Numbers in repeating radio bursts.

University of Manchester. "157 day cycle in unusual cosmic radio bursts." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 8 June 2020. <>.

"--radio bursts observed in a window lasting approximately 90 days followed by a silent period of 67 days. The same behaviour then repeats every 157 days.--" so :

take 90 ; 67; 157 in sequence and one sees that they are in a 4:3 = 7 ratio. of

7 units of 22.42857143 days each. with 99.7 % accuracy.

signals of a typical self - organizing stable orbital system?
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signals of a typical self - organizing stable orbital system?
While FRBs remain a mystery for now, every new piece of the puzzle that astronomers discover brings us closer to an answer.

The discovery that at least some Fast Radio Bursts (FRBs) repeat has ruled out cataclysmic events as the progenitors of these particular bursts. FRB 121102 is the most well-studied repeating FRB but despite extensive monitoring of the source, no underlying pattern in the repetition has previously been identified. Here, we present the results from a radio monitoring campaign of FRB 121102 using the 76 m Lovell telescope. Using the pulses detected in the Lovell data along with pulses from the literature, we report a detection of periodic behaviour of the source over the span of 5 yr of data. We predict that the source is currently ‘off’ and that it should turn ‘on’ for the approximate MJD range 59002−59089 (2020 June 2 to 2020 August 28). This result, along with the recent detection of periodicity from another repeating FRB, highlights the need for long-term monitoring of repeating FRBs at a high cadence. Using simulations, we show that one needs at least 100 h of telescope time to follow-up repeating FRBs at a cadence of 0.5–3 d to detect periodicities in the range of 10–150 d. If the period is real, it shows that repeating FRBs can have a large range in their activity periods that might be difficult to reconcile with neutron star precession models.
While FRBs remain a mystery for now

Thank you for the update pb.
By using my trusted measuring stick and divider method, it is apparent that there is also a near 3
: 2 : 5
, resonance with a unit length of 22.333 days, a 99.25 % accuracy besides

the more perfect match of 22, 42 9 days. giving the posted 3/4 , 4/7 , 3/7 ratios. .

I could not see this obvious trivial truth in the Paper of the learned team, so, I thought this is stuff for the sciforum.
perhaps this post deserves even an upgrade / transfer to the main science forum from which I am are excluded?
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perhaps this post deserves even an upgrade / transfer to the main science forum from which I am are excluded?
Is that right? So too is river...he has it over you but, in the fact that his obsession with his self grandiosity, covers all areas of science, not just your apparent one aspect with regards to orbitals of planets etc. So you have some catching up to do.
your apparent one aspect with regards to orbitals of planets etc

so: how about this aspect of resonances in fast repeated radio bursts?
6 resonances inherent in these intervals of 90, 67 and 157 days.
stability in orbits comes from resonances and 6 ratios are teeming up here. 3/2 , 3/5 , 5/2 and: 3/4 , 3/7 , 4/7 , all within 99.3 % accuracy.
mainstreamed numbers deserve to be numbered among mainstream science. imho.
it is apparent that there is also a near 3
: 2 : 5
, resonance with a unit length of 22.333 days, a 99.25 % accuracy besides

the more perfect match of 22, 42 9 days. giving the posted 3/4 , 4/7 , 3/7 ratios. .

Correction here:
The dividing 157 days into 5 (the 3;2 ratio) yields a unit of 31,4 days , not the 22. 43. of the Op.
90 : 31.4 = not exactly 3 but 2.87, 67 : 31.4 = 2.13 not exactly 2, so:
the bad news: the 3:2 resonances there are out by ~ 5 % (as they are in the Solar system) the good news:
31.4 is 1o times PI.
signals of a typical self - organizing stable orbital system?
The alternative theory i thought, based on these resonance related numbers is, that
rotations are involved in these beams coming our way
no surprise, because the Universe as a whole might be rotating after all :

"The cosmic web that connects galaxies together may be spinning" leah crane in New Scientist.

Read more:

P,S. The present theory also suggests that an orbiting body, rotating with an axis level with it's system's ecliptic, like Uranus, would send timed signals received in one direction, if:
it emitted central jets such as coming from black holes, neutron stars. A basic analogy in theory, with details to be filled in.
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The alternative theory i thought, based on these resonance related numbers is, that
rotations are involved in these beams coming our way
no surprise, because the Universe as a whole might be rotating after all :

"The cosmic web that connects galaxies together may be spinning" leah crane in New Scientist.

Read more:

P,S. The present theory also suggests that an orbiting body, rotating with an axis level with it's system's ecliptic, like Uranus, would send timed signals received in one direction, if:
it emitted central jets such as coming from black holes, neutron stars. A basic analogy in theory, with details to be filled in.

Would these central Jets eject from both poles ?
Would these central Jets eject from both poles ?
On another forum I included STABILITY in the headline, because in our Solar system both exact resonances, and near rsonances are a hallmark of stability that has allowed live to flourish for 4 billion years.
Indidently the source of the bursts also sits at the outskirts of it's galaxy. but
we might be dealing with an entirely different apparatus, that only shares the converging of these resonance numbers with our planetary orbit timings
Would radiation pressure, of an jet, or thin matter, -- only exiting the "exo-neptune" on one pole be enough to disturb that stability? Could it be a "just now" event, like the solar eclipses possible here now, because of the current but changing Moon, Earth orbits?
Numbers dont lie, and having 6 ratios working out like that dont happen often, sends a message, raises a red flag. so
alternative theory: powerful, resonance -stabilized, --balanced rotating system of some kind at the sending end of the bursts.
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Is that right?

Yes, There is something right about this alternative theory: here is another resonance ratio Radio burster. with these numbers:
3:1, 4:1

Massachusetts Institute of Technology. "Astronomers detect regular rhythm of radio waves, with origins unknown: Signal from 500 million light years away is the first periodic pattern of radio bursts detected." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 17 June 2020. <>.

"The pattern begins with a noisy, four-day window, during which the source emits random bursts of radio waves, followed by a 12-day period of radio silence."
The article gives even 5 other alternative theories how these patterns are generated.
why? because numbers dont lie.
Did James R say : Numerology?
well here is same more: there is a strange resemblance between the OP's 157 days burst period and the 16 days, in the latest news.
May be 10 is a universally recognized counting system?