Pentagon task force to investigate UFOS (UAPs)

1 technical error from(a missile fault or random unforeseen micro meteor hitting it while its flying) 1 country trying to destroy a hazardous satellite and it might wipe out the global GPS system for weeks

back to the subject
elon said along with some other industry peoples' vague agreements, it(1 to several satellites were destroyed) would take maybe a month or 2 to get GPS working again if it was destroyed

queue star link

do satellites pay income tax ?
they probably should to fund protection and R&D protective regulatory and tracking needs
but then who will demand to be the big fat pie stealing school bully and demand to be in control like a big fat looser sitting on the weak thin child stealing their lunch off them ?

depreciation verses capital gains tax lol
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Could be interesting for the Pentagon to have another go at debunking UFOs. How useful that will be might depend on how much material is made publically available. We can depend on the fact that UFO conspiracy theorists won't stay quiet about any perceived "cover ups".

In other words, this will only really work if all the information is made publically available. But the problem is that the nature of this investigation means that this is unlikely in the extreme. The Pentagon will want to keep details about military aircraft - both the US ones and the ones belonging to other nations - secret. They don't want information getting out about the precise movements or composition of the US air force. They also don't want to broadcast everything they know about the movements and composition of the air forces of other nations.

Assuming this goes ahead, then, the most likely outcome will be a report that examines UFO sightings in four categories:
  1. Some UFOs will turn out to be civilian aircraft or other mundane things (like the perennial mistaken sightings of the planet Venus). The Pentagon will publish some of those ones.
  2. Some UFOs will be identified as US military activities. Some of these identifications may be published, but others probably won't be. The UFO conspiracy crowd will seize on the unpublished or redacted information to claim support for their theories of government cover-ups.
  3. Some UFOs will be identified as due to the activities of foreign nations. Again, information is likely to be released selectively by the Pentagon, which will be more fodder for conspiracy theorists.
  4. Some UFOs will not be able to be identified with any certainty, mostly due to lack of sufficient evidence. The UFO nuts will go on claiming that these UFOs are the real alien craft and that the Pentagon knows this and is covering up yada yada yada; in other words, business as usual.
To sum up, then, the most likely outcome of spending more taxpayer dollars on this will be that a few more UFO cases will be solved. That won't change the minds of any of the hard-core UFO nuts, of course. They will love having another "Blue Book" style report that they can get their teeth into to fuel their conspiracy theories for the next 50 years.

I could be wrong.....
I often am... but several months ago I listened to an impressive
lecture by Steven Greer M.D. that left me with the impression that perhaps.....
just perhaps.. the unidentified flying craft of the January 2011 UFO sighting over the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.....
that was filmed from at least five... if not six different angles.....
might have "Made in the USA" somewhere in whatever type of Unidentified Flying Object it actually was??????

A hint at the motivation for using that UFO might be here:
might have "Made in the USA" somewhere in whatever type of Unidentified Flying Object it actually was??????

fyi i believe in ufo's being from a different civilization than human earth species as we are now.

unlike a lot of people i am not brain washed by religion to just accept what everyone elses says is true just to be part of the group.

so my standard of proof is as high as any real scientific skeptic.

i could play around with some questions and premises around the temple mount being 1 of the oldest known gathering points for human species as a continually inhabited position
like the Australian aborigine locations inhabited for over 40,000 years etc

but theory's of relative intent are irrelevant to proving scientific fact of existence

xenoanthropology 101
do not subscribe to believe your personal ego will define the reality of a foreign reality

Israel was the trophy of the last world war and was gifted to the winning culture
the jews
has it changed hands yet ?
is it still there ?
has it been turned into an amusement park or into a Muslim site ?
1 panoramic photo of that position with sensor readings may show all that is needed to know
but i think the video is a fake made to create tourism(in which case its a harmless fake)
would be good to see some fakes made using high tech technology
just for fun.
and to see how people of the world react
"species react videos" LoL !

burden of proof is hard to beat people with radiation burns and radiated parts of Forrest and plant life etc Doctors reports and xrays of operations etc ...
a simple video with no physical evidence needs to be of exceptionally high quality to pass as potentially real.

as a global species
humans are a bit fucked
attacking each other
starving millions to death for profit and personal entertainment etc

a massive global cull via a pandemic may be a good thing
if it can change the moral content of the leadership or make the species easier to direct toward a more desirable outcome.

left to carry on as they are
humans(those in control) will make the earth uninhabitable
its now obvious science and a matter of when not if.

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fyi i believe in ufo's being from a different civilization than human earth species as we are now.


Quite frankly I also do believe in UFO's from another culture or planet or even from another dimensions of space - time, but.....
I can't rule out some of those craft crashing and being reverse engineered and thus......
a variation of something like what was seen in the video could conceivably be "Made in the USA."
a variation of something like what was seen in the video could conceivably be "Made in the USA."
i agree
i share the same opinion

if such technology was in use they would not show it to the general public.
unless it was an employee who decided to play a trick to wind up some media attention for fun(most likely if real)

but there is no physical evidence

how many witness reports are there on camera of eye witnesses who watched it including those who filmed it ?
i agree
i share the same opinion

if such technology was in use they would not show it to the general public.
unless it was an employee who decided to play a trick to wind up some media attention for fun(most likely if real)

but there is no physical evidence

how many witness reports are there on camera of eye witnesses who watched it including those who filmed it ?

