Pentagon task force to investigate UFOS (UAPs)

Beer w/Straw

Transcendental Ignorance!
Valued Senior Member
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i hope space force has cadets who are employed to manage innovate design and assist E-waste recycling on earth & in orbit

1 technical error from(a missile fault or random unforeseen micro meteor hitting it while its flying) 1 country trying to destroy a hazardous satellite and it might wipe out the global GPS system for weeks

if people think corona virus is bad
try and imagine what the world would be like if all cell phones stopped working for a month

imagine the germ issues of everyone handling and taking out cash from banks
and the massive over loading of the land lines for shopping transactions

that shit would get old real fast
Could be interesting for the Pentagon to have another go at debunking UFOs. How useful that will be might depend on how much material is made publically available. We can depend on the fact that UFO conspiracy theorists won't stay quiet about any perceived "cover ups".

In other words, this will only really work if all the information is made publically available. But the problem is that the nature of this investigation means that this is unlikely in the extreme. The Pentagon will want to keep details about military aircraft - both the US ones and the ones belonging to other nations - secret. They don't want information getting out about the precise movements or composition of the US air force. They also don't want to broadcast everything they know about the movements and composition of the air forces of other nations.

Assuming this goes ahead, then, the most likely outcome will be a report that examines UFO sightings in four categories:
  1. Some UFOs will turn out to be civilian aircraft or other mundane things (like the perennial mistaken sightings of the planet Venus). The Pentagon will publish some of those ones.
  2. Some UFOs will be identified as US military activities. Some of these identifications may be published, but others probably won't be. The UFO conspiracy crowd will seize on the unpublished or redacted information to claim support for their theories of government cover-ups.
  3. Some UFOs will be identified as due to the activities of foreign nations. Again, information is likely to be released selectively by the Pentagon, which will be more fodder for conspiracy theorists.
  4. Some UFOs will not be able to be identified with any certainty, mostly due to lack of sufficient evidence. The UFO nuts will go on claiming that these UFOs are the real alien craft and that the Pentagon knows this and is covering up yada yada yada; in other words, business as usual.
To sum up, then, the most likely outcome of spending more taxpayer dollars on this will be that a few more UFO cases will be solved. That won't change the minds of any of the hard-core UFO nuts, of course. They will love having another "Blue Book" style report that they can get their teeth into to fuel their conspiracy theories for the next 50 years.

the moment you apply the word "investigation" to anything associated with us government it instantly discredits its findings before it starts

that is the new normal

covering up yada
covering up baby yoda ?
no one covers up baby yoda in the corner

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Unidentified Flying Objects

Unidentified Ariel Phenomenon

Funny Stuff in Sky

It's Not What You Think

There Goes Another One

Any other descriptions we can tack on? and who cares?

It's ok folks I am outside with my scopes and they don't seem heavily armed...main problem is they are invisable.
scientific analysis of radar and fighter pilot and airline pilots cock pit video, military heads up tracking(targeting systems and radar, some crossing radar overlap zones where 2 different countries have tracked them while fighter jets have rushed to intercept) with multiple radar tracking of the same object

there is no shortage of easily verifiable evidence to follow simple logic

whos they are and where they come from and what is there purpose is
seems to be the big question

my guess is they are remote control drones doing surveys, analyzing the earth & climate and the species & various other aspects

if humans wipe themselves out in the next 50 to 100 years then will there be anything useful they can use on the planet once humans have finished killing themselves ?
simple logic

given the global climate crisis and the new wave of nationalism etc etc
i cant imagine they would be very interested in getting to know the human species

currently scientists are studying the ability to operate remote vehicles from great distances
if this quantum particle duality concept is real and able to be developed, it is possible they might have real time control of the drone from vast distances

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Could be interesting for the Pentagon to have another go at debunking UFOs. How useful that will be might depend on how much material is made publically available. We can depend on the fact that UFO conspiracy theorists won't stay quiet about any perceived "cover ups".

In other words, this will only really work if all the information is made publically available. But the problem is that the nature of this investigation means that this is unlikely in the extreme. The Pentagon will want to keep details about military aircraft - both the US ones and the ones belonging to other nations - secret. They don't want information getting out about the precise movements or composition of the US air force. They also don't want to broadcast everything they know about the movements and composition of the air forces of other nations.

Assuming this goes ahead, then, the most likely outcome will be a report that examines UFO sightings in four categories:
  1. Some UFOs will turn out to be civilian aircraft or other mundane things (like the perennial mistaken sightings of the planet Venus). The Pentagon will publish some of those ones.
  2. Some UFOs will be identified as US military activities. Some of these identifications may be published, but others probably won't be. The UFO conspiracy crowd will seize on the unpublished or redacted information to claim support for their theories of government cover-ups.
  3. Some UFOs will be identified as due to the activities of foreign nations. Again, information is likely to be released selectively by the Pentagon, which will be more fodder for conspiracy theorists.
  4. Some UFOs will not be able to be identified with any certainty, mostly due to lack of sufficient evidence. The UFO nuts will go on claiming that these UFOs are the real alien craft and that the Pentagon knows this and is covering up yada yada yada; in other words, business as usual.
To sum up, then, the most likely outcome of spending more taxpayer dollars on this will be that a few more UFO cases will be solved. That won't change the minds of any of the hard-core UFO nuts, of course. They will love having another "Blue Book" style report that they can get their teeth into to fuel their conspiracy theories for the next 50 years.
Absolutely. It will most likely resolve nothing with any finality, and will give the flying saucer and conspiracy nutcases more material to chew on and misrepresent.

