Path of Least Resistance


Entropy is the path of least resistance and leads to entropic heat death universe.

Syntropy leads to biologicals.

As I posted here in past, under high compressive forces more complex molecules can be formed and these molecules specific to biological.

As state previously, here and elsewhere, if we take this fact to and extreme, we can envision ultra-compressive black holes popping out the most complex organisms/biologcals we know to exist, and that is humans.

All of this also goes back to 12 around 1 in the womb of the nucleated Vector Equilibrium( VE ) i.e. Bekenstiens bound, as derived from his black hole mathematics and subsequent holographic scenarios appear to imply, that,

all of the information inside a black hole, is expressed on the black holes event horizon.

There are two ways that a spherical/spheroidal VE's internal information is expressed on the surface of the VE.

Archimedes discovered one of these equanimities between internal and surface, Fuller discovered and 2nd equanimity type. Maybe others besides Fuller but Fuller appears to discovered in his geometric explorations.

There is much more to how this story can play out but that is taste of what been thinking about since I first saw the compressive experiments creating more complex molecules.

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What ever drug it is that you took before you posted this - I would recommend that this should be your last experimentation with it.
Trolls Running Loose

the *uck are those????[/QUOTE]

Youreyes, use of that kind of language is uncalled for ergo evidence your a troll who lacks intelligent thought, lash out others who attempt to convey intelligence.

When you learn how to talk respectfully to others--- especially others you don't know --- I will consider having a meaningful conversation. Like other trolls around here, having a meaningful communication is not likely. imho

I've corrected the misspelled the word biological.

Not trolls, just people pointing out absurdities. If you don't want negative comments don't paint bulls eyes on your back!

As I posted here in past, under high compressive forces more complex molecules can be formed and these molecules specific to biological.

As state previously, here and elsewhere, if we take this fact to and extreme, we can envision ultra-compressive black holes popping out the most complex organisms/biologcals we know to exist, and that is humans.


Ultra-compressive black holes? Are these more compressed than regular black holes?:rolleyes:

Black holes popping out of organic materials? Are joking? There is probably a $$10^{10}$$ greater chance of a person spontaneously turning into an armadilldo!:rolleyes:

What makes you think humans are the most complex organisms? A bit anthropocentric, aren't we?;)
Entropy = beginning and ending?

QM( duality paradox )

GR( spooky action at a distance )

SR( constant EMRadiation speed )

Not that I have those associations correct but a sense of some weird/odd if not absurb observations by us.

I wish I had the computing power, and graphic abilities to run the various possible scenarios I envision with the 5/phi-fold icosa(20)hedron and the 4-fold VE/cubo-octa(8)hedron.

1)....O!O...In the simplest scenario our finite Universe eternally exists as the space where there is only two spherical/spheroidal icosahedrals-- left and right skew --- overlapping. This creates the oblong shape like in two circles partially overlapping, with a potentialyl flat plane that is contains both all of the information of the 4-fold VE/cubo-octahedron in one of its equilateral surface triangles, and

all of the information on one of the left-skew icosahedrals equilateral triangles, and

all of the information on one of the right-skew icosahedrals equiliateral triangles.

In simplest version #1 above, the flat plane is an eternal constant, i.e. it never unfolds/expands outward as the fullblown VE/cubo-octahedron.

In the most complex Rybonic scenario;

Version #2..) O!O.....I envision the exact same shaped scenario as above, except that there can be as many as 8 left-skew and 8 right-skew on both sides of the octa-bonded/valenced , 4-fold flat plane.

In this scenario, the 4-fold plane unfolds to become a full-blown VE/cubo-octahedron with 8 external icosahedrals, each one face bonded to one of the VE's equlaterally triangles, and,

8 internal icosahedrals, with each bonded/valenced to the same 8 equlateral triangles.

This latter scenario creates a situation where the VE/cubo-octahedron has 8, 5/phi-fold icosahedrals intermingly/interfering in complex ways within the VE/cubo-octahedron.

To see this one in operation would take some complex computing abilities. imho

We would start with a simpler Euclidean computations of the above, then progress to the sphericals and then to most complex scenario.

