Our attitude concerning mockery of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon

Then, you've been indoctrinated into Islam.

Nope. Like I said, i knew nothing about it. My previous upbringing cannot be called indoctrination because the only thing I was taught was what the name of the religion was and why we prayed etc. Nothing different than learning about religion in in comparative religious studies. Anyway, this topic is dead. Youre not going to answer questions. You have been shown to be wrong. Thats all Ill say about this. Unless you actually answer a question. But i dont think thats going to happen. So... meh
Nope. Like I said, i knew nothing about it. My previous upbringing cannot be called indoctrination because the only thing I was taught was what the name of the religion was and why we prayed etc. Nothing different than learning about religion in in comparative religious studies.

Exactly. Indoctrination. :D
Imagine you see a vicious dog running towards a little girl. You have a knife in your pocket.

Do you

-make a movie about it?
-draw ridiculous cartoons?
-write to the local paper or RSPCA
-talk to the dog
-read him his rights
-fight him before he attacks the girl
-wait to see if he attacks a girl then fight him?

You can substitute the dog with "man with gun" and girl with your daughter and then tell me what you consider are the morally correct options available to you, Mr smartass.

And what is your rational and moral compass for determining the correctness of your chosen course of action.

So to stop offensive cartoonists (never mind that the really offensive caricatures were made deliberately by other muslims to incite hatred), one must stab them with a knife.

Let me just write that down, then.
Does one now? Show me. Prove it. There have been numerous "Muslims" terrorist attacks according to people. Give me proof for all of them.

Look up "martyrdom video". Go ahead. It won't make a cartoon of you. I promise.
SAM said:
No because of Iraq/Afghanistan and its consequences, many Muslims feel they are being targeted only for their religion.

And in many cases, they are.
But in most cases they are not. Such as Iraq/ Afghanistan.

But fundies very often feel singled out for persecution because of their beliefs. Christian fundies, Mormon fundies, Jewish fundies, Muslim fundies - they all feel persecuted for their beliefs. It's a pattern.
arsalan said:
But Islam isnt prescribing violence and war. Theres a big difference between saying "go out and fight everyone" and saying "you are permitted to defend yourself"
But the difference is not necessarily that the believer will be less violent, or less aggressive. They may simply acquire a different vocabulary of justification. Islamic people do seem to be getting involved in a lot of fights, no?

In modern times all wars have been defensive on both sides, and most of them were launched for humanitarian reasons. If you don't believe that, just ask the principals - Muslim, Christian, Jewish, Communist, regardless.
But in most cases they are not. Such as Iraq/ Afghanistan.

They don't think so.

Afghans, who have the largest number of citizens held at Guantánamo, with as many as 300 at its height, share the general dislike of the prison, but are generally practical and philosophical about it. They say they are used to people being thrown into prison, being tortured there and even dying.

But public anger has grown at the reports of sexual abuse and desecration of the Koran. Even a former Afghan commander, Abdul Khaliq, who said he was happy to see captured Taliban members sent to Guantánamo, is now upset by the stories of sexual abuse and insults to Islam reportedly perpetrated there.

"The Americans were good people before," said Mr. Khaliq, who now works on a road construction project. "Definitely, people are changing their minds towards the Americans."

In a country like Pakistan, the issue is especially vivid because Guantánamo prisoners who have been released are often interviewed by a local news organizations.

As far back as November 2003, a television talk show, modeled after "The O'Reilly Factor," featured an interview with Mohammad Sagheer, the first Pakistani to be released from Guantánamo. And as recently as Friday, an Urdu-language television talk show taped interviews with two ex-prisoners who said they witnessed the desecration of the Koran there.

The latest issue of Newsline, a Karachi-based magazine, featured a story titled, "Back from Camp," which chronicled the story of a former prisoner, Abdul Rahim Muslim Dost, a poet who pleaded for the Americans to return his writing.

"These are issues that sink into people's minds," said Samina Ahmed, the Pakistani representative of the Brussels-based research and advocacy organization, International Crisis Group. "Their religion is being demeaned in the context of the war on terror. That's an issue the U.S. is going to have to address."

So to stop offensive cartoonists (never mind that the really offensive caricatures were made deliberately by other muslims to incite hatred), one must stab them with a knife.

Let me just write that down, then.

