Petty Motivations?

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Most regular members here have gotten warnings and/or infractions.
You accept them - or you question the mods whether it was warranted - and then accept them.
You don't try to win the population over by complaining about it publicly.

When my mommy grounded me from TV for cussing, did I try to whip up sympathy among my siblings at the dinner table? How did I think that would go?

What is the purpose of this thread? What is to be gained?
Most regular members here have gotten warnings and/or infractions.
You accept them - or you question the mods whether it was warranted - and then accept them.
You don't try to win the population over by complaining about it publicly.

When my mommy grounded me from TV for cussing, did I try to whip up sympathy among my siblings at the dinner table? How did I think that would go?

What is the purpose of this thread? What is to be gained?

Do you ever give a "Like" to anyone's Posts on this Forum, DaveC426913 ?
Do you think that clicking on the "Like" button is breaking any Rules?

The purpose of this Thread was to try and figure out how "handing out "likes" to peoples Posts is breaking any Forum Rules and why James R was instigating actions to get me Permanently Banned for "handing out "likes" to peoples Posts"???!!!

When I click-on the "Like" button on one of your Posts, DaveC426913, for some reason James R sees that as some "petty motivation" of some kind that merits a Permanent Ban???!!!
I have no problems following rules “in real life” Wegs.
And I have been following the Rules on this Forum.
If you reread Post #13 by JamesR, above^, you will see that he wants to permanently Ban me because of the "Likes" that I click on when I "Like" a Post.

From James R's Post #13 :
" James R said:
In recent months, I have noticed that your inputs to this forum have been largely restricted to handing out "likes" to posts that your friends make.

I am under no illusions about the petty motivations behind this behaviour of yours.

If this kind of input is all you have to offer this forum these days, I believe that your continued membership of this forum will no longer be required. "

I give you a "Like" , wegs and James R sees that as part of some "petty motivations"???!!!
I can't even conceive of what kind of thought process would lead to James R to come up with that???!!!

You seem like a nice lady, Wegs , but I really do not know you or anyone else on this there is no way that you or anyone else on this Forum are my "friends"???!!!

What could giving your Posts a "Like" make any kind of difference in the greater scheme of things, Wegs?

How would or could giving anyone's Posts a "Like" even merit a "Warning"???!!!

Wegs, I have read and reread the Forum Rules - I can find nothing referring to clicking on the "Like" button on Posts is NOT ALLOWED or is in some way BREAKING ANY RULE???!!!

Wegs, what I find odd/strange is that James R has come up with this inane ruse to Permanently Ban me???!!!

Wegs, would it be wrong of me to wonder if it might just possibly be James R that has some petty motivations behind his behaviour?

I guess the replies here are coming from the point of view of - why not just keep this in pm, and ask James about it directly.

I'm thinking there is more context (that we're not privvy to) behind the ''likes'' comment from James.
Do you ever give a "Like" to anyone's Posts on this Forum, DaveC426913 ?
Do you think that clicking on the "Like" button is breaking any Rules?

The purpose of this Thread was to try and figure out how "handing out "likes" to peoples Posts is breaking any Forum Rules and why James R was instigating actions to get me Permanently Banned for "handing out "likes" to peoples Posts"???!!!

When I click-on the "Like" button on one of your Posts, DaveC426913, for some reason James R sees that as some "petty motivation" of some kind that merits a Permanent Ban???!!!
As I suggested, the person(s) who can answer that would be the person(s) who gave you the PM.

Did the message say that Liking posts was, itself, breaking rules. Did it say that Liking posts was the cause of a potential Permaban?

Because that's what you're telling us now.

I'm going to hazard the warning and ban threats were for trolling behavior, and that the comments about Liking was essentially "not helping your case".

Furthermore, I'm going to guess that this is exactly what JamesR was referring to when he said you were "telling lies in this thread to help your case".

Tell me I'm wrong.
I hit the "Like" button on Posts I like, James R - That has nothing to do with YOU!!
Since you are doing it on a website he moderates, it sorta does.
I think that they should be Publicly Posted so that the entire Forum can see them!
No one (other than you) seems to care.

Why all the drama? Do you enjoy the attention?
I have no problems following rules “in real life” Wegs.
Then why do you have so much trouble here?
If you reread Post #13 by JamesR, above^, you will see that he wants to permanently Ban me because of the "Likes" that I click on when I "Like" a Post.
It's unfortunate that you have so much trouble understanding the fairly simple message he sent you. Or is it intentional misunderstanding so you can play the victim?

James R,
You seem to be "under" more than a single "illusion"

That I have friends on this Forum!
That giving "Likes" to Posts are in some way indicative of "Petty Motivations"!
That giving "Likes" to Posts is in some way "loud and clear messages" DIRECTLY TO OR FOR YOU - JAMES R!

Just for Sh*ts and G*ggles, James R - What exactly are "the petty motivations behind this behaviour"?

There was NOTHING in the PM you sent me that indicated that it "was a warning for trolling, and came with the usual 10 warning points"!!!
As a matter of FACT, James R, the PM seemed to reference "exceptions to the ordinary warning/ban sequence if and when it is appropriate to do so for the good of the forum."
I found that odd/strange!!!

I hit the "Like" button on Posts I like, James R - That has nothing to do with YOU!!

I "Presume" NOTHING, James R!

Again, Just for Sh*ts and G*ggles, James R - What exactly do YOU PRESUME is "why" ???
BTW, James R, do YOU commonly think of people as "idiots", or refer to people as "idiots"?

When I give "Likes" to Posts, those "likes" are because there is something that I "Like" about those Posts!!!
Those "Likes are in NOT "loud and clear messages" DIRECTLY TO OR FOR YOU - JAMES R!
I find it odd/strange that you seem to think that Posts I make or the "Likes" I click-on are "loud and clear messages" DIRECTLY TO OR FOR YOU - JAMES R!

I Posted this Thread because I received a couple of odd/strange PM's(and e-mails) from you, James R.

Once again, Just for Sh*ts and G*ggles, James R - What exactly have you IMAGINED is "why" I "would choose to post this thread, in the circumstances"???

More name calling from you, James R!!!

presumptions,assumptions, conjecture, name calling, strange imaginings...
Is this what you consider "SCIENCE", James R ???


James R, I still feel that the PM's that you sent me should be Posted in their entirety as originally sent to me!!!
That way the entire Forum could read them!!

BTW : You accused me of telling "self-serving lies" in your Post #11, James R!
I asked you about them in my Post #12.
So, again I ask you, James R to prove those allegations/accusations or to retract them!
Do you ever give a "Like" to anyone's Posts on this Forum, DaveC426913 ?
Do you think that clicking on the "Like" button is breaking any Rules?

The purpose of this Thread was to try and figure out how "handing out "likes" to peoples Posts is breaking any Forum Rules and why James R was instigating actions to get me Permanently Banned for "handing out "likes" to peoples Posts"???!!!

When I click-on the "Like" button on one of your Posts, DaveC426913, for some reason James R sees that as some "petty motivation" of some kind that merits a Permanent Ban???!!!
When you started this thread to whinge and whine about the warning I gave you, dmoe, why do you think I allowed it to remain open rather than closing it and giving you another warning for trolling?

The answer is that I thought that if I left it open, we'd all get a reminder of what your forum posts typically look like. I wasn't wrong. The posts above are what you do on this forum. They are almost all you do on this forum, these days.

You can play at being stupid and mystified, as is your usual schtick when you receive warnings. You can post in your usual whiney, pedantic way, full of words in scare quotes. You can try your best to talk down to everybody, as usual. What all that adds up to is that you are a troll. All I did in giving you that warning was to call it like it is.

Readers will note that one very important thing is missing in dmoe's posts here, and in the private messages he has been sending in reference to this warning. And that is a clear indication from him as to what value he adds to sciforums.

Where are dmoe's interesting and insightful on-topic contributions to discussion threads? For that matter, has dmoe actually posted anything in the last six months or so that has added materially to a discussion, without being about individual personalities or dmoe pedantically trying to take somebody down using his usual scare quotes and all the schtick we see above?

