Political Bias in the Media


Sweep the leg Johnny!
Valued Senior Member
Both sides of the political spectrum appear convinced that the main news media - particularly television - is biased towards their opposing political viewpoint.

If that's the case let's prove it.

Give us a list of the major TV networks and the shows/pundits that demostrate this bias.
Rush Limbaugh?

I think you have to demand that talking head pundits not be counted.
FAUX News is an oxymoron.

There is nothing resembling "News" spewn from that network. It is a propaganda tool for the GOP..... nothing more.
FAUX News is an oxymoron.

There is nothing resembling "News" spewn from that network. It is a propaganda tool for the GOP..... nothing more.

OK, Chief. That's your opinion. The OP clearly asks for PROOF, so out with it,smarty.
FAUX News is an oxymoron.

There is nothing resembling "News" spewn from that network. It is a propaganda tool for the GOP..... nothing more.

OK great - but how about some examples - the point of this thread is that everyone has an opinion, but rarely backs it up with anything solid - lets try and get some solid data to see what the real conclusion is.
Rush Limbaugh?

I think you have to demand that talking head pundits not be counted.

Dan Rather

Tell you what - how about posting the name of the show they host and the TV station/channel. That way we can look at ratings too.

Afterall - if a particular network puts - for example - a liberal biased news show on a primetime - but "balances" it with a bunch of conservative biased programming at 3am, its hardly a fair comparison.
Dan Rather was a famous anchor for CBS that nearly ended his career by running a story on Bush that was based on what he knew to be forged documents.
OK great - but how about some examples - the point of this thread is that everyone has an opinion, but rarely backs it up with anything solid - lets try and get some solid data to see what the real conclusion is.

The sky is blue right.......? Or do you want me to prove that too?
Tell you what - how about posting the name of the show they host and the TV station/channel. That way we can look at ratings too.

Afterall - if a particular network puts - for example - a liberal biased news show on a primetime - but "balances" it with a bunch of conservative biased programming at 3am, its hardly a fair comparison.

I disagree, I rather they don't have any bias "news" shows at any time, what happens is bais people will only tune in during the time that a show with their bias is on, and thus will only get half of the story. What todays media allows is for people to receive the kind of reality they agree with and to not see the kind they don't, in then end they have a very warp sense of reality.

An ideal news outlet would be one in which it is non-profit, and the leaders of said organization have limited power, have short terms and are elected by lottery from a large selection of random people with the qualifications (editors and journalist), this is the closes we could come to perfectly neutral... other then having it headed buy an AI who's only directive is to present the new without corruption. At the very lest non-profits are a big step in the right direction, if I want entertainment I'll find a cooperation, if I want unadulterated facts, I'll seek someone that has a little stake in adulterating the facts as possible.
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See, and clusterfck got this info from Faux News.

There's my proof.


Criticism of Rather reached a fever pitch after 60 Minutes II ran his report about President Bush's military record; numerous critics questioned the authenticity of the documents upon which the report was based and the documents were quickly proved to be forgeries

Still waiting for that proof, Rob.
The sky is blue right.......? Or do you want me to prove that too?

VRob - opinions are like clitorises - every cunt's got one - but without anything to back that up, its pretty inconsequential to me.

The point is that most of the news media from the US that I see does appear to have a right wing bias - but most right wingers will scream until they are blue in the face that the truth is in fact the opposite - why would that be the case?

I've established pretty well that many people beleive the media is biased so I don't need anyone to simply reitterate what I already know.
But as a Brit I don't get to see as much American news media as say, an American might, so I was hoping some light could be shed on WHY people beleive that there is a bias in either direction.