If you will listen to all five or six variations of the video of the January 2011 UFO over the Temple Mount you will hear a variety of background languages. Some people filming the event speak in English, some in Hebrew and some in Arabic, (if I remember correctly).

I believe that it would be extremely complicated and expensive to get together five different people groups to do that footage from five or six completely separate angles.

If that was an attempt to do a hoax some sort of money paper trail should be possible to discover.
If you will listen to all five or six variations of the video of the January 2011 UFO over the Temple Mount you will hear a variety of background languages. Some people filming the event speak in English, some in Hebrew and some in Arabic, (if I remember correctly).

I believe that it would be extremely complicated and expensive to get together five different people groups to do that footage from five or six completely separate angles.

If that was an attempt to do a hoax some sort of money paper trail should be possible to discover.

do it backwards
film each different location then add the effect
add different languages on to each version
then upload
If you will listen to all five or six variations of the video of the January 2011 UFO over the Temple Mount you will hear a variety of background languages. Some people filming the event speak in English, some in Hebrew and some in Arabic, (if I remember correctly).

I believe that it would be extremely complicated and expensive to get together five different people groups to do that footage from five or six completely separate angles.

If that was an attempt to do a hoax some sort of money paper trail should be possible to discover.

what you have not done here is post the 6 different videos
which would have been ideal

but there is no 6 different videos
that is a lie
a lie that was created many years ago

i believe the was only 2 videos and those 2 were then altered to make the others look like different videos

Here is a video you may enjoy.......
there is a lot of this stuff out there
100% genuine from 100% reliable sources

for stats education(compare with)
what % of USA adults believe Covid19 is a hoax ? (you can then apply that basic variable to other cultures)
what you have not done here is post the 6 different videos
which would have been ideal

but there is no 6 different videos
that is a lie
a lie that was created many years ago

i believe the was only 2 videos and those 2 were then altered to make the others look like different videos

there is a lot of this stuff out there
100% genuine from 100% reliable sources

for stats education(compare with)
what % of USA adults believe Covid19 is a hoax ? (you can then apply that basic variable to other cultures)

Video numbers one and two are side by side.....

then video number three is by itself.....

then video number four is by itself.....

then the first four are synchronized......

then video number five is by itself.......

Video numbers one and two are side by side.....

then video number three is by itself.....

then video number four is by itself.....

then the first four are synchronized......

then video number five is by itself.......

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dennis i think you broke the internet

unles there is a massive global hack going on right now
would not surprise me
might just be my local network AI data management program going crazy.

there is a lot of this stuff out there
100% genuine from 100% reliable sources
i have seen countless personal reports like this from some of the most highly qualified and reliable sources as public interviews.

scientific value is undeniable
but religion rules the world
and most religions are genocidal maniacs
Most debunking efforts focus on visual anomalies e.g. 'mirroring of lights/objects at hidden borders, but this one looks at audio anomalies:
The number of 'it's real' vids greatly outnumber the 'it's faked' ones. Religious/political motivations aimed at ramping up 'Moshiak is a come'n really really soon' fervor amongst G_d's special holy chosen people of the book, coupled with massive political/media clout of backers of such, springs to mind as obvious explanation for that bias.
no explanation for the dark knight object/craft that is orbiting earth above the north pole yet ?
The Black Knight satellite conspiracy theory claims that a spacecraft of extraterrestrial origin is in near-polar orbit of the Earth, and that NASA is covering up its existence and origin.[2][3] This conspiracy theory combines several unrelated stories into one narrative.[4][5]

A photo taken during the STS-88 mission claimed by some to show the Black Knight satellite is catalogued by NASA as a photo of space debris,[1] and space journalist James Oberg considers it as probable debris of a thermal blanket confirmed as lost during the mission.[4][6]

no explanation for the dark knight object/craft that is orbiting earth above the north pole yet ?
The Black Knight satellite conspiracy theory claims that a spacecraft of extraterrestrial origin is in near-polar orbit of the Earth, and that NASA is covering up its existence and origin.[2][3] This conspiracy theory combines several unrelated stories into one narrative.[4][5]

A photo taken during the STS-88 mission claimed by some to show the Black Knight satellite is catalogued by NASA as a photo of space debris,[1] and space journalist James Oberg considers it as probable debris of a thermal blanket confirmed as lost during the mission.[4][6]

By far the most extraordinary and indeed alarming feature is it's/their ability to project sinister audio from airless space! May the BatSat soon reveal his/it's presence openly to all!:eek:
If we once know that the "craft" in question are of alien origin
Then they loose the U.
and we will be the poorer for it
Would include Australia, Japan, New Zealand if so cause the Earth is round. Or, at least coordinate their telescopes and satellites And you'd expect to see Space-Force and a shit lot more space telescopes.


The US Government knows alot more about what is going on in our Solar System then they make public . As do the rest of the World .
new sign on a wall in the pentagon

it's/their ability to project sinister audio from airless space!

keeping in mind
in theory, "any" object would have potential to resonate solar harmonics
equally solar & earth harmonics combined on a cascade/transitional line would make substantial noise.