Pikachu or pikaboo?

lol! I can just imagine the pokemon Pikachu giving us the finger...and saying "F*ck you all." in the cute little voice of his...awwwww... :D
I can relate with you though, because I used to be infatuated with Pokemon. I got pissed off when people said "poh-key-mon" instead of "poh-kay-mon". :D And I have little Pikachu figurines, and a poster of all the pokemon before the Johto League series. There are way more than 150!! :eek: :)
god shut up about pokemon it just worse than having the whole room full of people who pretends to be knight who say NI! :mad:
We are now the Knights Who Say 'Ecky- ecky- ecky- ecky- pikang- zoop- boing- goodem- zoo- owli- zhiv'.

but we may aswell say NI again

this is like my old school

..............wait a sec where Thor he apposed to change his avatar
(insert german accent)
Don't look at me main good mann, it was Pine_net who started this.

This is supposed to be a happy occasion. Let's not argue about who killed who

let's have a cheerful song

Bravely bold Sir Robin rode forth from Camelot.
He was not afraid to die, O brave Sir Robin.
He was not at all afraid to be killed in nasty ways,
Brave, brave, brave, brave Sir Robin!
He was not in the least bit scared to be mashed into a pulp,
Or to have his eyes gouged out and his elbows broken,
To have his kneecaps split and his body burned away
And his limbs all hacked and mangled, brave Sir Robin!
His head smashed in and his heart cut out
And his liver removed and his bowels unplugged
And his nostrils raped and his bottom burned off
And his pen--


Brave Sir Robin ran away,
Bravely ran away, away.
When danger reared its ugly head, he bravely turned his tail and fled.
Yes, brave Sir Robin turned about
And gallantly, he chickened out. Bravely taking to his feet,
He beat a very brave retreat,
Bravest of the brave, Sir Robin.
How can someone have dignity when hes dressed as a little yellow f*ck with red cheeks???
I would sure like to know, and if you ever going to it- take me along.

We are now the Knights Who Say 'Ecky- ecky- ecky- ecky- pikang- zoop- boing- goodem- zoo- owli- zhiv'

Egad! You(or someone else for all I know) sat there and figured that out? You(or whoever it was) should eb locked up in a rubber room with a small TV playing the movie repeatedly 24/7.:eek:
Well, we found an effective way of getting rid of Pikachu ... Scare him away by acting wierd. Effective. :) Now, uh, .. be yourselves again ... :bugeye: