planets orbit like their stars vibrate ?

You are correct,
Well that is good, you finally are listening!
the paragraph I retyped indeed says that, but then it added, using the analogy of stepping into a full bathtub, that like such disturbances in the water surface, additional troughs within the well wall would be produced that confine the proto -planetary matter. troughs of standing waves within the gravity well. thank you.
Oops, back to inane bull shit, too bad, but not surprising...
Oops, back to inane bull shit, too bad, but not surprising...
Oops, too bad, origin, that good contributor going off on a tangent. The Analogy of standing waves in a bathtub sloshing around and keeping ducks in certain places, the troughs, are words used by Prof. Halpern of Philadelphia, not nebel's. You probably can get the book at the public library, as I did, and read it yourself. Justifying calling an accomplished author's work BS is a bold move, task.
On another language site's discussion of --Solar pulsations, as radiated waves to shape Planet orbits, -- the valid objection was raised, that these have never been measured. Nebel's response is, that
these perturbations that , Chladni-plate-like, rattled proto -planetary disks matter into rings (as we see in the ALMA images), were features of a y0unger , more unsettled Sun, of wich we today are seeing only a faint echo. and
Material being herded into areas defined by orbit radius (that correspond to Pulsation wave length) can even now be seen around the Lagrangian points L4 and 5, gravity wells still holding the Trojans and Hildas that would be found located in the troughs of the prior standing waves.
Examples, of how 2 or more pulse sources*, will create standing wave patterns, are published on Google images. *of which the Sun is known to have many,
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here from Science Daily how stars vibrate:
"--New space telescopes allow astronomers to 'see' the waves that originate in the deep interior of the stars. This makes it possible to study these stars using asteroseismology, a similar technique to how seismologists use earthquakes to study the Earth's interior.--"
A standing wave pattern resulting from multiple resonant sources in the planetary field would look like that blue disk above.
A quick check i did revealed that Mercury-Venus is 0.34AU and Venus-Earth is 0.28AU. This means a difference by an entire 8%, which rules out the claim that the distances are equal.

Mercury 0.387 AU
vs Bode n0. 4 = 3.25 % deviation

Venus0.723 AU
vs Bode no. 7 = 3.18% deviation. but

There is a near zero deviation from the theoretical Bode (stellar pulsation model) when you measure the orbits in orbiting time rather in AU size. In eccentric orbits such as Mercury and Mars, the planets spend more time at aphelion then perihelion. so,
the Mercury semi major axis, .387 AU is actually less than
the semi major time axis. of ,399 AU. Mercury orbit turns out to be .018 % accurate in Bode theory and timespace.
Nebel what then is your conculsion ?

To me, there is no conclusion. yet. I worked with the 5 minute solar pulsation = 300 light second, .3 AU of the 1000 light second Earth orbit diameter. Earlier,
A Russian astronomer astrophysicist worked withe the 160 minute solar pulse. Analogy being the outer 9.6 AU planetary spacings.
I put this out here as interesting facts. too close and numerous to be co-incidences.
Possibly there will be a underlying structure discovered, not novel, because other, already known laws of Nature very well and precisely account for these measurements.
Numbers or the lack of them, like zero - velocity or zero - time zones revealing a pattern.
The comfort that comes from living, fitting in an order
Either our system of stability, based as it seems on resonances, is unique, perhaps essential, indicative for life, or
it is common, as we expand our discovery, either way, it will be telling.
I love harmonic resonances on our baby grand, just about the range of Solar system frequencies.
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If you are still saying that the suns pulsation is causing the planets to orbit as they do, then yes it is pseudoscience.
Here is one of the articles, this from new scientist Magazine about the relations between Solar rhythm and planetary cycles, here alignments of Venus Earth and Jupiter
This thread's alternate theory dealt mainly with the 5 minute 160 minute pulsations, short term resonances, but here is one lining up with the long term rhythm, different only in length. The article states that the planets shepherds the sun, but
it could, even more likely, also be the other way around: the mighty sun puts constraints on the planets. imho and
while the OP proposition implies Solar timing generating standing wavelength with the speed of light, this new research links the timing directly.

The planets might control the sun's activity - and it's not astrology


SPACE 4 June 2019

An alignment of the heavens could influence the sun
Scott Kelly/NASA

By Leah Crane

The power of planetary alignments is normally reserved for unscientific horoscopes, but it turns out they might have some importance after all. The sun has an 11-year cycle of activity, and it may be shepherded by alignments of Venus, Earth, and Jupiter---"

Nebel: Yes, a butterfly can trigger a cascade of events that triggers a thunderstorm, but butterflies will also react to thunderstorms. If that is more likely, than it could be that
"--it may be shepherd [ed by] the alignments of Venus, Earth, and Jupiter---"
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By Leah Crane

The power of planetary alignments is normally reserved for unscientific horoscopes, but it turns out they might have some importance after all. The sun has an 11-year cycle of activity, and it may be shepherded by alignments of Venus, Earth, and Jupiter---"
Second thought on that: Jupiter has a 12 year orbit around the Sun, but the Venus-Earth-Jupiter conjunction ( or other planets) would bring out the largest Barycentre range, even outside the Sun's "surface". so it is plausible that tiny planets could stir up big central's workings. Look what then Moon/Earth barycentre does to our oceans.
University of Michigan. "Solving the sun's super-heating mystery with Parker Solar Probe." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 4 June 2019. <>.

About waves, invisible, perhaps interfering, stretching out from the Sun. They might do amazing things, like here, transporting energy out in apparent defiance of the thermodynamic laws. so: in other ways might even reach to Pluto and beyond.
If you watch an eclipse, the energy stretches out way past what you expect from pictures.
Science Daily, 8/26/2019,: "Utah mountain pulses like the Earth, human heart,
New Scientist 9/11/ 2019: black hole rings.
How can the ringing of the sun not affect the rings around it?
or like their black holes vibrate?

National Institutes of Natural Sciences. "Bizarre worlds orbiting a black hole?." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 25 November 2019. <> "planets around a supermassive black hole". and:

Vanderbilt University. "How to observe a 'black hole symphony' using gravitational wave astronomy." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 18 November 2019. <>
putting 2 & 2 together, perhaps even those bodies' orbits align with the detected central body BH frequencies.
Here is an interesting connection between the "wave" model and current research:

University of Colorado at Boulder. "How the solar system got its 'Great Divide,' and why it matters for life on Earth." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 13 January 2020. <>.

"--That's because such a ring would create alternating bands of high- and low-pressure gas and dust. Those bands, in turn, might pull the solar ---"
"--Mojzsis noted that the Great Divide, a term that he and Brasser coined, does not look like much today. It is a relatively empty stretch of space that sits near Jupiter, just beyond what astronomers call the asteroid belt.--"
The article compares the great divide to a mountain range, the present theory of 1997 likens it to a standing wave instead.
The most prominent feature is at 4 AU, the present Hilda group, or 12 of the 300 light seconds (solar 5 minute pulsations) above Mercury. calculation: Hilda: 4000 light second orbit diameter-~ 400 light seconds for Mercury ~ 3600:300= 12.
The Hilda orbit is the major node of many orbit resonances, and coincides with the location of the "great divide" pin pointed by the paper cited above.
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