Definition ~ Objectivity ~ controversial
The first thing I wanted to propose is that we accept the possible limitations placed upon this enquiry due to our inferior knowledge of what constitutes mind-Independence and there-to mind dependence. However I will not be requiring the mind dependency criteria to be questioned in the same way it is often done.
I am also confident that this type of example has been used before and probably invalidated accordingly but as yet I have not found reference to it on the net.
If someone knows of an appropriate link that deals with this issue please post it.
Putting concepts such as the Matrix [fantasy] aside for the moment and dealing with "hard" reality it can be shown conclusively, I believe, that substance can not pass through substance with out re-integrating those substances.
In other words it could be deemed an objective fact that a man [substance/matter] can not pass through a brick wall and neither can any observers universally pass through that same brick wall if they are made of substance [matter/mass] with out either re-integrating their own substance or that of the wall. edit: with use of volition and deliberate use of will.
The wall or material barrier in this instance would have to be destroyed or the man himself would have to suffer damage to pass through this barrier. Either way both material substances, man and wall, would suffer change due to the transition.
This I believe is an objective truth as this is also a shared fact amongst all universal percievers, that I would love to see refuted if at all possible, with out calling in fantasy like the Matrix and other.
The above is about creating a position on the subject using an extreme circumstance. It does not imply that it is founded or correct but it is merely a "poser" to solicit further understanding of the vexation between objectivity and subjectivity
Care to discuss?
Preferred definition of "discussion":
Main Entry: dis·cus·sion
Pronunciation: \di-ˈskə-shən\
Function: noun
Date: 14th century
1 : consideration of a question in open and usually informal debate
with the view to improve understanding yet not necessarily agreement.
2 : where reaching an agreement is welcome but unnecessary.
The definition of Objective Truth that I am using is:
An event or lack of event that can be indepentantly assessed/confirmed as true as opposed to "False" by a universal population of observers.
A note for wanna be flamers:
You can be better served posting your deliberate flaming and attempt at derailment of topic to this thread specifically designed to faciliate such activity:
Definition ~ Objectivity ~ controversial
~ wikiWhile there is no universally accepted articulation of objectivity, a proposition is generally considered to be objectively true when its truth conditions are "mind-independent"—
The first thing I wanted to propose is that we accept the possible limitations placed upon this enquiry due to our inferior knowledge of what constitutes mind-Independence and there-to mind dependence. However I will not be requiring the mind dependency criteria to be questioned in the same way it is often done.
I am also confident that this type of example has been used before and probably invalidated accordingly but as yet I have not found reference to it on the net.
If someone knows of an appropriate link that deals with this issue please post it.
Putting concepts such as the Matrix [fantasy] aside for the moment and dealing with "hard" reality it can be shown conclusively, I believe, that substance can not pass through substance with out re-integrating those substances.
In other words it could be deemed an objective fact that a man [substance/matter] can not pass through a brick wall and neither can any observers universally pass through that same brick wall if they are made of substance [matter/mass] with out either re-integrating their own substance or that of the wall. edit: with use of volition and deliberate use of will.
The wall or material barrier in this instance would have to be destroyed or the man himself would have to suffer damage to pass through this barrier. Either way both material substances, man and wall, would suffer change due to the transition.
This I believe is an objective truth as this is also a shared fact amongst all universal percievers, that I would love to see refuted if at all possible, with out calling in fantasy like the Matrix and other.
- A man can not pass through a wall with out undergoing re-integration or change.
- This is mind independent. Therefore according to the definition quoted an Objective truth.
- Truth Consensus is irrelelvant, as consensus is not required nor necessary.
- If this [the impossibility of the man passing through the wall with either the wall or himself unchange by the passage ] is indeed found to be an objective truth then what says it of the objectivity / subjectivity debate?
- Like wise if found to be subjective what says it of the same debate?
- How would this be considered as mind-Dependant? If the contention is refuted?
The above is about creating a position on the subject using an extreme circumstance. It does not imply that it is founded or correct but it is merely a "poser" to solicit further understanding of the vexation between objectivity and subjectivity
Care to discuss?
Preferred definition of "discussion":
Main Entry: dis·cus·sion
Pronunciation: \di-ˈskə-shən\
Function: noun
Date: 14th century
1 : consideration of a question in open and usually informal debate
with the view to improve understanding yet not necessarily agreement.
2 : where reaching an agreement is welcome but unnecessary.
The definition of Objective Truth that I am using is:
An event or lack of event that can be indepentantly assessed/confirmed as true as opposed to "False" by a universal population of observers.
A note for wanna be flamers:
You can be better served posting your deliberate flaming and attempt at derailment of topic to this thread specifically designed to faciliate such activity:
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