Nikola Tesla's Earthquake Machine

Lol at all the people that come across as though they know the man intimately.

that is what i laugh about too

when much of what people read is from the newspaper or articles by others but never have actually understood what his contributions were in the first place......
A vibrating assembly with an adjustable frequency was finally perfected, and by 1897, Tesla was causing trouble with it in and near the neighborhood around his loft laboratory. Reporter A.L. Besnson wrote about this device in late 1911 or early 1912 for the Hearst tabloid The World Today. After fastening the resonator ("no larger than an alarm clock") to a steel bar (or "link") two feet long and two inches thick:

He set the vibrator in "tune" with the link. For a long time nothing happened-&endash;vibrations of machine and link did not seem to coincide, but at last they did and the great steel began to tremble, increased its trembling until it dialated and contracted like a beating heart&endash;and finally broke. Sledge hammers could not have done it; crowbars could not have done it, but a fusillade of taps, no one of which would have harmed a baby, did it. Tesla was pleased.

But not pleased enough it seems:

"He put his little vibrator in his coat-pocket and went out to hunt a half-erected steel building. Down in the Wall Street district, he found one&endash;ten stories of steel framework without a brick or a stone laid around it. He clamped the vibrator to one of the beams, and fussed with the adjustment until he got it.

Tesla said finally the structure began to creak and weave and the steel-workers came to the ground panic-stricken, believing that there had been an earthquake. Police were called out. Tesla put the vibrator in his pocket and went away. Ten minutes more and he could have laid the building in the street. And, with the same vibrator he could have dropped the Brooklyn Bridge into the East River in less than an hour."

Tesla claimed the device, properly modified, could be used to map underground deposits of oil. A vibration sent through the earth returns an "echo signature" using the same principle as sonar. This idea was actually adapted for use by the petroleum industry, and is used today in a modified form with devices used to locate objects at archaelogical digs

Here is an actual picture of the electro-mechanical oscillator. Note the size of the field magnets. They were constructed of numerous flat sheets of iron. Using flat sheets of iron, as opposed to a single piece of iron, increases the magnetic field. Recent research with permanent magnets and permanent magnet, electromagnetic combinations could greatly increase the work done by the oscillator. In Dr. Tesla's machine, current is provided for the field coils by the generator. By useing a permanent or combination magnet arrangement current for the field coils could be reduced, resulting in a greater output. ............... Dr. Tesla was able to match the resonant frequency of objects in the room by adjusting either the electrical or mechanical movement of the piston. He was able to identify different objects in a circuit by matching their resonant frequency. The mechanical oscillator had to be mounted on wooden blocks to help damp vibration. Dr. Tesla also showed parts of a steel arbor that had been torn apart with one of his oscillators

do you guys like reading about Tesla?
so if i put a rock band on the moon and used basic radio transmitters to send the concert to earth; is energy transmitted?

i.e... can one blip of information convey?

then radio is broadcasting 'energy'

and if you are at all on your game; then realize that when a radio station here on earth is transmitting, they know when you are listening. Why? because nothing transmits unless a reciever is exchanging and at the station they know how much power is 'transmitting' based on what is being captured.

That one 'fact' is something that ruins the morons of the complacent

and here is that proof once again, you be a moron.

Tesla, tower was not for sending electricity but 'creating' it from the coils crossing the lines of the earth magnetic field; that is where the ideal observance to A/C came from. That switch alternated at the rate of the flux line occilations and why a potential was created by the 'alternating' poles.

that is the basis of his 'free energy'................. Tesla proved we need no imput power to 'charge a coil'.............. this is what 'free energy' was about.

and of course Edison would not assist here is because then he loses his centralized control of the utility.

You live on what you 'read-only' from newspaper articles.

He cared more for the sciences than money.

again a complacent belief of a moron.......

i.e..... tesla shared the fluorescent bulb while edison (GE) found the incondescent light was cheaper to make and where the profit is but here we are 100 years later and tesla reappears in his brilliance of economy and science in the over all good of mankind; the fluorescent bulb is back on top.

I'm a moron, eh? If you really want to identify one just look in the mirror. Practically EVERYTHING you post here is pure garbage - and worse. Your understanding of physics in general - and electricity and magnetism in particular - is not even up to high school level.

And as I pointed out before - and you chose to ignore - most of what you say seems to indicate that you never even finished high school.

