People we miss

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Sniffy seems to prefer the mindless drivel at spurious's forum to intelligent conversation.

How very dare you!

There's no way I'd swap saliva with the likes of spuriousmonkey, killjoy, goneravin, wandererer, oily, nickeleoderous, studimpressive, geoffprunt. For god's sake I don't know where they've been!

Quote domom:
Why does everyone have to miss the shittiest posters?

And that's just plain mean! Slaps hard with diamond encrusted gauntlet.

This is the first time I ever made it into one of these 'miss you' threads. Savours the moment....

/screams runs away!

He and his mates have their own forum. You can see them at their usual there.

No loss to sciforums, that's for sure.

Tch. SF's loss is humanity's loss, Sir!

Sniffy seems to prefer the mindless drivel at spurious's forum to intelligent conversation.

Well...fair's fair, I guess. :shrug:

It's probably the only place on the web that will have them.

A filthy lie.

There are plenty more places that would also have us. Yes, they may well be in third-world countries with dubious records of hygiene or human rights, but they are there, Sir!

Don't let the door hit you on your way out. You're free to join them. I'm sure they'll treat you with respect. :rolleyes:

We promises.

How very dare you!

There's no way I'd swap saliva with the likes of spuriousmonkey, killjoy, goneravin, wandererer, oily, nickeleoderous, studimpressive, geoffprunt. For god's sake I don't know where they've been!

I think it's rather that you know where we've been.

I looked at spurious' forum. They're still there, him and nickelodeon. unfortunately I don't remember how to login there, and they are not allowing registering.

Just reading briefly through some threads over there made me miss them even more.

I shall so inform them.
Originally Posted by sniffy
There's no way I'd swap saliva with the likes of spuriousmonkey, killjoy, goneravin, wandererer, oily, nickeleoderous, studimpressive, geoffprunt, octopussy, gangreneberg, sputnerd, STD, ms ring-a-ding and thing 1 and thing 2 (muslims formerly known as). For god's sake I don't know where they've been! ;)

geoffprunt wrote:
I think it's rather that you know where we've been.

Oh, I'm far too polite to mention that den of iniquity....

Or my exile in that other place...

[image removed by moderator to add to his own collection]
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I tell you, I do not know the man !I'll apply myself tirelessly to being more Mod-A-Riffically senseless in the future.

Don't go changing. Without the valid use of various forms of armour or large weaponry, some of these threads would be rather dull.
How very dare you!

There's no way I'd swap saliva with the likes of spuriousmonkey, killjoy, goneravin, wandererer, oily, nickeleoderous, studimpressive, geoffprunt. For god's sake I don't know where they've been!
We know where you've been !
Varda said:
Just reading briefly through some threads over there made me miss them even more.

GeoffP said:
I shall so inform them.

I'm sure they are well aware of this thread by now. The couple of times I have looked at that forum since we parted company, they have all seemed to be carrying quite a bit of baggage about this place. I saw quite a bit of venom directed at myself, as banner-in-chief, not surprisingly. No doubt, they'll love anything I say about them here. They live for that stuff. Nickelodeon will probably use the "c" word to refer to me, and will consider himself immensely intelligent for that. What a twit.
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