Peace be unto you.

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Actually its more like this: A kid (like you) makes a mistake and then the parent teaches them a lesson. So they cry. The parent gives them candy because they still love the child. But the child (You) thinks the candy is a slap.

No fault of the parent, the kid is just delusional :D

The kid is right, the candy IS a slap. It's the slap received right after the other slap of self-righteousness.
The kid is right, the candy IS a slap. It's the slap received right after the other slap of self-righteousness.

And how would you describe these? You think they need a smiley?
(Q) said:
One thing truly amazing with the insane is that nothing magical or mystical is ever doubted as not being real. The amount of fantasies conjured from them appears to be endless. From ghosts and goblins to alien visitations, the insane will surely tell you it's as real as the nose on your face.

Then, the insane will tell you that you're insane for not believing in their fantasies.

One can only pity the insane, especially when they refuse to seek treatment and are in denial.

There is no insult, Lori, only facts. You are either lying or are insane. Take your pick.

I'm only offering facts while you only offer lies. What is the point of that, Lori?

Your lies contradict your other lies about your god and your religion. Of course, being insane, you aren't able to keep track of your delusions.

You're that stupid?

You beg to be called stupid. Your conspiracy theories are offensive and insulting to the intellect. Calling you stupid is mild in comparison.

Fucking hilarious. The queen of stupidity strikes again.

Unfortunately, Sciforums has become a haven for the stupid and hateful, tipping the scales overwhelmingly to that side. So much for balance.

Are you actually so stupid as to equate Valentines day to birthdays?

And, you're a liar and a fraud, so you can now move on to try and make others look like fools. Good luck with that.

Fuck you, asshole.

Up yours asshole. One of the biggest mistake I ever made here was defending a prick like you. Piss off.

You are a selfish asshole with no regard to anyone but yourself?

Hey asshole, I'm getting a little fed up with your bullshit. If you want to take the gloves off and have it out, tell me to my face instead of sneaking around and dropping little pieces of shit everywhere like some cretinous rat.

I understand that you couldn't argue your way out of a used tampon, and your thinking level is one-dimensional, but there's no reason for this type of crap.

There are no qualms about your freedom to look the idiot, the question is why do you want to look the idiot and continue to expand your idiocy?

Great, another indoctrinated Muslim idiot claiming his cult made everything including sliced bread.
Hes a fricking kid in school, for Chrissakes!

One would get that impression, yes. But, it would appear that Islamic propaganda has no age boundaries.

I think he's just paranoid.

Paranoia, like the kind "rational, peace loving" members of a certain cult act upon when faced with a cartoon depiction? That kind of paranoia?
One would get that impression, yes. But, it would appear that Islamic propaganda has no age boundaries.

Paranoia, like the kind "rational, peace loving" members of a certain cult act upon when faced with a cartoon depiction? That kind of paranoia?

Lol, you're trolling in your own thread. I can't stop laughing.. dang :roflmao:..

Peace be unto you :facepalm: (does this smiley work for you? Or should I use this one instead: :poke:?)
Lol, you're trolling in your own thread. I can't stop laughing.. dang

Peace be unto you :facepalm: (does this smiley work for you? Or should I use this one instead: :poke:?)

Perhaps you could make it multiple choice?

No, they don't. They are straight forward, honest responses, unlike that of "peace be unto you" with a smiley.

You know I can imagine you saying it with emphasis on "with a smiley".. So a smiley irritates you :bugeye:


Peace be unto you ;)

PS- can't use more than 3. hehehehehe
No, they don't. They are straight forward, honest responses, unlike that of "peace be unto you" with a smiley.

You know I can imagine you saying it with emphasis on "with a smiley".. So a smiley irritates you

Peace be unto you ;)

PS- can't use more than 3. hehehehehe

Perhaps he will be happier if you did it like this?
Piece be unto you
Some people are so discriminating, if you know what I mean ;)
Perhaps he will be happier if you did it like this?

Some people are so discriminating, if you know what I mean

And I only just stopped laughing..... this is too much.... I can't take it anymore. You win (Q)- you made the best laughable thread :bravo:


Peace be unto you ;)
I agree with Q here (in this thread), 786 is obnoxious. I suggest to Q he just put him on block, I did.

So you can't stand a smiley so you block me... That just sounds sadistic- maybe you belong to a cult which (Q) always talks about :eek:

Peace be unto you ;)
Jonathan Swift was so on target. What end of the egg one opens can either make them a friend or enemy. Therefore a signature or lack of one can be seen as an act of war. We are doomed:D
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