Pick a card!

Did the cards help?

  • No, never, you imbecill!

    Votes: 1 7.1%
  • I dunno...huh?

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Almost, I want to try again.

    Votes: 2 14.3%
  • Yes, you are the best, Bebelina!

    Votes: 11 78.6%

  • Total voters
Hey come on now!!! You were talking love with Q!! I'm just talking a one night stand!


That was a hypothetical akin to "Why did the rabbit cross the road?". If I had really wanted to find out, I would have played a version of Russian Roulette involving tailgating SUV drivers and ...


Never mind that.

If you truly want me to not go for it, then I won't.......

By all means, go for it.
Was the Dream I had a few nights ago, a true one?
Nine of Cups. *Yes, and it will turn out very well.*

Thanx so much Bebelina, (wipes sweat from fore-head) it's good to know...:) :)

Banshee is after the Q as well?
Knight of Wands. No, she has other interests.

Very right! :) Very right you are, indeed! :) :)

Now another one for you: Will the bugs keep on biting me like crazy and leaving me with arms and legs, with big, red "wheels" on them so I look like I am having the measels...??? :D :bugeye:
...will she like me?
Oh, I accidentally got up two cards. Nine and Ten of Swords. No, you stay away from her, oh the pain, the tears, the angst! :D She will break your heart in other words.

Bebelina, will the SAT ever make sense?
Justice. Yes, eventually it will, but put it in perspective to the rest of your life.

Will the bugs keep on biting me like crazy and leaving me with arms and legs, with big, red "wheels" on them so I look like I am having the measels...???
Six of Cups. No, you will soon be able to smell the flowers without bug-harassments. :D
Hmmm, but to break my heart would mean she would have to take it first. Which means I get her! If even for a short while, still better then nothing.

And I don't actually like her anyway, so I would nt be too hurt!
Methinks Tyler has a good strategy.

Very right! Very right you are, indeed!

Of course she is, Banshee. You think you could win against the Holy and Mighty Geek Goddess Xev?! NEVER!
Ummm, I think so.

You're a bit athletic for a geek though, but then again, so am I. An admirable interest in science which should balance that out.

Which reminds me:

Bebelina, when will my muscles stop hurting?
1) Since I've recently been thoroughly dumped... Any decent girl on the horizon?

2) How will I do in my degree?

3) Should I go into space systems engineering, computer software engineering, do my master of technology, or simply finish my degree and get a job?

Xev, I can fix sore muscles with my Magic Massaging Hands (tm)! Only AU$299.99, plus postage!
And now an easier test: the present and recent past, rather than the future. So have a go at these questions:

1) What item of clothing do I wear most often?

2) What is my favoutire colour?

3) What colour is my top today?

4) What did I do this weekend just past?

5) Whose wedding did I recently attend?
Adam, the cards can´t tell what colour your shirt is and such. But I will ask them anyway...:D They are for advice and guidance, not testing.

1) Since I've recently been thoroughly dumped... Any decent girl on the horizon?
Queen of Cups. Yes, there is. A fair, loving, intelligent woman who has the gift of vision.

2) How will I do in my degree?
The Star. Very well, new horizons will open before you.

3) Should I go into space systems engineering, computer software engineering, do my master of technology, or simply finish my degree and get a job?
Nine of Cups. It doesn´t matter, you will succeed in whatever you choose.

1) What item of clothing do I wear most often?
King of Pentacles. I think a dark robe with an embroided pentagram and a bulls head. :D The card speaks of mathematical gifts though.

2) What is my favoutire colour?
Nine of Wands. Maybe blue, maybe brown, but the card tells you are expecting to be attacked! Are you wearing red? :D

3) What colour is my top today?
Ace pf Pentacles. I dunno, but whatever it is you are content with it and will have a generally good day, ecstatic even. :p

4) What did I do this weekend just past?
Eight of Pentacles. You were working , possibly with some craft or art.

5) Whose wedding did I recently attend?
Six of Swords. Your mothers? :confused: According to the cards you had to take a journey by water anyway.

..will TI and I brake up?
Queen of Swords. You may experience some difficulties.
Well i like that WAY better than what it said a moment ago

But for the record its true now

We ARE having problems

Hope we work it out
It was stupid of me to write that , which I realized the moment after I had posted it, hoping that you didn´t see it yet...but you did, sorry.
To every problem there is a solution and separation isn´t always necessarily one of them.
