People we miss

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Hard to think of any visual that would corroborate my claim of the fineness of being female. Why don't you survey a few women and see what they say?

1. We get to be pregnant,

2. We can cry and not get made fun of.

3. We can be emotional and blame it on that time of the month.
4. If we don't know anything about cars, it's okay.

5. We get to decorate our homes and can almost entirely ignore our other-half's input.

6. We got off the Titanic first.

7. We can scare male bosses with mysterious gynecological disorder excuses.

8. Our boy friend's clothes make us look elfin and gorgeous - guys look like complete idiots in ours.

9. We can be groupies. Male groupies are stalkers.

10. Men die earlier, so we get to cash in on their life insurance.

11. We don't have to fart to amuse ourselves.

12. We don't look like a frog in a blender when dancing.

13. Free drinks. Free dinners. Free movies (you get the point).

14. Taxis stop for us.

15. If we forget to shave, no one has to know.

16. We can hug our friends without wondering if she thinks we're gay.

17. We can hug our friends without wondering if WE'RE gay.

18. We can congratulate our teammate without ever touching her ass.

19, If we have a zit, we know how to conceal it.

20. If we're dumb, some people will find it cute.

21. We have the ability to dress ourselves.

22. We have an excuse to be a total b*tch at least once a month.

23. If we marry someone 20 years younger, we're aware that we look like an idiot.

24. Our friends won't think we're weird if we ask whether there's spinach in our teeth.

25. There are times when chocolate really can solve all our problems.

26. We'll never regret piercing our ears.

27. We can fully assess a person just by looking at their shoes.

28. We know which glass was ours by the lipstick mark.

29. We have way more hair options.

30. We can carry everything we need in a purse, if we want to.

31. We have the little black dress.

32. There is no need for us to act ridiculous to "prove" that we're real women.

33. We can fix scratches on our cars with nail polish.

34. No matter what we drive, we look good in it.

35. We can close our eyes and flinch at a bloody war movie and no one will care.

36. We can borrow clothes and mix and match, from any of our girlfriends or sisters etc, instead of having to go out and buy something.

37. We can act a little childish and it seems cute.

38. We can pull over and ask for directions and get lots of help if we're lost.

39. If we have a flat tire we can get help without having to worry about seeming "unmanly."

40. We can paint my nails without seeming weird or gay.

41. We can freak out over a mouse without looking foolish.

42. We can get someone else to take the fish off the hook for us.

43. We can have long hair without looking like a 1980s metal rocker

44. We can wear pink without looking like a sissy.

45. Barbie is a doll, not an action figure

46. We can call our female friends "girlfriends" and not sound like lesbians.

47. We can wear dresses, skirts and other cute things.

48. Lipgloss, lipgloss, lipgloss.

49. We're NOT men.

1. We get to be pregnant.

Granted but it takes two to parent.

2. We can cry and not get made fun of.

Would you make fun of a crying man?

3. We can be emotional and blame it on that time of the month.

Or not blame anything but our emotions.

4. If we don't know anything about cars, it's okay.

It's ok if you do too.

5. We get to decorate our homes and can almost entirely ignore our other-half's input.

If you're a bit on the selfish side, yes.

6. We got off the Titanic first.

Only the rich bitches the rest drowned with the men and their children in third class.

7. We can scare male bosses with mysterious gynecological disorder excuses.

My boss, she won't buy it.

8. Our boy friend's clothes make us look elfin and gorgeous - guys look like complete idiots in ours.

No comment

9. We can be groupies. Male groupies are stalkers.

They're both stalkers.

10. Men die earlier, so we get to cash in on their life insurance.

We're catching up

11. We don't have to fart to amuse ourselves.

We have to fart to diffuse ourselves

12. We don't look like a frog in a blender when dancing. :eek:

13. Free drinks. Free dinners. Free movies (you get the point).

I go dutch and pay for them too.

14. Taxis stop for us.

They want our cash

15. If we forget to shave, no one has to know.

No comment!

16. We can hug our friends without wondering if she thinks we're gay.

Can't men do that too?

17. We can hug our friends without wondering if WE'RE gay.

Is there something wrong with being gay?

18. We can congratulate our teammate without ever touching her ass.

But my teammate has a great arse.

19, If we have a zit, we know how to conceal it.

The contents of mine end up on the mirror

20. If we're dumb, some people will find it cute.

Not very

21. We have the ability to dress ourselves.

And the wounds of others.

22. We have an excuse to be a total b*tch at least once a month.

There's no excuse for it.

23. If we marry someone 20 years younger, we're aware that we look like an idiot.

I'm happy with that default!

24. Our friends won't think we're weird if we ask whether there's spinach in our teeth.

why is there?

25. There are times when chocolate really can solve all our problems.

In that case I need some

26. We'll never regret piercing our ears.

I didn't so don't have to.

