Objective Morality and Atheism

You're imagining things.

I can go back and quote if you like; you said stoning homosexuals was wrong. Then I said that it was wrong only in your eyes and not in his, and then you just said it was wrong no matter what......which means it's objectivley wrong although that's impossible.

There is substantial evidence for the existence of morality. You experience and see it everyday of your life. It is bound into the social fabric of everyone around you and it is taken for granted. For example you do not normally go about your daily life wondering if the person next to you will suddenly murder you. Normal people constrain their behavior around mutually acceptable and reasoned standards of morality. Our society would turn to chaos if this were not so.
I said objective morality. You're talking about subjective morality, which of course does exist.

Now where do we obtain our standards of moral conduct? The religious assert it is from their deities via their holy books. The non-believers simply use reason. In this case the non-believer position is superior on the grounds that he/she can determine what is correct through reason whereas the religious person has to be told how to behave.
I disagree because you assume all atheists are alike. Stalin's morality was different than yours although you are both atheists.

There can be no such thing as absolute morality. What is considered good or bad can only be determined by mutually agreed standards within a given social group.
Correct, which means anything can potentially be OK. Depending on the society. And this is was entirely my argument in the first place; in Iranian society it is OK to stone homosexuals. In the Nazi society it was OK to exterminate Jews

Those societies aren't wrong, they are differnet
To them it is. It's all ready-defined by Gods word.

If people claim I am the authority on morality, I think you'd say that's not objective. Same thing as claiming God as the authority. Specially since it isn't a matter only of God teaching what is objectively good but it is God deciding what is good.
I can go back and quote if you like; you said stoning homosexuals was wrong. Then I said that it was wrong only in your eyes and not in his, and then you just said it was wrong no matter what......which means it's objectivley wrong although that's impossible.

You're not only imagining things, you're twisting things to suit your whim.
Quote all you want. I know better than you what I said.
If people claim I am the authority on morality, I think you'd say that's not objective. Same thing as claiming God as the authority. Specially since it isn't a matter only of God teaching what is objectively good but it is God deciding what is good.

To them God is the only authority, and the creator of everything in existence to boot.
What God says/does/is must be objective according to that view.
You're not only imagining things, you're twisting them to suit your whim.
Quote all you want. I know better than you what I said.

No, you apparantly don't. You said stoning homosexuals was wrong, which I said was only your opinion and you said it wasn't.

That means you are saying morality is objective.
Yea, so what does that mean ? Armageddon ?

It means nothing. Americans don't have to stone homosexuals if they don't want to and Iranians can pass laws requiring it if they want to.

Live and let live, except applied to different cultures
So what happens when Iranians start stoning Americans ?

War, and the superior comes out the victor.

Had Hitler won, would the extermination of Jews have been viewed as bad? I doubt it. It would've been viewed as a necessary good.
“ Originally Posted by StrangerInAStrangeLa
You're not only imagining things, you're twisting them to suit your whim.
Quote all you want. I know better than you what I said. ”

No, you apparantly don't. You said stoning homosexuals was wrong, which I said was only your opinion and you said it wasn't.

That means you are saying morality is objective.

What is apparant to you just isn't so.
Don't attempt to tell me the meaning of what I say.