Why don't you just go back to playing with marbles and leave the truly educated people alone? You contribute nothing but confusion and inaccuracies.

More worthless blather about OLD technology that Tesla may (or even may not!) have toyed with.

It just so happens that my younger brother (now aged 61) is a manager of a company that does oil exploration searches world-wide. The technology used - in DIRECT CONTRAST to the claims in what you just quoted - is nothing at all like Tesla's crude ideas.

For land-based exploration, they place a large number of acoustical sensors over a very broad area and cable them all back to a central data recorder. They then set off a number of small explosions - one at a time - record the echos reflected back from deep strata and then take all the collected data back (or ship it) to a lab in Huston, Tx. where a geological profile is prepared.

The system works very well and oil companies pay them BIG bucks for their work.
I am not sure what you have against Tesla, Read-Only. But there was obviously something into his research if the government thought it was worthy to raid his lab before it "mysteriously" burnt down...
I am not sure what you have against Tesla, Read-Only. But there was obviously something into his research if the government thought it was worthy to raid his lab before it "mysteriously" burnt down...

I have absolutely NOTHING against Tesla!!!! The man was very smart - but in ONE area and ONE area only - electricity. But at the same time he was limited even there since he didn't fully understand how many of his devices really worked. He had developed theories of how they worked, but they were incorrect. Both physics and it's subset, electricity, have progressed way beyond what Tesla knew back in his time.

What I AM against is all the foolish people today who have NOT studied even the basics that believe Tesla invented things that he did not. And the only reason they buy into it in the first place is because their own personal education is very, very poor.

As to that last part, the government - also not known for being very bright - bought into the same myths that these dumb, half-educated people do today and thought that he might have developed some mysterious, powerful weapon. The government, at that time, was no smarter than the government is today! It wasn't scientists that pushed for that raid, it was ignorant politicans - the same kind we have now.
I'm a moron, eh?

monkeys are monkeys that don't evolve.

who else on this earth has mentioned to you that the tesla coil on his property was used to generate a potential; i.e... a generator, not a transmitter.

and if you call a radio station, any one of them can tell you how they know people are listening. we had KEZY right down the end of East street as a kid.......

the problem is, you too stubborn to think

if you don't like to read the threads then don't read

Tesla's resonator has much to learn from, ' read only' is worthless point of view.

monkeys are monkeys that don't evolve.

who else on this earth has mentioned to you that the tesla coil on his property was used to generate a potential; i.e... a generator, not a transmitter.

and if you call a radio station, any one of them can tell you how they know people are listening. we had KEZY right down the end of East street as a kid.......

the problem is, you too stubborn to think

if you don't like to read the threads then don't read

Tesla's resonator has much to learn from, ' read only' is worthless point of view.

Nope, once again (just as MANY times before!) you've shown yourself to be the complete moron!

Tesla's coil was NOT a generator - it was actually an extremely high-voltage transformer, dummy! It drew power from the commercial power lines.

And radio stations have some magical device that tells them how many listeners they have????????????????? You are an absolute idiot!! I've held a commercial FCC license since 1965 and am fully qualified to operate any radio or TV transmitter anywhere in the U.S. While you don't even own a book on basic electricity.

You simply do not read ENOUGH and have NO clue about electricity, electronics and magnetism!!!!
Nope, once again (just as MANY times before!) you've shown yourself to be the complete moron!

Tesla's coil was NOT a generator - it was actually an extremely high-voltage transformer, dummy! It drew power from the commercial power lines.
What power lines? Remember these guys, (edison, westinghouse and tesla) are who started the majority of the electricity game, you moron.

ie.... electricity was not on the corner but these guys were who was 'generating' it, you moron .....

in your eyes, electricity was under the side walks and anyone could patch it in and tesla was just trying to give it away because he was so stupid, right?

these boys were 'generating' a potential and tesla figured out how to capture that potential without a manuel or mechanical input. Common sense shares it was not as great as the niagra plant, but that was not the point. The point is, that elevated coil was for generation not transmission...........

that is what you got from TV and the media; not from Tesla's words or his work.

When you can produce, Tesla's writings on that statement you made then you have grounds to talk; otherwise, i know i cannot find the docs i read a few decade ago but i did do the math back then as well aware of the switch that made the whole thing possible (it occilates with the magnetic flux changes) don't you remember, at 13 i mentioned building a TV jammer from an am radio, and you can't believe that when they make $9.00 kits for children to make them; and you still can't comprehend that either.

you be a complacent goof and your integrity is sick

And radio stations have some magical device that tells them how many listeners they have?????????????????

call anyone of them and ask them; "do you know how much power you are punching based on the amount of people recieving? ......

if you are at all aware of how electrical circuits work, then you would be able to comrpehend how power is associated to the transmissions.

I've held a commercial FCC license since 1965 and am fully qualified to operate any radio or TV transmitter anywhere in the U.S.

so call the station and ask them as apparently for an old timer like you, you really never knew how it works.

shares just how little you really know not to mention your honesty of the whole arena of science stinks up something fierce
What power lines? Remember these guys, (edison, westinghouse and tesla) are who started the majority of the electricity game, you moron.

ie.... electricity was not on the corner but these guys were who was 'generating' it, you moron .....

in your eyes, electricity was under the side walks and anyone could patch it in and tesla was just trying to give it away because he was so stupid, right?

these boys were 'generating' a potential and tesla figured out how to capture that potential without a manuel or mechanical input. Common sense shares it was not as great as the niagra plant, but that was not the point. The point is, that elevated coil was for generation not transmission...........

that is what you got from TV and the media; not from Tesla's words or his work.

When you can produce, Tesla's writings on that statement you made then you have grounds to talk; otherwise, i know i cannot find the docs i read a few decade ago but i did do the math back then as well aware of the switch that made the whole thing possible (it occilates with the magnetic flux changes) don't you remember, at 13 i mentioned building a TV jammer from an am radio, and you can't believe that when they make $9.00 kits for children to make them; and you still can't comprehend that either.

you be a complacent goof and your integrity is sick

call anyone of them and ask them; "do you know how much power you are punching based on the amount of people recieving? ......

if you are at all aware of how electrical circuits work, then you would be able to comrpehend how power is associated to the transmissions.

so call the station and ask them as apparently for an old timer like you, you really never knew how it works.

shares just how little you really know not to mention your honesty of the whole arena of science stinks up something fierce

It's quite obvious that you have a serious mental defect and need help badly!!! Go to a medical/mental professional and try and get it before you are forced into an institution.
Go to a medical/mental professional and try and get it before you are forced into an institution.

already there.....duuuuude

i am alive!

your weak mind reveals your complacent ignorance

and as oooosual you screwed up another thread.

stay away if all you can do is call people names.......

meaning you state all this crap that i don't know, but offer nothing but ad hominen attacks..... in contrast i found some more toys for people to read

Free energy

or for another jump in thought

read (very little) only
you may wish to stay away as none of it is conforming but all based from the esoteric thinking of people who are into science and progress

found this site chasing tesla around town (the internet)

enjoy the read as well each has the math for their work, but offers the understanding that will allow each to follow.... so don't be nervous folks

just enjoy reaching beyond the morons of the complacent

i like to suggest; this is our generation........ the old timers failed!

so we can just let them 'equilibriate' and be extinct soon enough.....

life WILL continue without them
already there.....duuuuude

i am alive!

your weak mind reveals your complacent ignorance

and as oooosual you screwed up another thread.

stay away if all you can do is call people names.......

meaning you state all this crap that i don't know, but offer nothing but ad hominen attacks..... in contrast i found some more toys for people to read

Free energy

or for another jump in thought

read (very little) only
you may wish to stay away as none of it is conforming but all based from the esoteric thinking of people who are into science and progress

found this site chasing tesla around town (the internet)

enjoy the read as well each has the math for their work, but offers the understanding that will allow each to follow.... so don't be nervous folks

just enjoy reaching beyond the morons of the complacent

i like to suggest; this is our generation........ the old timers failed!

so we can just let them 'equilibriate' and be extinct soon enough.....

life WILL continue without them

I'm really being serious here! You DO need help and you need it BADLY!

(And I've posted more real science in these threads than your poor, sick mind can comprehend.)
I'm really being serious here! You DO need help and you need it BADLY!