"Gamma-ray bursts can tell us some very interesting things about the universe," Nemiroff said. In this case, those three photons recorded by the Fermi telescope suggest that spacetime may not be not as bubbly as some scientists think. Read more at:

Ultra-micro, quasi-physical, gravitational spacetime is further beyond our abilities to detect, indirectly or directly at this time, If not eternally beyond our abilities to detect.

To quantify or not quantize that is not the question, as we will never quantize gravitational spacetime.

See also Fermi bubbles to find similar cosmological shapes of space, as follows
I hope you are impressing your self with this arm waving mish mash of scientificy sounding gibberish - cause it sure as hell isn't cutting it on anyone with any sort of education.:rolleyes:
Origin is quite right.

If you have something intelligible to say, it should be possible to say it simply. At the moment it is impossible, even being extremely charitable, to guess what the hell you are on about.

Why not give it one last try? I recommend bullet points with a single, clearly expressed, idea per bullet. Please do not use jargon without explaining it in simple English.

Over to you.........
Trolls Running Loose

A 3rd troll underneath the bridge-of-life and the greater cosmos that surrounds us all, dribbles more drivel onto the English words and relatively simple concepts. The trolls live their lives under the bridge, seeing only the reflection of themselves, those on the bridge and the greater cosmos in the water that flows under the bridge.

They then dribble drivel/spit onto the relfections as they lean over to try and grasp the English words and relatively simple concepts of the humans on the bridge, who ponder the cosmos and all of its phenomena.

Meanwhile the trolls view is further distorted by the dribble/spit as it falls onto the reflection of the cosmos and life that exists above them.

Popping Out Molecules

To clarify if not the whole biological human then only the RNA-DNA molecular set.

The Universe is weird/odd, but the weirdest stuff may still be our future understanding of our finite Universe.


As state previously, here and elsewhere, if we take this fact to and extreme, we can envision ultra-compressive black holes popping out the most complex organisms/biologicals--- or at least the RNA-DNA molecule set --- we know to exist, and that is humans.
There is much more to how this story can play out but that is taste of what been thinking about since I first saw the compressive experiments creating more complex molecules.
Tension > Tensegrity >conpression > complexity?

To clarify if not the whole biological human then only the RNA-DNA molecular set.
The Universe is weird/odd, but the weirdest stuff may still be our future understanding of our finite Universe.

Entropy = simplistic dispersion/decay/dissassociation etc...

Syntropy = complex integration/growth/association etc....

The compression experiments are one example of complexity being a resultant of compression.

Tension and or tensegrity may also be involed, just not factored in as one the varibles in that experiment.

It may be, that, all compression is a resultant of tension or tensegrity. My bets are leaning that direction.

*sigh... dear lord, why do I even try... may the lord have mercy on my sol...

Entropy = simplistic dispersion/decay/dissassociation etc...

Syntropy = complex integration/growth/association etc....


the condition of having a series of similar parts with the same spatial orientation, e.g. the ribs. — syntropic, adj.
See also: Anatomy"

So where exactly does "syntropy" fit here? Doesn't seem to fit with your definition of it.

The compression experiments are one example of complexity being a resultant of compression.
Which experiments? Compression of what? Complexity in relation to what?

Tension and or tensegrity may also be involed, just not factored in as one the varibles in that experiment.
What tension and or tensegrity?

It may be, that, all compression is a resultant of tension or tensegrity. My bets are leaning that direction.
It seems to me that tension and tensegrity would be the result of compression and not the other way around. Care to elaborate?
Let me guess... you are using concepts that are commonly used in Biology to explain the biological nature of the Universe as a whole.
all of the information inside a black hole, is expressed on the black holes event horizon.
You are missing the whole story. If the information is being compressed at the event horizon, then it follows that there must be a second force that is causing it to concentrate at the event horizon. We know that gravity causes mass to fall into the black hole. Then, it follows that there must be an equally great force pushing the information away from the black hole, therefore concentrating it in the point of greatest equillibrium, which is known as the even horizon of the black hole. This might, ultimately, imply that dark energy is coming from the center of black holes around the universe.

I wrote about all this in my book..... :rolleyes: