That's a relief. I can once again sleep at night. Scientists and mathematicians have been pondering the right equation forever when it was right in front of their face all along. Good job.
yes i know. thats why i said it is worthwhile because you said it was pointless.
it is far from devoid of meaning, ... means the universe is infinite and it has always been.
if you do not see any meaning or point then you are free to leave the debate at any given time.
0+0=0 therefore the universe is infinite because you cannot make something out of nothing,
we seek complex answers because we are gay.
yes they are all gay,
there was never a counter argument given for my original for me to challenge in debate,
the universe is infinite, because if we have 0 atoms 0 energy 0 particles and 0 mass,
You may be overlooking the fact that in its simplest form, in mathematics, zero is merely an arbitrary number invented to define the lowest non-negative interger below 1.
Indeed; the null set.
In chemistry, zero can have other implications and meanings. When energy tranforms from one form to another it may pass through a zero point, but in this case, zero does not mean, nothing.