Only in the US


Kiss my dark side
Valued Senior Member
Principal 'held cage fights for bad kids'

Adelaide Now
March 20, 2009 01:15pm

A FORMER school principal is under siege after sending troubled students into a steel cage to battle it out Fight Club-style with bare fists and no head protection.

Internal records show the "cage fights" took place between 2003 and 2005 at South Oak Cliff High School in Dallas, Texas.

The reports describe sanctioned violence in which school staff and even principal Donald Moten relied on the cage to settle disputes and control wild students.

The Dallas Morning News reveals investigators say Moten "knew of the practice, allowed it to go on for a time and failed to report it".

Former school counsellor Frank Hammond said: "It was gladiator-style entertainment for the staff. They were taking these boys downstairs to fight. And it was sanctioned by the principal and security."

Yet Moten insists no cage fights took place while he was principal.

"That's barbaric. You can't do that at a high school. You can't do that anywhere," he stormed.

District investigators reportedly learned of the fights as part of an investigation into grade-changing for student athletes that ultimately cost the school its 2006 boys state basketball championship.

Investigator Michael Hinojosa confirmed that there were "some things that happened inside of a cage" but criminal charges were not filed.,22606,25215175-5006301,00.html

umm what can you say?
I feel like someone in this story is lying...I hardly think that a principal would allow such a thing. Unless those kids were some sort of beasts of hell.
umm what can you say?

Why do you think this could happen ONLY in America?

Or are you saying that ONLY in America would we publish such behavior?

Or are you saying that ONLY in America would anyone have caught them in the act?

Or are you saying that ONLY in American can such people exist?

Baron Max

I have to agree with Baron. This could have happened anywhere in the world. Lets face it, it's not just Americans who have the propensity to be arseholes. Arseholes exist everywhere in the world.. hell, look at Anna Bligh.. biggest arsehole in QLD and she still managed to win the election tonight.. Forced me to vote conservative for the first time in my life and I have a sour taste in my mouth. Not because of how I voted, but because she still won.:bawl:

Anywho.. backing away from my ranting..

We live in a world where a father kept his daughter prisoner for 24 years, forcing her to have his children, and his wife and other children refused to testify against him.. I mean what in the fuck is that about? Your husband keeps your daughter prisoner in your basement for 24 years, rapes her and forces her to have his children, one of whom dies in childbirth, lets you believe she was abandoning a few of her children on your doorstep while the rest are living in the basement, never seeing the light of day their whole lives and you can't bring yourself to testify against him?.. The mind boggles and rages at the pathetic nature of the human species. We live in world where a guy advertised that he wanted to eat someone on the internet and some schmuck replied and said yes and they sliced off his penis, ate it and then he was hacked to pieces and partially consumed over a period of time by the bigger cannibalistic schmuck.

A I surprised that someone decided to build a cage in a school and have unruly kids fight in said cage? Sadly, no I'm not. This could have happened anywhere in the world. This time it was in the US. I am sure another arsehole will pop up in the media soon enough and he/she might be in another part of the world or in the US or even in Australia (Anna Bligh is winning that award tonight)..
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Why do you think this could happen ONLY in America?

Or are you saying that ONLY in America would we publish such behavior?

Or are you saying that ONLY in America would anyone have caught them in the act?

Or are you saying that ONLY in American can such people exist?

Baron Max

I have to agree with the Baron here. :eek:
bells on the election, on one hand i sympathise with you but on the other im VERY glad labor won. Slashing the public seervice? now? what stupidity. Not to mention rember what happened the last time the Nationals won goverment rather than the libs being in charge *shudder*
bells on the election, on one hand i sympathise with you but on the other im VERY glad labor won. Slashing the public seervice? now? what stupidity. Not to mention rember what happened the last time the Nationals won goverment rather than the libs being in charge *shudder*

I'll give you the scope of Qld politics at the moment. We know Springborg is an idiot. But we also know that Bligh is a lying, corrupt idiot. So for us, it was a choice between an idiot and a lying, corrupt idiot.

Anna Bligh is planning on shutting down the biggest children hospital and shutting down the children beds in the hospitals south of the city.. do you know why? Because apparently the area she represents (Sth Brisbane) is in dire need of a mega children hospital, which will cost millions and millions, upon millions. Worse, people on the northside of the city, will have to add an extra 20 or so minutes, or more, going through the city centre to get to the mega hospital.. with their sick children. The alternative and much cheaper alternative at that would have been to put a bit of extra funding into the existing system and increase the number of beds by a few hundred over all the hospitals, children and the children wards in the hospitals south of the city.. but nooooo.. like the extra stadiums, we need less hospital beds but in a mega hospital south of the city, leaving the people in the north without a close children hospital or hospital that even takes children. Fixing health, the roads, the education system.. well that comes last to the current labor Government as they strive for 'more stadiums'.

Bligh is the biggest idiot to have led this state since Joh. She is corrupt and a liar. Not to mention the simple fact that she allows her ministers to openly break the laws that applies to every one else, especially if they are her "friends". And said friends suffer zero consequences.
speaking of stadiums and hospitals, have you herd the debate going on in SA?
The current goverment (labor) wants to replace the Royal Adelaide Hospital (RAH) with a brand new hospital on the old rail yard site, while the oposition's plan is to "upgrade" the RAH and build a new football ground on that site. To me its a no brainer, the hospital is WAY more important. Unfortunatly its recently come to light that a fault line runs though that site which makes it unsuitable for EITHER project. On the hospital its a real problem not just because an earthquake would take out that hospital but because Flinders Medical Center (FMC) which is the other major trauma center in the state is ALSO on that fault line. So an earthquake would take out both of the major tauma hospitals right when you would be having large numbers of tauma cases coming in.
oh BTW bells, to be fair to the current goverment (Qld) they have been the first goverment to move to put the clot buster meds onto ambulances. This is a HUGE advantage if you have a heart atack away from a hospital in Qld because time = myocadium
oh BTW bells, to be fair to the current goverment (Qld) they have been the first goverment to move to put the clot buster meds onto ambulances. This is a HUGE advantage if you have a heart atack away from a hospital in Qld because time = myocadium
Asguard, no government is all bad. As they say, Mussolini made the trains run on time. Putting clot buster meds on ambulances, while a good thing (especially if you're the one having the stroke), is not enough to justify a corrupt government. (As described by Bells).