No, that's not even remotely the essence of what I am saying. :bugeye:leopold99 said:so in essence you are saying that there is no fundamental difference between you and the chair you are sitting on. is that what you are saying?
No, that's not even remotely the essence of what I am saying. :bugeye:leopold99 said:so in essence you are saying that there is no fundamental difference between you and the chair you are sitting on. is that what you are saying?
I'm alive, the chair isn't. What's your point?leopold99 said:what is the fundamental difference between you and an inanimate object such as a chair?
my point is that you believe that there is a fundamental difference between you and inanimate objects. you say you are alive. what is it that makes you alive and not the elements that make you up?Hercules Rockefeller said:I'm alive, the chair isn't. What's your point?
The generally accepted biological definitions of life, in no particular order, are metabolism, growth, adaptation, response to stimuli and reproduction. Recent advances in genetics have complicated matters a little when it comes to whether or not we classify viruses as alive. However, all these various requirements for life can easily delineate between a human and a chair, don’t you think? Again, what’s your point?leopold99 said:what is it that makes you alive and not the elements that make you up?
No, fire most certainly does not exhibit every one of those definitions. Hence, it is not alive.leopold99 said:fire exhibits every one of your definitions. is fire alive?
The "something" started to exhibit the traits I mentioned above.leopold99 said:hat happened in that instant when something "becomes alive"?
It wasn't exactly a jump. The pre-modern humanoid species weren't as dumb as a rock, or anything close. To assume they were is a manifestation of the arrogance of humans. We're discovering quite a bit about Neanderthals, such as that they had linguistic capabilities – quite a contrast to the old idea that they were simple, dumb cavemen.nubianconcubine said:you guys...why don't we go ahead and throw alien interference in with all the rest? seriously. if you want to know how we all (and i mean that collectively, as in every living thing...except teetotaler and thedevilsreject) evolved, you might as well question the seemingly sudden jump in early man's intellilect and the continuation of it today (the industrial and technological ages).
Oh well. At least you're using your brain, unlike some others in this thread.nubianconcubine said:oh, hell...i've walked into a conversation totally misinformed about what's going on...
i hate that
Nope. That's pretty much it. What else would we be?leopold99 said:...are we nothing more than an arrangement of atoms?
What HR said.what happened in that instant when something "becomes alive"?
Ophiolite said:Muslim,
what is the motivation for concocting this, as you see it, fairy tale of evolution? Why have generations of scientists conspired to promote it? Why have none of them 'blown the whistle' on the lies? Why have they tens of thousands of them devoted their entire professional lives to expanding the lie? Doesn't this strike you as a teeny weeny bit odd?
superluminal said:For all of you "anti-evolutonists" out there, are you aware that evolution by natural selection is regularly observed in the lab? Are you just arguing against human evolution, or just evolution in general?
Muslim said:These pseudo scientists come and talk a whole load of shit .... Its all the fault of scientists they remind me of the Greeks ....Uncivilized swine eaters ... Creationism should be taught in schools not crap about "dinosaurs" .... The supreme reality is the Abrahamic faiths are the absolute holders of all truth .... There should be a law anyone opposing this should be hanged .... Scientists have killed more people then anyone on the planet .... science is going to be the downfall of humanity.![]()
There, there . Time for you to toodle off and have some more Biccardi Breezers, and try not to contract any more STDs.
Muslim said:I don't disagree with micro-evolution, thats a fact. But talking about humans evolved out of genetic garbage is a load of b.s.
Creationism should be taught in schools not crap about "dinosaurs" and "primitive man" and the "stone age" all this is a load of crap.
The supreme reality is the Abrahamic faiths are the absolute holders of all truth written in riddles only the wise will understand.
There should be a law anyone opposing this should be hanged.
Scientists have killed more people then anyone on the planet.
While knowing what they are doing, science is going to be the downfall of humanity.
No, my good fellow. Abrahamists have killed more people than anyone on the planet. For starters, the disciples of Abraham obliterated three of the world's six civilizations: Cushitic Egypt (Muslims did that), Aztec and Inca (Christians did that). Estimates of the number of aboriginal Americans killed by the Christian occupation of the New World go as high as a hundred million, but are certainly no less than twenty million. The various waves of Muslim conquerors that have swept across the Mideast and occasionally into Europe and Africa, including Moghuls, Arabs, and Ottomans, easily match that figure. The Crusades and the Holocaust rack up on the Christian side of the ledger, and the Muslims in modern Africa are keeping it a close race.Muslim said:The supreme reality is the Abrahamic faiths are the absolute holders of all truth written in riddles only the wise will understand. There should be a law anyone opposing this should be hanged. Scientists have killed more people then anyone on the planet.