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  • No, never, you imbecill!

    Votes: 1 7.1%
  • I dunno...huh?

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Almost, I want to try again.

    Votes: 2 14.3%
  • Yes, you are the best, Bebelina!

    Votes: 11 78.6%

  • Total voters
Here comes waitress Bebelina, serving Delicious Demon Pizza to everybody!

Actually I find it pretty funny, Fox. :p

Question: When will FoxMulder finally start a thread in which he talks his vampire and other scarry opinions? (I am curious Fox, what caused the scars?)

It's about time that there comes one thread on this. I am getting a little tired of reading the same story in every thread and every Forum where I come.

So the question is for real. Don't you bother to answer here Fox...:)
Well, red underpants sounds just fabulous . :D

What color socks, black, red or mix and match?
Three of Cups. I say red again, for happiness, healing, fulfillment and victory!

Which avatar do you like best?
Ace of Pentacles. Well, I thought the colourful one was prettiest, and this card agrees with me saying it brings you joy, abundance and felicity.

When will FoxMulder finally start a thread in which he talks his vampire and other scarry opinions?
Wheel of Fortune. Strange that this FoxMulder always gets so high cards...:eek:, he will come around to it. Now a thread has strarted already though...hmmm.

Yes, Fox gets major cards. :) King Of Swords...pretty strong card too. Must be something of a personality there. :)

When will he show this? In the right way I mean?

The thread is started, where is Fox?

[EDIT] No question(s) for the cards Bebelina.:) just wondering...in general...
Does he love you? Yes, but he wants to control you.
Where there's Love, there's no possession...

Will my visions come true in this life????

Hey beb

you shouldn't have changed that post

you were just a little early

She dumped me:(
Oh, I'm sorry to hear that Asguard. :( You will find love again.

Will my visions come true in this life????
The Tower. I'm sorry Truthseeker, it looks like you must build a new vision form the ruins of your old one.
Will this new girl I'm into say yes if I ask her out? How will the whole thing go?

Edit: Forget the whole age thing....I don't really care if they're incorrect. I'm just interested:D
Well okay then, but only if you promise not to take this seriously at all.
Will this new girl I'm into say yes if I ask her out? How will the whole thing go? Eight of Cups. Well, this is a strange card. One interpretation sais it means that you are deserting the cups of your felicity, and another speaks about modesty and giving joy to others.
But they are compatible though.
So you make it out for yourself. :)
You have an exciting life right now, so just enjoy the thrill of asking girls out and all that. It wouldn't be as fun if you knew the outcome, now would it?

"no girl wants me"...Asguard how old are you? You are a bigger than such selfpity, right?

i would LOVE to be able to say you are right, it is just self pitty but its not

i am almost 20 and have had one GF
ever girl i have ever asked out laughed at me except one girl who tried to pick up on our first date (while still going out with her "x")

ever girl says i am a nice guy BUT...

Bah, you wait and see, you are still just a kid. Your time will come. :) And would you want those women anyway, that laugh at you? What kind of persons are they? :rolleyes:


If I ask out the girl I Love... will she say yes?

Actually... will she ever go out with me?
Go for it Nelson. If you don't you'll remain in the state you're in now and you'll never know what she would've said. If she says no then move on, if she says, then don't mess things up when you actually go out.
Bebe, is the troll Mallory Knox ever going away?

Aww, Nelson's in love, Nelson's in looo-ove!

Hope it goes well for you, man.

I agree with Polly. Ask her out - the worst she can do is say no. Then you can move on.

Does he love you? Yes, but he wants to control you.


I'd settle for that.


Bebe, how long will my cold/flu last?
If I ask out the girl I Love... will she say yes?
The Hanged Man. It's a risk and a sacrifice. The card suggest that you take more time to contemplate over yourself, preferably in solitude, right now instead, that it is needed to get a more whole and mature personality. This could mean that she probably would say no.

Actually... will she ever go out with me?
Nine of Swords. According to the cards, no. Focus on yourself now instead.

Bebe, is the troll Mallory Knox ever going away?
The Magician. You know, I knew this card would come up, I even told you in my head :bugeye: that "wow, you get this card a lot"....strange.
Yes, don't worry, the troll will go away , this is just a person playing on other peoples feelings to get attention.

Bebe, how long will my cold/flu last?
Death. Maybe you should see a doctor about this, because it's not long ago you had the flu, or is it still the same flu? Don't worry though, sometimes illnesses occur to let us have time off from all other responsibilities to be able to look into ourselves spiritually.

will i EVER find a girl who dosn't say "you are a great guy BUT..."?
The Devil(!?). Well, erhum, Mr. ASguard, yes, of course you will, but this card indicates that you need to get in control over your sexual impulses and ego to begin with. :D