POLL:What do you think the origin of UFOS is?

What is the origin of UFOs?

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True enough VRob... rather than UFO we might call them FOTNOWWAIO, Flying Objects The Nature Of Which We Are Ignorant Of.

Very true.

Another ignorance I am finding on this board is the lack of knowledge on the subject. The amount of credible evidence that shows some of the UFO's might very well orignate from outside this planet is staggering. Sadly, most people just don't know about it. Hence the term ignorant.
You'd think this staggering amount of credible evidence would have made the news at one point or another. I mean, besides the Weekly World News or the Star. A story like that would be HUGE and would certainly be a boon for the news organizations. Or, are "they" waiting until just the right moment to reveal it all to us? For that matter, how is it that whoever has this staggering amount of credible evidence is able to keep it such a secret? Even more to the point, why? If there is tangible, quantifiable proof, there should be no way anyone could refute it. Scientists and skeptics do not out-of-hand deny the existence of alien life, they just require absolute proof. Extraordinary claims demand extraordinary evidence. And if it's supposed to be a secret to the degree that there is an immense government cover up, how do YOU know that the evidence is credible, or even that it EXISTS? And if YOU can get word that the evidence exists and is credible, isn't it possible that others who are more in the pipeline ... news organizations, scientific journals, etc....perhaps a military mucky muck who knows everything and is disgruntled and wants to tell all .... would know even MORE and by now, in the last 50 years, would have provided such credible evidence in all its staggering-amounted glory?

Do you have any idea how the media views this subject? Because of the methodical devotion to discrediting this subject over the past 50 years, it is Taboo for any credible new outlet, or newperson to touch this subject. It is up to the individual sheep to seek the truth.

BTW: Have you ever heard of the Belgian incident? How about the 10,000 video's of the Mexico City incidents(late 80's/early90's)? Funny, they never made the mainstream news in our country. I wonder why?
Why not witches flying on brooms? Why not demons? Why not dragons? These are the kinds of explanations that would have been made centuries ago, up until sci-fi writers started going on about aliens and such. The imagination is a wonderful thing, but it can be tricky. For some people, hear a strange noise at home in the suburbs at noon on a sunny day... "Huh..." Hear the same noise at midnight with a full moon in a beat up old house in the country ... "Is that a ghost?" All a matter of perspective.

When I hear someone say they saw a UFO, I take that literally ... UNIDENTIFIED. It could be anything. Just because you can't identify it does not mean it's an alien spacecraft. There are a million other possible terrestrial explanations for it. We just can't identify it.
Star_One: A theory for some of the UFOs in Nevada was that they were effects (such as electrical discharges) related to the only recently disclosed underground nuclear tests that were going on there.

It is not so difficult to believe that some UFOs are caused by weather conditions.

I agree, but if people are voting and actually mean all ufo sightings are odd atmospherics it seems kind of daft....

Also apparently some ufo sightings are caused by faultlines ect.... thats one theory (thats has been tested also i think?) for one of the famous warminster sightings where for years strange lights moved about the sky in the same place and wowed onlookers
My point about the news organizations is that if the information is absolutely credible and irrefutable, then they would likely report it. If there's any hint of speculation, you are right, they wouldn't touch it with a 10 foot rubber vidcam. The risk for egg on the face is just too high.

As for the Belgian and Mexican incidents ... again, why assume these unidentified flying objects were of an extraterrestrial source? Just because they're not identified as being terrestrial?

When Indians in the Appalachians saw foxfire, they thought it was spirits. When the settlers saw it, they thought it was fairies or ghosts. Now we know it's bioluminescence produced by decaying fungus on fallen trees. We as a species still have a lot to learn about the planet we call home. Until we can know everything there is to know about every aspect of it, we cannot intelligently claim something to be from another world, simply because it doesn't appear to be from this one.
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"My point about the news organizations is that if the information is absolutely credible and irrefutable, then they would likely report it. If there's any hint of speculation, you are right, they wouldn't touch it with a 10 foot rubber vidcam. The risk for egg on the face is just too high."

Are you serious....?

Every paper in the uk is full of crap! and most would rather report david beckhams new hairstyle than report about say, a ufo landing infront of parliment

Only the BBC and maybe ITV could be trusted not to broadcast Bullsh*t

The Media in England will not report ufo evidence (eventhough they post it on there website, but not broadcast it)....