But maybe that's the idea. More public attention means more demand for R&D. ("Know what makes this bird go up? Funding makes this bird go up.") I seem to hear another research gravy train starting to puff its way out of the station.......:rolleyes:
..main problem is they are invisable.
''They'' may be invisable, but what about the US Space Force uniform:
The US Space Force has defended its newly unveiled camouflage uniforms after they were roundly mocked on social media.
The force, officially launched by US President Donald Trump last month, posted a picture of the uniform to its Twitter account.
The uniform in the picture has a woodland camouflage design with badges embroidered on the arm and chest.
Reacting to the uniform, many critics had the same question: "Camo in space?"

Any other descriptions we can tack on? and who cares?
Oh, look, there's a pink one.
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Oh, look,

what colour vision do aliens have ?

a rogue state launch of an icbm(who hasnt got one these days) into the orbit altitude of satellites might change peoples opinions quite quickly
filled with ceramic radar deflecting balls being fired laterally like a Katherine wheel but sideways
would be lights out for a large part of the global economy

they could de orbit elons flying car with a remote drone(the size of a childs school back pack) and use it like a bowling ball smashing through all the satellites that keep the worlds financial markets working.

Space Force
better late than never

... technically
old technology...
they could launch an icbm with a VW combi(size) on the end stacked with wagon wheels stacked like circular claymores filled with ceramic heat resistant balls the size of tennis balls and then detonate them all at different altitudes
or just have them sitting there waiting

all the talk & jokes would be fairly redundant at that stage as martial law was enacted in almost every country as trillions is wiped off the global markets in a matter of hours
almost all logistical transport of goods would stop instantly

and that is technology that has been around for decades

i think the technical expression would be "totally fucked"

with no GPS to guided missiles, ships & air craft what use would those massive advanced military be ?
shit hole states would simply invade other countries and loot what ever they could on genocidal looting rampages

no more passenger air travel
all air ports would be instantly closed

all ships at sea would be instantly lost

massive oil tankers running aground on coast lines all over the world

no more uber (that alone could be reason enough)

how do the Police, ambulance & fire department find your house to save you and your children and your pet shitzel ?

Space Force
better late(with a mocking audience) than over run by sheople zombie apocalypse

keeping it simple
which countrys have the ability to launch a vending machine into orbit ?
too many to not have something covering your bare ass hanging out in the wind
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as opposed to "go back" in which case you would be subject to tariffs as a talent spotter
unless you marry a rich white american person
what colour vision do aliens have ?

a rogue state launch of an icbm(who hasnt got one these days) into the orbit altitude of satellites might change peoples opinions quite quickly

filled with ceramic radar deflecting balls being fired laterally like a Katherine wheel but sideways

would be lights out for a large part of the global economy

they could de orbit elons flying car with a remote drone(the size of a childs school back pack) and use it like a bowling ball smashing through all the satellites that keep the worlds financial markets working.

Space Force

better late than never

... technically

old technology...

they could launch an icbm with a VW combi(size) on the end stacked with wagon wheels stacked like circular claymores filled with ceramic heat resistant balls the size of tennis balls and then detonate them all at different altitudes

or just have them sitting there waiting

all the talk & jokes would be fairly redundant at that stage as martial law was enacted in almost every country as trillions is wiped off the global markets in a matter of hours

almost all logistical transport of goods would stop instantly

and that is technology that has been around for decades

i think the technical expression would be "totally fucked"

with no GPS to guided missiles, ships & air craft what use would those massive advanced military be ?

shit hole states would simply invade other countries and loot what ever they could on genocidal looting rampages

no more passenger air travel

all air ports would be instantly closed

all ships at sea would be instantly lost

massive oil tankers running aground on coast lines all over the world

no more uber (that alone could be reason enough)

how do the Police, ambulance & fire department find your house to save you and your children and your pet shitzel ?

Space Force

better late(with a mocking audience) than over run by sheople zombie apocalypse

keeping it simple
which countrys have the ability to launch a vending machine into orbit ?

too many to not have something covering your bare ass hanging out in the wind
Has any body here found Rainbow's sense of humour? Rainbow seems to have lost his.
Yes Rainbow, most here know we would be in shit street if satellites were knocked out.
I may have to put you on ignore Rainbow. You have the habit of taking one or two words of someone's post and sticking your crap on them.

Has any body here found Rainbow's sense of humour? Rainbow seems to have lost his.
Yes Rainbow, most here know we would be in shit street if satellites were knocked out.
I may have to put you on ignore Rainbow. You have the habit of taking one or two words of someone's post and sticking your crap on them.

I've had RS on Ignore for about a year, I think.:rolleyes:
Has any body here found Rainbow's sense of humour? Rainbow seems to have lost his.
Yes Rainbow, most here know we would be in shit street if satellites were knocked out.
I may have to put you on ignore Rainbow. You have the habit of taking one or two words of someone's post and sticking your crap on them.


need to borrow a box of matches to light some gas ?

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