of electricity? Earthquake device? Or was he part scientist part scammer?

No, he was never a scammer. The problem was that in his later life, while still a scientist of sorts, he went slightly insane.
Are you sure? What about his invention, they're already discussing transmission of solar electric energy from space to receiving stations on Earth.
Are you sure? What about his invention, they're already discussing transmission of solar electric energy from space to receiving stations on Earth.

That has nothing at all to do with his zany idea. The thing you're talking about is sending the energy to Earth in the form of microwaves that will be received by special equipment.

Tesla's idea was to "charge the atmosphere" and drain it off for use wherever it was wanted. HUGE difference there!!!
Toward the end he was basically a broken man. And financially destitute. He would often spout grandious nonsence to some gullible reporter in exchange for a meal at a resterant. Sad really.

Part of the problem was that while he was brilliant on the experimental side he was "not so good" on the theoretical. An awefull lot of how he thought his inventions worked was just plain wrong.
Toward the end he was basically a broken man. And financially destitute. He would often spout grandious nonsence to some gullible reporter in exchange for a meal at a resterant. Sad really.

Part of the problem was that while he was brilliant on the experimental side he was "not so good" on the theoretical. An awefull lot of how he thought his inventions worked was just plain wrong.

Yes, I agree completely. (But we both need to be aware that there are people here who are completely lacking in electrical/electronic knowledge that think that Tesla was the smartest man who ever lived!!) ;) :D

He also had no business sense, either. Had his hare-brained scheme to deliver electrical power wirelessly around the world ever worked (which, of course it couldn't) there would have been absolutely no way to meter/charge for it. And what fool with a power-generating plant would supply electricity that he couldn't even charge for?!?!;)
Part of the problem was that while he was brilliant on the experimental side he was "not so good" on the theoretical. An awefull lot of how he thought his inventions worked was just plain wrong.
You con't really dismiss his enventions in more then one way he was brilliant
Tesla has given us many powerful inventions. Only some of which the government will admit of course.

In his notes he had self-described a perfect flying machine capable "of accelerating to 9000mph" almost instantly. He died in 1943. We started paying attention to UFOs in 1947.
Theyve been around ever since.

The media was TOLD to cast him as slightly insane to mislead people away from his powerful ideas, that LITERALLY changed the world.
(He even had his own dynamic theory of gravity)

Do your own research, you will only get biased answers here.
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He also had no business sense, either. Had his hare-brained scheme to deliver electrical power wirelessly around the world ever worked (which, of course it couldn't) there would have been absolutely no way to meter/charge for it. And what fool with a power-generating plant would supply electricity that he couldn't even charge for?!?!;)

Communist system ? ;)
Tesla has given us many powerful inventions. Only some of which the government will admit of course.

In his notes he had self-described a perfect flying machine capable "of accelerating to 9000mph" almost instantly. He died in 1943. We started paying attention to UFOs in 1947.
Theyve been around ever since.

The media was TOLD to cast him as slightly insane to mislead people away from his powerful ideas, that LITERALLY changed the world.
(He even had his own dynamic theory of gravity)

Do your own research, you will only get biased answers here.

So you actually believe the silly conspiracy theories, then? Too bad.

You need to spend a LOT more time studying basic physics and electricity. Obviously your education in those areas is not of the quality it should.
So you actually believe the silly conspiracy theories, then? Too bad.

You need to spend a LOT more time studying basic physics and electricity. Obviously your education in those areas is not of the quality it should.

Well I never said that did I? And I do study physics.

Stop spinning the subject Read-Only, I merely provided an open-minded answer and suggested he research it himself.

Whats with your attitude?
That has nothing at all to do with his zany idea. The thing you're talking about is sending the energy to Earth in the form of microwaves that will be received by special equipment.

so if i put a rock band on the moon and used basic radio transmitters to send the concert to earth; is energy transmitted?

i.e... can one blip of information convey?

then radio is broadcasting 'energy'

and if you are at all on your game; then realize that when a radio station here on earth is transmitting, they know when you are listening. Why? because nothing transmits unless a reciever is exchanging and at the station they know how much power is 'transmitting' based on what is being captured.

That one 'fact' is something that ruins the morons of the complacent

Tesla's idea was to "charge the atmosphere" and drain it off for use wherever it was wanted. HUGE difference there!!!

and here is that proof once again, you be a moron.

Tesla, tower was not for sending electricity but 'creating' it from the coils crossing the lines of the earth magnetic field; that is where the ideal observance to A/C came from. That switch alternated at the rate of the flux line occilations and why a potential was created by the 'alternating' poles.

that is the basis of his 'free energy'................. Tesla proved we need no imput power to 'charge a coil'.............. this is what 'free energy' was about.

and of course Edison would not assist here is because then he loses his centralized control of the utility.

You live on what you 'read-only' from newspaper articles.

He also had no business sense, either.
He cared more for the sciences than money.

Had his hare-brained scheme to deliver electrical power wirelessly around the world ever worked (which, of course it couldn't) there would have been absolutely no way to meter/charge for it. And what fool with a power-generating plant would supply electricity that he couldn't even charge for?!?!

again a complacent belief of a moron.......

i.e..... tesla shared the fluorescent bulb while edison (GE) found the incondescent light was cheaper to make and where the profit is but here we are 100 years later and tesla reappears in his brilliance of economy and science in the over all good of mankind; the fluorescent bulb is back on top.
i wanted to point out;

does anyone understand why Tesla was so in tuned with the magnetic flux densisty?

well then if that 'density' is of the earth magnetic field was understood, could an elevated coil above the earth's surface produce a potential?

use common sense
Tesla Unit for magnetic flux density equation (T=W/m2)

the discovery in 1882 by tesla was the rotating magnetic fields and realized how to use them

It is how MRI machines use a field to created images

Nikola Tesla's name has been honored with the international unit of magnetic flux density called "Tesla". All magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) machines are calibrated with Tesla Unit (from .2 Tesla to 9 Tesla). MRI machines work on the principle of a homogeneous magnet field. Nikola Tesla discovered the Rotating Magnetic Field in Budapest, 1882.

doesn't it just piss you off to realize how the punks of business simply set our country back a 100 years