Take a look at the disclosure project press conference , it might as well have never happened for all the interest the media showed in it
Star_One: I've heard many tales about "earth lights", but never followed up on any of them. The Nevada nuclear tests might suggest that earthquakes could create electrostatic discharges, but that's pure speculation.
I think that the media is in on keeping the manmade flyingsaucer conspiracy a secret. Heh, that is if you believe in such a conspiracy. ("The facts of reality are what they are, irrespective as to weather you know them or not" -Ayn Rand(of course that quote applies to me as well))
Even if the news said, "A UFO _____" I would still be incredulous because, again, all "UFO" means is Unidentified Flying Object. No more, no less. "UFO evidence" means to me "evident that it's unidentified," which would not be a very spectacular news story.
chunkylover58 said:
As for the Belgian and Mexican incidents ... again, why assume these unidentified flying objects were of an extraterrestrial source? Just because they're not identified as being terrestrial?.


Nobody is assuming or stating these objects were absolutely extraterrestial. However, these were not unidentified objects in the sky. Unless of course, you're wondering who built them, or who was piloting them. They were clearly identified, and I can assure you, they were not witches on broomsticks, or strange lights off in the distance. They were identified through video, radar, sightings from the ground. By very credible witnessess. In the Mexico city incidents, they've occured during daylight, and were eyewitnessed by 10's of thousands of people. Don't you find it strange that this has never been commented on by the US news?

They also performed manuever that our known technology cannot perform.

To some, it's an assumption, or a leap to a conclusion. To others, it's a very credible theory when you package all the evidence together.
chunkylover58 said:
Why not witches flying on brooms? Why not demons?.

clap clap clap clap clap

You just passed the equivilent of preschool, which was your brilliant usage of the "skeptic analogy."

I doubt it was Santa Clause, because he is actually a product of fiction. True or false?

Maybe you should start thinking of ETs in this sense: Does art influence life or does life influence art? Or how about this gem: What came 1st, the chicken or the egg?

So, if you don't understand what I am getting at, let me help you. Was ET created as fiction by people with fascinating imaginations, or were the writers with fascinating imaginations drawing on stories they have heard of ETs?
Simple law of parsimony. Easier to believe that people are seeing unexplained things in the sky that they can't identify and assuming alien beings than that alien beings are spending inordinate amounts of time and resources to travel all across space to visit this planet, with no physical, tangible evidence being left behind.
chunkylover58 said:
Simple law of parsimony. Easier to believe that people are seeing unexplained things in the sky that they can't identify and assuming alien beings than that alien beings are spending inordinate amounts of time and resources to travel all across space to visit this planet, with no physical, tangible evidence being left behind.

Let me ask you Chunky, what makes you think aliens have not left a trace?

Do you believe everything you are told by "official sources?"

Don't even start off by claiming I am a conspiracy theorist, because I am not. I don't think it takes much thought on this subject to believe we have been visited once you have read the few reports that have credibility.
Where are these credible reports? How did you get the priveledge to see them? Did you actually read them and were you able to corroborate the evidence found therein with other known, credible sources? Or all you relying on "UNofficial sources."

Again, extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.

As for your post about which came first, the stories or the events, there is such a thing as fiction. I know someone who has made a very good living writing comic books and films built around intelligent alien life. (his work has been among the most popular in the last few years) He is a complete skeptic. All made up. Fantasy.

The human mind is a wonderfully fertile playground.

Someone once said, "Imagination abandoned by reason produces impossible monsters. United with her, she is the mother of the arts and the source of their wonders."
chunkylover58 said:
Where are these credible reports? How did you get the priveledge to see them? Did you actually read them and were you able to corroborate the evidence found therein with other known, credible sources? Or all you relying on "UNofficial sources."

Again, extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.

As for your post about which came first, the stories or the events, there is such a thing as fiction. I know someone who has made a very good living writing comic books and films built around intelligent alien life. (his work has been among the most popular in the last few years) He is a complete skeptic. All made up. Fantasy.

The human mind is a wonderfully fertile playground.

Someone once said, "Imagination abandoned by reason produces impossible monsters. United with her, she is the mother of the arts and the source of their wonders."

Strange how when I spell something out a child could understand, they respond as though they were aliens missing the logic SOME OF US human beings are so very lucky to have.

So, you have it figured out then. Maybe you should go talk to your author friend and ask him/her the same question I asked you. But, never mind, I am sure you have it figured out and that everything ET-related is along the lines of Santa Clause, demons, werewolves, etc. Just as long as you are going to be utilizing your basic skeptic tactics, I will assume with your logic that if you lived in times when the earth was thought to be flat, you would be quoting occam's razor to point out how someone was crazy to think it was round. Then, after that, you would chuckle and explain how whoever was that nuts should find a broom to fly or go chase demons.
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Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence is a false statement.

If someone claimed a UFO full of ETs crashed and they were standing 100 feet away when it happened, would you need extraordinary evidence to prove it? If the UFO crashed in a populated area and there were news crews to the scene, would that be so extraordinary? So, obviously you should think on that one.

Take the Roswell case: Flying saucers were the news of the day proceeding the event. That wasn't enough evidence.

If that happened today, there would probably be quite a bit of evidence due to technology.