27. We can fully assess a person just by looking at their shoes.

Don't look at mine then.

28. We know which glass was ours by the lipstick mark.

Mine's got a crack in it.

29. We have way more hair options.

oh the irony

30. We can carry everything we need in a purse, if we want to.

It's called a handbag in these parts.

31. We have the little black dress.

Ah yes

32. There is no need for us to act ridiculous to "prove" that we're real women.

We can still be ridiculous.

33. We can fix scratches on our cars with nail polish.

Don't wear it so I'll borrow yours.

34. No matter what we drive, we look good in it.

Especially with our tops down!

35. We can close our eyes and flinch at a bloody war movie and no one will care.

We should keep our eyes peeled.

36. We can borrow clothes and mix and match, from any of our girlfriends or sisters etc, instead of having to go out and buy something.

True enough!

37. We can act a little childish and it seems cute.

If you say so.

38. We can pull over and ask for directions and get lots of help if we're lost.

A to Z?

39. If we have a flat tire we can get help without having to worry about seeming "unmanly."

no comment

40. We can paint my nails without seeming weird or gay.

See above re gay

41. We can freak out over a mouse without looking foolish.

freaking foolish!

42. We can get someone else to take the fish off the hook for us.

I can do it myself just like my Dad taught me.

43. We can have long hair without looking like a 1980s metal rocker.

Speak for yourself

44. We can wear pink without looking like a sissy.

/scream runs away

45. Barbie is a doll, not an action figure.

I ain't no barbie.

46. We can call our female friends "girlfriends" and not sound like lesbians.

Enough with the gay bashing!

47. We can wear dresses, skirts and other cute things.

How about trousers?

48. Lipgloss, lipgloss, lipgloss.

kiss kiss

49. We're NOT men.

Don't want to be one but I do like having them around.

Good retorts, Sniffy.

It was just a search and quick pick to amuse or diffuse Gustav, but you've doubled the mileage of it.

Made me laugh, anyway....:thumbsup::roflmao:
James is apparently not a Groucho Marx fan.

I don't care to belong to a club that accepts people like me as members.
-Groucho Marx
I have had a perfectly wonderful evening, but this wasn't it.
-Groucho Marx
Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have others.
Groucho Marx


I'm a card-carrying Groucho Marxist myself.

Sniffy said:

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I know she was--at times (okay, maybe most of the time)--unpopular (initially with me as well), but I REALLY adored Gendanken. She cracked my shit up.

From the perspective of this thread it seems that a number of ex-members that James had removed got put forwards as being the most remembered. Perhaps James jumped the gun and added Sniffy to the list of those he's wary of and in turn has enraged her.

(There is a saying that I could be mentioned, something along the lines of "Never a woman scorn", while it might be something useful for some, I'm not sure if anyone else would see the relevance.)

The main problem is that the whole Spurious affair is all "piss and vinegar", a rather unsettling mix that doesn't allow any bygones to be passed. I guess this is greatly amplified if super-secret squirrel discussions are held on the unmentionable forum in regards to this forum and it's administration but then the same can be said the other way. Every time it's repeatedly mentioned about (not my quote) "their ilk", it tends to cause greater tension both here and there, even if the fur isn't flying.

It's a bit like a coldwar with a Mexican standoff, just waiting to see which idiot throws the first nuke at any subtle dilemma.

I can understand both points of view, online people want to be able to entertain themselves while discussing their worldly views with an absence of any empirical evidence foundation, I can also understand that there is form of Elitism that professionals strive for, I guess it stems from Academic Excellence but the problem is this forum is a "Chasm".
(If you take Crossing the Chasm and rather than look at marketing look at bridging the gap between professionals and scholars with the general population on the internet, it should be understood that sometimes peoples perspectives dip into the chasm where communication drifts away from what the posed consensus driven objective is for such place as this website.)

I guess I am saying this isn't "", while it's initial pursuit is Science, the notion is that Scienta is Knowledge and it should be understood that some people don't know things that others do. Forums are here to bridge that knowledge gap, to have a discussion (That the serious nature of this place), however it's also needs to be capable of laughing on occasion.

Some of the worlds most serious scientist, have likely made funny jokes on occasion, if they didn't then they wouldn't be able to ice break at parties or attempt to socialize at a level enough to communicate with the rest of the world, sometimes the jokes themselves might be even aimed at each others findings.

(I'm sure people will now claim this place is the "pits", but do understand I am talking about a chasm, a pit is something entirely different.)
I love this bar!! It is My new Home !! Unless I get perma banned one day . Then I will cry , kick the dust off and move on , Until that day lets party . Kissy Kissy

I certainly wouldn't start to assume you know anything about any of my preferences...

Only what you tell me. Which in this case is that spuriousmonkey's forum is more "homey" for you than this one. So.

The beef is right here; right now when you invoked my name in order to trash something.