You're posts keep getting more ludicrous every time. No, that is not what SAM said. basically, the gist of the verses in the Quran is,: if you are being ethnically cleansed, as the Muslims were, you are allowed to fight back. Its that simple.
Look up "martyrdom video". Go ahead. It won't make a cartoon of you. I promise.

You give me links to these videos. The only evidence you have so far put forth for the challenge I laid down, of all the terrorists stating that what they are doing they are doing because of these verses in the Quran and to spread/preach Islam by force. If you cant give me links, then just shut up
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Islamic people do seem to be getting involved in a lot of fights, no?

Not really. There are lots of wars and conflicts going on in the world atm. The media only seems to want to report conflicts or wars where people just happen to be of a certain religion and where theyre religion is not the reason they are fighting. And ofcourse, Muslims have natural resources which the West doesnt have which leads o all kinds of sneaky politics and war.
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You give me links to these videos, the only evdicen you have so far put forth for the challenge I laid down, of all the terrorists stating that what they are doing is becaseu of these verses in the Quran and to spread/preach Islam by force. If you cant give me links, then just shut up

Islamophobes: There are two kinds:

* Misinformed Islam haters: Having explored Islam online, having googled it thoroughly, having visited all sorts of websites like FaithFreedom.org, JihadWatch.org, etc, they come to the conclusion that Islam supports terrorism.
So it's all in a book. That's that then. Whatever you are asked , you will find somethin in the Koran to support your view. Unfortunately, a Christian will find something in tthe Bible to prove you wrong, And a Buddhist, a Hindu ansd so on and so on, all going to show that discussing religion is a pointless exercise. There is never a satisfactory outcome.
In the name of Allah:
Middle East News said:
Residents of the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip on Thursday evening erupted in joyous celebration after receiving news of the gruesome slaughter of Jewish seminary students by a fellow Muslim in Jerusalem.

Thousands reportedly poured into the streets of Gaza hailing the killing of eight young unarmed Jewish bible students as Allah's revenge for Israel's ramped up military efforts against Gaza's terrorist infrastructure....

And they wonder why Muhammad is mocked as a terrorist.....
You're posts keep getting more ludicrous every time. No, that is not what SAM said. basically, the gist of the verses in the Quran is,: if you are being ethnically cleansed, as the Muslims were, you are allowed to fight back. Its that simple.

And this has what to do with mockery of Mohammed?

You give me links to these videos. The only evidence you have so far put forth for the challenge I laid down, of all the terrorists stating that what they are doing they are doing because of these verses in the Quran and to spread/preach Islam by force. If you cant give me links, then just shut up

Look it up for yourself, Arsalan. You have fingers, a keyboard, and Google. More than this you shouldn't need.


Are you saying this justifies killing unarmed teenagers in a seminary? That your link has something to do with mocking Muhammad, this thread's topic? Do you really think any two wrongs in the world make a right?

I think killing adult males of military age is a well known tactic in war.
Four U.S. soldiers accused of murdering suspected insurgents during a raid in Iraq said they were under orders to “kill all military age males,” according to sworn statements obtained by The Associated Press.

As for thread topic, your post had nothing to do with Mohammed either.
{A woman was punished because she imprisoned a cat until it died. On account of this, she was doomed to Hell. While she imprisoned it, she did not give the cat food or drink, nor did she free it to eat the insects of the earth.}8

Additionally, while taking the life of an animal for food, Muslims are commanded to do so in a manner that causes the least amount of fright and suffering possible. The Prophet Muhammad said: {When you slaughter an animal, do so in the best way. One should sharpen his knife to reduce the suffering of the animal.}10

I feel like I woke up this morning and took a stupid pill after reading that.

In light of these and other Islamic texts, the act of inciting terror in the hearts of defenseless civilians, the wholesale destruction of buildings and properties, the bombing and maiming of innocent men, women, and children are all forbidden and detestable acts according to Islam and the Muslims.

Didn't know they had bombs back in the 7th century. Wow, you learn something new everyday about Islam.

Muslims follow a religion of peace, mercy, and forgiveness, and the vast majority have nothing to do with the violent events some have associated with Muslims. If an individual Muslim were to commit an act of terrorism, this person would be guilty of violating the laws of Islam.

And yet, the act of terrorism is in the name of Allah, in which the perpetrator becomes a martyr.