Orderly spacings of the Trappist-1 planetary orbits

The Star Trappist-1 and it's 7 known planets, b,c,d,e,f,g appear to be aligned in patterns of regular spacings.
The spacing of
.008 AU is aligned with the planets b, d,e,f,g,*,h 6 0f 6

.00375 AU the star b,c, f,g,*,h 6 of 7

.0053 " b, d, f, * 4 of 7

.007 Trappist-1 ~c,d,e, 4 of 7

.00925 " e,f,g 4 of 7

In the Trappist-1 system the doubling of orbits occurs only in the outer 3 known planets, f to g ~.008 AU,
g to h ~.016 AU.
in contrast with the Solar system where doubling of orbit radii occurs between the Earth and Saturn, Pluto.
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In our Solar system, Jupiter and Earth are the key planets, Jupiter with it's mass and Earth with life. they are also the two who most closely match their positions in the bode-type scheme of planetary spacings.
In Trappist-1's e, f and g hold that honor, with scant .7 %, 1.4% and 1.6 % deviations respectively from the theoretical sequence of .008 AU. so:
going by our home, they should be the ones stable and life-bearing.
The distance from the central star is not the sole criterion for life.
The God, I was not writing about the actual distances, obviously Jupiter is not in the goldilocks zone, but that
If stability in a planetary system is indicated by adherence to planetary spacings like the bode law, then here, Earth and Jupiter match the theory very well, and so do efg in Trappist one, Mercury and Mars are very off here, -- 5%, and so are b,c,d,

stability is as important to life as distance or?
The God, I was not writing about the actual distances, obviously Jupiter is not in the goldilocks zone, but that
If stability in a planetary system is indicated by adherence to planetary spacings like the bode law, then here, Earth and Jupiter match the theory very well, and so do efg in Trappist one, Mercury and Mars are very off here, -- 5%, and so are b,c,d,

stability is as important to life as distance or?

Somehow despite certain mathematical niceties in Bode Law, we are not able to link it with any meaningful significance.

Lets recall Bohr model of atoms, in that electrons orbital radii have fine relations and meaning. We are not able to place such meaningful attribute in case of planetary motion. Bode law is more or less neglected due to that.
--Bode law is more or less neglected due to that.
TG: you said it id, neglected. The size of the orbit spacings have been linked to solar pulsations of 5 minutes and their multiples, converting the vibration frequency to wavelength via "c"
Sun's bode has two areas of equal orbit spacings, Mercury - Venus - Earth, (~.3 AU) *; - and Saturn - Uranus -Neptune - Pluto (~9.6 AU)**, with Earth to Saturnin doubling in spacings.
* .3AU = 300 light seconds in 0rbit diameter, ** 32 times that, 160 light minutes.
Trappist: d-e-f-g- equal at ~ .008 AU, f-g-h double at ~.o16 AU
if more bode-like regularities in planetary systems become apparent, will we close in on the causes?
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new article from UoT: " Planetary harmonies --in T1 system--" " astrophysicists have created a digital symphony". "The planetary orbits were tuned from the beginning. " please read the full article, resonances expressed in distances work.
The Solar System orbits are similarly "tuned"
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