When, if ever, do you plan to start adding value, dmoe? You spend most of your time here trying to stir up trouble. That's the only reason you started this thread. It's the only reason you reported my warning post. It's the only reason you're here at all, as far as I can tell. You try your best to create dissent between members, between moderators and members, between moderators and other moderators, and between moderators and administrator/owners.

We're onto your games.

Tell us all what value you add.
To avoid further lies and misrepresentations from dmoe, I now post the warning I gave dmoe in its entirety:

James R said:
dumbest man on earth,

In recent months, I have noticed that your inputs to this forum have been largely restricted to handing out "likes" to posts that your friends make.

I am under no illusions about the petty motivations behind this behaviour of yours.

If this kind of input is all you have to offer this forum these days, I believe that your continued membership of this forum will no longer be required.

I will continue to observe your actions on the forum. If you remain on your current path, I will have a discussion with the moderator team and a decision will be made on your remaining here.

Please be aware that we can make exceptions to the ordinary warning/ban sequence if and when it is appropriate to do so for the good of the forum.

All the best,

James R.
The warning was issued for "Inappropriate behavior", which is the generic automated title that attaches to warnings for trolling, among other things.

dmoe is playing dumb and saying, essentially, that he can't see how the text of this warning relates to something specific in our posting guidelines. However, he at no time asked me for more specifics. In a previous post, I set out the actions that he took immediately after receiving this warning.

If there is any lingering doubt at this point - and I don't for a moment believe there is - let me be clear: this was a warning for trolling.

I also draw your attention to the last paragraph of my warning notice. Note dmoe's previous lie in the thread, where he said this warning was not part of an ordinary warning/ban process. That last paragraph there was included by me as a courtesy to dmoe. It is there to put him on notice that playing the game of trolling just enough to earn points that are insufficient to attract an automatic permanent ban will not necessarily be sufficient to avoid such a ban. The moderators here can, and occasionally do, permanently ban people without going through the entire automated ban sequence. By far the most common reason we do that is to protect the forum from obvious spammers, but occasionally we also do it to protect the forum from the malicious acts of obvious trolls.

dmoe is not a newbie here. He has a record of posts and past behaviour. What he chooses to do here and now does not exist in isolation from what he has chosen to do here in the past. There is context, and we are mindful of it.
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In the interests of completeness, and to give some insight into my own thinking on this, I would like to explain a little further what is really going on here.

Regarding dmoe's issuing of "Likes" on posts: There is a pattern there. dmoe says that he has no friends on sciforums, and therefore he isn't handing out likes to his friends. It doesn't surprise me that he has no friends here, if we are to take his word for it. It is hard to like somebody who is so narcissistic and pedantic. It follows, therefore, that dmoe does not hand out "Like"s because the posters are his friends. My own usage of the word "friends" was not meant to be taken literally in the first place, though; it was meant to indicate those people who dmoe chooses preferentially to "Like".

There is a pattern, which any interested-enough forum member can check for him- or herself. dmoe is most prolific in putting Likes on people's posts when they are in a heated argument. dmoe's aim in adding Likes to argumentative posts is to stir the pot by lazily giving an impression of support for one side of the argument. But is there more to it than this? Yes. We see that dmoe almost always gives Likes to anybody who is arguing against a moderator, for starters. He also gives Likes to those who are taking anti-science or anti-reason positions. Why? Is it because dmoe agrees with these people? Maybe he does. But I think that a primary motivation of his is to try to undermine one of the main aims of this site, namely encouraging critical thinking and an appreciation of scientific methods. dmoe takes pleasure in promoting conflict and chaos.

