Passionate atheists?

This is getting ridiculous. If you thinkyou know god then shut up and be happy.

Sorry, I don't follow what you're trying to say or where it has relevance to anything I said.
i was agreeing with you. it is just bizarre that people will adhere to a belief to be different, to set them apart and to identify with and then spend the rest of the time trying to convert people. i cannot fault human nature though so i guess that is part of it.
The sad part is that there may come a time when having some kind of faith will get you through a rough time.

So does using a mind altering drug. Would you recommend shooting up morphine when 'going through a rough time'?
So does using a mind altering drug. Would you recommend shooting up morphine when 'going through a rough time'?

you can but then your problems will only be worse.
and the truth is, you think your going to get a prize? you get shit. but you lose everything.
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It's rather amusing that many atheists dedicate their time to something they don't believe in
Hi Norsefire,
I think you'll find that passionate atheists are not passionate about God (there are very few who know any theology). They are passionate about the widespread belief in God by adults.

If there was a widespread belief in the tooth fairy by adults, there would be people would passionately campaign against it.
I'm a true agnostic! Pro-theist, sure, but I'm an agnostic.

It's hard to believe you're still lying about that. Habitual liars just can't seem to stop, eh?

I am a moslim

but if I had to pick, I would pick Christian, because that is the next closest religion

As for gays, they deserve to die. IF you are a christian, a moslim, or even a jew you should hate gays because they are against religion.

As for everyone else, I even agree that was evil. I was referring ONLY to the jews

and considering what the jews have done, perhaps it was right to have killed them before THEY could have a chance to kill countless innocence

Israel does not belong to the Jews. it is Arabian land and if we have to murder every fucking jew, we'll do it
Has he called himself a Muslim after he declared himself an agnostic?

Arabian land does not translate to Muslim, btw.
As for gays, they deserve to die. IF you are a christian, a moslim, or even a jew you should hate gays because they are against religion.

Ya, a child dies every time 2 consenting adult men/women have sex.

Get your mind into the 21st century or stop posting bigoted nonsense.
You realise you are responding to an old post from a different thread?
Has he called himself a Muslim after he declared himself an agnostic?

Arabian land does not translate to Muslim, btw.

It's not surprising that you're still defending him, as it serves only to demonstrate what lengths you'll go to lie. You know damn well he's a Muslim and he's playing games.
It's not surprising that you're still defending him, as it serves only to demonstrate what lengths you'll go to lie. You know damn well he's a Muslim and he's playing games.

I don't know him from Adam and frankly he could follow any ideology he wants. But I am curious as to why you think he would declare himself an agnostic if he were still a Muslim. As a young man in his twenties, he is bound to change his mind several times over.
I don't know him from Adam and frankly he could follow any ideology he wants. But I am curious as to why you think he would declare himself an agnostic if he were still a Muslim. As a young man in his twenties, he is bound to change his mind several times over.

He's lying, Sam. And, you know he is. :)
Q, please give me the date on those posts.....

My views have changed radically since then; I am not against homosexuality anymore and I'm an agnostic
Thats interesting. 2 hours after saying you're an agnostic you make a thread saying you're a christian. Wonder what you'll be tomorrow.
That's besides the point. You say clearly to Q; "I am an agnostic". Two hours after that you make another post saying "I am a christian".

I would be interested to hear what happened in those two hours.