(And I've posted more real science in these threads than your poor, sick mind can comprehend.)

ok... here is your 'atta-boy'

do you feel better?

did you read through the links?

bet ya didn't all because of the punk you be........ 'boy'

did yu hear about Tesla building a resonance contraption that rattles the cages of the ignorant morons?

heck; no wonder you are on this thread...... pisses you off to realize just how stupid a complacent education is. i.e.... follow edison, get paid.

Meaning fools like you are not thinking about what you can do for mankind with your education; punks are alwaysing thinking about what people can pay you for.

big difference!

p/s ...... tesla died an extremely rich man! The people Love a contributor where as in contrast, you will probably be forgotten as a read-only kind of guy.

Go lay by your dish old timer. Your kind is on the extinction list.

and i personally hate folk with little integrity for the truth

the thread is on tesla; not my good looks
Yeah, its interesting that not even under pseudoscience one cant speculate on
something unproven without vicious attacks from "keepers of official truth".
Strange, where should we move this thread from here, ReadOnly, to Cesspool ?
ok... here is your 'atta-boy'

do you feel better?

did you read through the links?

bet ya didn't all because of the punk you be........ 'boy'

did yu hear about Tesla building a resonance contraption that rattles the cages of the ignorant morons?

heck; no wonder you are on this thread...... pisses you off to realize just how stupid a complacent education is. i.e.... follow edison, get paid.

Meaning fools like you are not thinking about what you can do for mankind with your education; punks are alwaysing thinking about what people can pay you for.

big difference!

p/s ...... tesla died an extremely rich man! The people Love a contributor where as in contrast, you will probably be forgotten as a read-only kind of guy.

Go lay by your dish old timer. Your kind is on the extinction list.

and i personally hate folk with little integrity for the truth

the thread is on tesla; not my good looks

Tesla died a POOR man!!! And who mentioned your looks? Good or bad???

I realize you think I'm joking about your mental condition but I am NOT! You display many signs of mental weakness: a paranoid streak; difficulty communicating; your sentence structure is horrible - incomplete thoughts, rapidly jumping from subject to unrelated subject, very low reading comprehension... I could go on, but I won't.

The danger is that if you don't seek out professional help, it's likely to be forced upon you.
Yeah, its interesting that not even under pseudoscience one cant speculate on
something unproven without vicious attacks from "keepers of official truth".
Strange, where should we move this thread from here, ReadOnly, to Cesspool ?

It didn't begin in the cesspool - nothing does. It has already been moved there.
Tesla died a POOR man!!!
that is the difference between your depth and a tinking mans

value of life has nothing to do with money; it has to do with what you leave during your stay.

'Good' contributions to the evolution of knowledge has more value than the GNP of all countries combined.

That is what our life is for. To combine to increase potential that lives beyond that period of choice. It is like living as a brick to a pyramid that stands the test of time.

We live in what we do, not to be measured with what we think we have.

Tesla died a very rich man!
He gave his life for the benefit of our species, not for the profit of the simple minded morons of this complancent regime of idiots like you.

i.e....... all this science in the world and not a one of you comprehend what Tesla's contributions were.

He wrote half the laws most everything in electrical science uses as well shares how potential increases by absorbing energy from the environment.

it is how the earthquake machine works.....

as you each talk about how wacked i am but are too stupid to self reflect.

not a one of you even comprehends how this brilliant man crossed into the living forever by what he gave to us as a species.

nor does a one even try to walk through the math to comprhend how his science works......

punks, the lot of ya
that is the difference between your depth and a tinking mans

value of life has nothing to do with money; it has to do with what you leave during your stay.

'Good' contributions to the evolution of knowledge has more value than the GNP of all countries combined.

That is what our life is for. To combine to increase potential that lives beyond that period of choice. It is like living as a brick to a pyramid that stands the test of time.

We live in what we do, not to be measured with what we think we have.

Tesla died a very rich man!
He gave his life for the benefit of our species, not for the profit of the simple minded morons of this complancent regime of idiots like you.

i.e....... all this science in the world and not a one of you comprehend what Tesla's contributions were.

He wrote half the laws most everything in electrical science uses as well shares how potential increases by absorbing energy from the environment.

it is how the earthquake machine works.....

as you each talk about how wacked i am but are too stupid to self reflect.

not a one of you even comprehends how this brilliant man crossed into the living forever by what he gave to us as a species.

nor does a one even try to walk through the math to comprhend how his science works......

punks, the lot of ya

Just more worthless drivel. You are beyond both help AND hope.