VRob - opinions are like clitorises - every cunt's got one - but without anything to back that up, its pretty inconsequential to me.
The point is that most of the news media from the US that I see does appear to have a right wing bias - but most right wingers will scream until they are blue in the face that the truth is in fact the opposite - why would that be the case?
I've established pretty well that many people beleive the media is biased so I don't need anyone to simply reitterate what I already know.
But as a Brit I don't get to see as much American news media as say, an American might, so I was hoping some light could be shed on WHY people beleive that there is a bias in either direction.
Faux News is pathetic as a news source. It is a joke, and only motive is spew propaganda favoring the Repub party..... and specifically this Bush/Cheney regime. I have neither the time, nor the energy, to explain this to someone who can't see this for themselves. In my opinion, if they watch the channel, and can't already see this, there is no hope for them.
CNN..... is the Clinton News Network. Sure there are a few hosts who attempt to be legit, but they get drowned out by the daily memo's.
MSNBC........ for the most part leans towards Obama. I'm an Obama supporter, and I can clearly see this.