But surely, adding Likes preferentially is a very inefficient way to troll, if that is the aim? Wouldn't it be far more effective to shit-stir by actually posting inflammatory comments? The answer is, of course, yes. That is more effective. So why does dmoe almost never post these days (he tends to post a few posts every 4-12 days, on average)? Why is he reduced to this passive-aggressive Liking, for the most part? The answer is simple: he has already tried the alternative kind of trolling. He found himself being regularly moderated when he did that. The risk was that if he didn't alter his tactics he would be banned from the forum entirely. So, not being quite as dumb as he would have you believe, he changed his tactics. These days, he is sadly diminished as a troll, but he remains a troll nonetheless.
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Petty motivations indeed dmoe! On your part.
You have always treated the "like" button as a means to trivialise posts, and reflect your own weird persona...basically anything other then what it is there for. Strange that James does not recall the time I complained to him when you were giving "likes" to every post that I ever posted, over probably a 6 month period, certainly not as an appreciative gesture to my posts, but simply reflecting your weird demented methodology, whatever that is or was. If members would like to check out the members heading above, you will see that even though I have had a couple of periods of long absences, I am amongst the top group as far as likes are concerned. When I did complain to James, the reply was along the lines of "so what?". Although I do believe he notified dmoe as they did stop shortly after that.
Then of course as any long term member should remember, the long periods that dmoe was stalking me, attempting pedantic corrections for anything and everything from full stops, commas, to arguing against accepted science that I would post.
Then he followed me over to SFN and again started to use the "dislike" function over there. Thankfully, with the far more astute mods on that forum, those dislikes were quickly negated, and dmoe quickly put under lockdown.

The excellent two past mods, Kittamaru and Trippy, certainly did have his measure here, and new exactly what he was up to, years ago. I suppose better late then never.
In summing, a weirdo of the number one variety.

ps: Just thought I would pop back and add my two bobs worth to the lowdown on the dmoe character.
Seeyas! Enjoy!!!
Mod Note

James R,
You seem to be "under" more than a single "illusion"

That I have friends on this Forum!
That giving "Likes" to Posts are in some way indicative of "Petty Motivations"!
That giving "Likes" to Posts is in some way "loud and clear messages" DIRECTLY TO OR FOR YOU - JAMES R!

Just for Sh*ts and G*ggles, James R - What exactly are "the petty motivations behind this behaviour"?

There was NOTHING in the PM you sent me that indicated that it "was a warning for trolling, and came with the usual 10 warning points"!!!
As a matter of FACT, James R, the PM seemed to reference "exceptions to the ordinary warning/ban sequence if and when it is appropriate to do so for the good of the forum."
I found that odd/strange!!!

I hit the "Like" button on Posts I like, James R - That has nothing to do with YOU!!

I "Presume" NOTHING, James R!

Again, Just for Sh*ts and G*ggles, James R - What exactly do YOU PRESUME is "why" ???
BTW, James R, do YOU commonly think of people as "idiots", or refer to people as "idiots"?

When I give "Likes" to Posts, those "likes" are because there is something that I "Like" about those Posts!!!
Those "Likes are in NOT "loud and clear messages" DIRECTLY TO OR FOR YOU - JAMES R!
I find it odd/strange that you seem to think that Posts I make or the "Likes" I click-on are "loud and clear messages" DIRECTLY TO OR FOR YOU - JAMES R!

I Posted this Thread because I received a couple of odd/strange PM's(and e-mails) from you, James R.

Once again, Just for Sh*ts and G*ggles, James R - What exactly have you IMAGINED is "why" I "would choose to post this thread, in the circumstances"???

More name calling from you, James R!!!

presumptions,assumptions, conjecture, name calling, strange imaginings...
Is this what you consider "SCIENCE", James R ???


James R, I still feel that the PM's that you sent me should be Posted in their entirety as originally sent to me!!!
That way the entire Forum could read them!!

BTW : You accused me of telling "self-serving lies" in your Post #11, James R!
I asked you about them in my Post #12.
So, again I ask you, James R to prove those allegations/accusations or to retract them!

You were given a warning for trolling.

And you reported it and then take it a step further and troll some more.

Please stop.

No one really cares how many likes you give or receive. But when the majority of your participation on this site amounts to clicking like buttons, it becomes noticeable.

You troll.

Pretty much non stop. Stop doing it and you won't receive infractions.

And now onto this:

If you reread Post #13 by JamesR, above^, you will see that he wants to permanently Ban me because of the "Likes" that I click on when I "Like" a Post.
He does not say he wants to permanently ban you for "likes" that you click on. Stop lying.

I can't speak for my colleagues and can only speak for myself.

Personally, I want to ban you for being a troll.

And if you keep trolling as you are, you will be banned.

Not for hitting the like button. But because you troll.

So glad that this has been cleared up for you.

The solution to your problems is simple.


And oh yeah..

Thread closed.
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