My #36 wasn't meant to be taken seriously. Seriously. Methinks the 'Dark Knight' is a hoax of afaik unknown undisclosed provenance and purpose.
i think currently evidence suggests it is a real unknown origin
the question is
if someone like elon decides to send a robot up to have a look at it, and it turns out to be real
then he could cause it to react in a manner that could potentially be very troublesome
have you watched any of the countless hours of highly qualified military personal who have given eye witness reports of flying UFO ?
there is collaborative evidence to give a majority conclusion that UFO's are real and come from a society with advanced technology
i guess given the current worlds level of immoral care for its own people and constant greed selfishness and warring against its own people
any alien race would not be interested in aligning with any global leadership
if 1 country became friends and allies with such an advanced alien race which was discovered by a nuclear power
would that nuclear super power launch a nuclear strike against that country ?
is climate change mutual destruction ?
look at how countrys which class themselves as 1st would countrys dont even house & feed their own people, they don't even educate them.
sea level rise needs to speed up a bit
10 to 20 cms per year in the next couple of years to then be per year would hurry things along significantly
but even still
advancing currently self defined advanced countrys, morally is very very very slow and difficult
just as 1 example
usa was moving forward around 6 or soo years ago
then it wet backwards for 4 years
now it is more divided than before that time.
moral evolution is very very slow