The basic fault that makes this all nonsense is attempting to jump from the thermodynamics of reservoir extraction, which of course exists and is physics (or chemical engineering), to a model predicting the market price of a freely traded, global commodity, which competes with numerous - and constantly evolving - other energy sources and is subject to geopolitical influence.
Your comment, above, is not a rebuttal of the physics used in the creation of the Etp model. It is, instead, a knee jerk declaration of a stupid economic argument -- that no prices can ever be predicted. But that is simply not true. The Etp model tracks the price history of oil (yearly average) with almost 100% accuracy.
1) Oil is not same as most freely traded, global commodities. It is the keystone resource that makes it possible to acquire all other resources.
2) The life cycle of oil production is a process, and is subject to the laws of thermodynamics.
3) The end consumers of oil must pay the full cost of oil production.
Numbers 2 and 3, above, are the reason it is possible to predict the yearly average oil price with such startling accuracy.
Please take the time to read and understand the materials I provided. The methodology used to create the Etp model is very logical and straight forward. Once you actually understand it, then attempt to rebut it.
This seems to come from some E&P oil techie whose vision is apparently so narrow he has managed to remain totally ignorant of basic economics.
You sound like an execomomist, not an exchemist!
It's quite bonkers in its basic conception and so it is futile (haha) to waste time looking at any of the maths, whatever it may be.
The Etp model is not "bonkers in it's basic conception". You just don't seem to understand it's basic conception. You are correct that it is a waste of time to look at the maths when you don't even understand the basic concepts.
Your arguments from personal astonishment are not valid.