Valued Senior Member
i clearly hear something different.
OK, so given that the audio is not meant to be perfect, the options are really Yanny and Laurel. The 'other' option was really meant to be a catch-all to be explained in a post.i clearly hear something different.
OK, so given that the audio is not meant to be perfect, the options are really Yanny and Laurel. The 'other' option was really meant to be a catch-all to be explained in a post.
i clearly hear something different.
Fascinating. I get the same thing, but a mirror image.This link, hyper from the op, clarifies: https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2018/05/16/upshot/audio-clip-yanny-laurel-debate.html
On the slider scale, with the center tick at "0", I hear "laurel" securely at that center tick. if moving from "0 laurel" to the right I start to hear "yanni" between 3 and 4 ticks, securely at 4 ticks. If starting from the very right at "5 tick yanni" I start to hear "laurel" at about 2 moving left (so 3 ticks from 5). That difference - almost two ticks on their scale - appears to be expectation bias.
RS still has not said what it is s/he hears.I heard - yee i
No "a" in there as in yAnn e
During the transition, I can hear both words - a lower pitch voice saying "laurel", a higher pitch voice saying "yammy". At some point the two voices are approximately equal in volume and presence.I get the same thing, but a mirror image.
I have almost the same experience, but I notice that the transition back from Laurel to Yanni is inconsistent. When I repeat the slider thing, sometimes I still get Yanni a long way to the left of centre, but sometimes Yanni doesn't kick back in until the slider is near the centre again.Fascinating. I get the same thing, but a mirror image.
I hear Yanni at the centre, and continue to hear Yanni all the way till the second last tick to the left. Only on the very last tick do I hear Laurel.
But then, when moving the slider back from left to centre, I hear Laurel all the way to just short of the centre tick.
I got a one-location transition point, consistent from trial to trial regardless of start, by "spotting", rather than sliding, the slider - homing in from both directions in a series of back and forth skips. But my left slide transition and right slide transition were each self-consistent, although different.I have almost the same experience, but I notice that the transition back from Laurel to Yanni is inconsistent