On Nothing in a void.

Absolute nothing exists but it cannot be sustained because of quantum fluctuations which cause particles to pop in
and out of existence

Then ABSOLUTE NOTHING does not exist.

Absolute Nothing would exist if, and only if, quantum fluctuations did not exist.
How dare you utter the name of ?!

I agree with your original post: nothing does not exist.

Mathematics also agrees with us:


"Nothing" (the almighty) is "ignored"; "disregarded", because it does not exist. Therefore as all of us have come from this "nothing" () everything after, including us, do not exist. There is "nothing" to insult, worship, praise or inform. Nobody to express my love to. :-(
Then ABSOLUTE NOTHING does not exist.

Absolute Nothing would exist if, and only if, quantum fluctuations did not exist.


And quantum does not exist , in absolute nothing .

Nothing has no dimension , no movement , no depth , no breadth .

Nor change .

And quantum does not exist , in absolute nothing .

Nothing has no dimension , no movement , no depth , no breadth .

Nor change .

I looked around to see if Infinite could be hooked up with dimensions.

My thoughts are no because The Total Infinite Void is limitless.

I just wanted to check and as I haven't seen any link I will go with my gut.

So the ultimate question becomes

Where did all this stuff come from???
I looked around to see if Infinite could be hooked up with dimensions.

My thoughts are no because The Total Infinite Void is limitless.

I just wanted to check and as I haven't seen any link I will go with my gut.

So the ultimate question becomes

Where did all this stuff come from???

Between different forms of energy .

For the most part they slide between each other ; but sometimes they collide ; hence galaxies

As I posted before and repeat here:

What part of NOTHING are posters having trouble with??

Is it the NO???

Is it the THING????

What if we put it THINGNO.


NOTHING means not even energy.

Not even a gazillionith quadrillionth of a photon

NOTHING echo echo echo echo

Humpty Dumpty is more than nothing
Poe is something but not sure what :)
As I posted before and repeat here:

What part of NOTHING are posters having trouble with??

Is it the NO???

Is it the THING????

What if we put it THINGNO.


NOTHING means not even energy.

Not even a gazillionith quadrillionth of a photon

NOTHING echo echo echo echo

Humpty Dumpty is more than nothing
Poe is something but not sure what :)

The problem is understanding the difference between something and nothing . Which is easy , really .

I my self never found the difference between something and nothing a problem , really .
The problem is understanding the difference between something and nothing . Which is easy , really .

I my self never found the difference between something and nothing a problem , really .

So when you said friction and followed up with between energy you were talking about energy that didn't exist because there was NOTHING in existence???
river said:
The problem is understanding the difference between something and nothing . Which is easy , really .

I my self never found the difference between something and nothing a problem , really .

So when you said friction and followed up with between energy you were talking about energy that didn't exist because there was NOTHING in existence???

Sort of

Both energies existed but could only manifest by friction .
Between different forms of energy .

For the most part they slide between each other ; but sometimes they collide ; hence galaxies
:rolleyes: Not really....Galaxies according to our best observational theory, are formed when huge conglomerations of gas, collapsed under gravity, to form stars:
Sort of

Both energies existed but could only manifest by friction .

Stop the presses.

Ladies and gentlemen and all those confused.

We now have a sort of definition of NOTHING.

Within NOTHING we can have two types of energy (which sort of exist).

These two sort of energy sort of rub together but they don't exist to sort of rub.

Clear everybody.

Now get back to work.

Now someone get me a sort of tray that sort of does not exist and go to the sort of canteen that is not there on the sort of second floor.

I would like a sort of cup of coffee with sort of milk no sugar which sort of does not exist.

Also sort of two slices of sort of toast.

I sort of missed my sort of breakfast this sort of morning.

I'm sort of hungry when my sort of stomach has sort of NOTHING in it.

Humpty Dumpty method rules - sort of.
Poe does a sort of Sargent Schultz ' I know NOTHING'. :)
river said:
Between different forms of energy .

For the most part they slide between each other ; but sometimes they collide ; hence galaxies

:rolleyes: Not really....Galaxies according to our best observational theory, are formed when huge conglomerations of gas, collapsed under gravity, to form stars:

So galaxies are stars ?

Do you understand what you say pad ? You don't .
So galaxies are stars ?

Do you understand what you say pad ? You don't .
Sure I do river....... :)
Galaxies are made up of stars river. :)
Like I said, according to our best observational theory, galaxies were formed in the early universe when huge conglomerations of dust etc, collapsed under gravity, breaking into segments to form individual stars......


The study of galaxy formation and evolution is concerned with the processes that formed a heterogeneous universe from a homogeneous beginning, the formation of the first galaxies, the way galaxies change over time, and the processes that have generated the variety of structures observed in nearby galaxies.

Galaxy formation is hypothesized to occur, from structure formation theories, as a result of tiny quantum fluctuations in the aftermath of the Big Bang. The simplest model for this that is in general agreement with observed phenomena is the Λ-Cold Dark Matter cosmology; that is to say that clustering and merging is how galaxies gain in mass, and can also determine their shape and structure.