This all started only because I dared to tell a truth that you yourself admit - that you're more comfortable at spuriousmonkey's forum than you are at this one. There's really no need to get all upset.

It goes almost without saying that I don't need to do anything to "trash" that forum. It has always been trash, right from the start. It's essentially a private boys' club where the boys muck around as if at a pub. Poo jokes seem to be a major feature, as far as I can tell.

Some people have a sense of humour which, now that people like you are rule the world, is soon to be outlawed.

Each to his own, I guess. The difference is not that I don't have a sense of humour. It's that I don't have the kind of puerile sense of humour you obviously admire. I got over poo jokes in primary school. But there you have a bunch of supposedly grown men who still think it's smart to say naughty words and to fixate on bodily functions.

As I said, it's just a personal preference. Not my cup of tea, but it may be yours.

Some of those of that ilk even have scientific qualifications and experience which is more than I can say about some of your expert moderators.

That's largely irrelevant to poo jokes, as far as I can tell. You probably don't need scientific qualifications to tell those.

Those who haven't may have a little wisdom borne of experience on their side but, hey, you're qualified judge and jury here aintcha?

I have as much right to judge them (and you) as you have to judge me. Let's not have double standards, now.

Let's not pretend you're not a total vegetarian arsehole.

Again with the vegetarian thing. Does vegetarianism intimidate you in some way? Do you have repressed guilt about meat eating? Or what?

Oh wait - maybe you think you're pushing my buttons with that stuff. Is that it?

Just stick with "arsehole" if you like. It's more honest, and it doesn't arbitrarily insult other people.

I tend to feel at home wherever I lay my hat. This place ain't so homey. Go figure.

Already done back in post #41. All you have done is confirmed what I said.

If you didn't have your head so far up your own arse you'd know how ironic your comment is. But you are trying soooo hard to be ironic, aren't you?

I'm not quite sure what you're saying. Are you saying I'm self-obsessed? Or conceited? Or what? Try using language that actually expresses what you want to say, rather than schoolyard terms like "head so far up your own arse". How old are you?

The whole human race is nothing but a bunch of cunts and cocks. Is that a general enough insult or would you like me to be more specific?

Save your foul mouth for the other place, please. They'll think you're a sophisticate, whereas I just find you rude and immature.

Well form an orderly queue behind your esteemed leader and carry on with the stone throwing if you will but do take note that unlike those poor sods in Norway I am not unarmed.

That sounds almost like a threat.

However, when someone steps out in front of me, slaps me, casts aspersions upon my internet buddies, pokes their nose into my business (which they know sod all about, I'll add for good measure) they better be prepared to take some flak.

Fair call.

I'm happy to let the matter of your internet buddies rest right here, if you like. After all, they speak for themselves, don't they?

Unlike them, I don't really think it's ok to insult people on a forum where they are not present to respond.

Note also if you think you are going to try to shame me for saying 'cunt' you can think again.

In the ethos of that other place, it's a sign of membership of the boys' club as to how often you can drop the c word, isn't it? It gives you a thrill. It makes you feel included and special. The more you use foul language, the higher your status over there.

Just don't assume that the same smutty standards apply here.

Anyway for the record james is using me to try to get at some other people that he may or may not have issues with. But cowards are known to do just that. I suggest the injured parties get together and hold a pissing contest. Or, alternatively everyone just gets over themselves and leaves me the hell out of it.

I really have no interest at "getting at" some losers on another forum, believe me. They can have it. I'll wager that they have mentioned me over there thousands of times more often than I've mentioned them here. You might want to step back a little and look more objectively at who has "issues".

From the perspective of this thread it seems that a number of ex-members that James had removed got put forwards as being the most remembered. Perhaps James jumped the gun and added Sniffy to the list of those he's wary of and in turn has enraged her.

I don't know about lately, but a couple of years ago I know sniffy was an active member of spuriousmonkey's forum. She hasn't said anything to indicate that she isn't one still.

Her name was mentioned in the same breath as some of those others, and I merely commented that she seemed to like things over there. She has subsequently confirmed that. So, I don't quite see what all the fuss is about.

The main problem is that the whole Spurious affair is all "piss and vinegar", a rather unsettling mix that doesn't allow any bygones to be passed.

Last time I looked, which was admittedly quite a while ago, I didn't see anybody over there letting the bygones go. On the contrary, I saw a lot of insulting references to sciforums members, including myself. And I mean really puerile name-calling bullshit, directed at people who were not present to respond (or even be aware of the comments). And all that on a public forum.

I've even seen them plotting to "trash" sciforums as much as they possibly can. A few of them seem to have a really deep-seated hatred, such that they feel a need to lash out in any way they can.

I should also mention that I think they tried to trash one of your other internet projects a while ago, Stryder, on the sole grounds that it had a connection to this place. With your being a moderator here, they obviously consider you a justifiable target, too.
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