Polyteism vs monoteism

Not quite, M*W. Moral codes are agreed upon standards. Every human being has the capacity to be moral, or to hold to these codes. There can be no absolute or universal morality unless you believe that God enforces such standards, and you live by His standards. They are absolute because they are non-negotiable. If the Ten Commandments called for murder, we would be able to hold higher moral standards than God, but as it is, His standard require love for one another - and love for Him as the only God (meaning there can be no higher authority to enforce different standards).

What and2000x is saying is that pagan religions don't see it as black and white, but only different shades of grey. It's called relativistic morality (and it's not exlusive to ancient cultures, either).

The problem is the we live in a global, multi-cultural world, where one set of morals can be unacceptable to another. Take for instance the extremistic Jihad morality - where murder of an enemy can be justified - and how it clashes with Western culture (which despite the objections of many, grew from the Christian morality that any kind of murder is unacceptable).

Peace treaties only work if they address the moral issues. A cease-fire can only be effective if both sides are able to agree that shooting at the opposite side is wrong, despite their personal conviction that it is right. The "cease-fire standard" is only "right" as far as it is universal. Once one side breaks it, it automatically becomes "right" for the other side to retaliate... and you get what happened in Palestine.
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Originally posted by and2000x
Hinduism was invented by white Europeans anyway, so I don't see the point in this attack.
You're a joke. :D
The Indus Valley Civilization thrived in Northwest India from the middle of the third milleniumB.C. to the middle of the second millenium B.C. The civilization was a well developed culture centered aroundtwo major cities, Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa. 6 Indo-Aryans, a nomadic tribe, began to migrate into this area around 1500 B.C., roughly the same time as the mysterious disappearance of the Indus Valley civilization. The religious scriptures of the Indo-Aryans, the Vedas , serve as the most widely aknowledged basis forHinduism. The Vedas are said to be the eternal truths of the religion and are upheld as the supreme authority for Hinduism.

- see Hinduism History
Where do you get your history, Mein Kampf? We'll see ...

Originally posted by and2000x
(Read some Savitri Devi)
Just great! We now get treated to a bit of Nazi mysticism.
Savitri Devi, whose birth name was Maximiani Portas, was one of the most compelling figures to emerge from the wreckage of post-War National Socialism. More than any single figure, it was Devi who would carry the torch of occult National Socialism through the grim period following World War II. Through her writings and her personal example, she would inspire a new generation of National Socialists to explore the occult byways of racial mysticism that were once blazed by such 19th century German figures as Guido von List and such Third Reich figures as Heinrich Himmler.

... Through the jungle telegraph linking European Nazis, Devi soon got wind of a rising young star on the American scene, George Lincoln Rockwell. Rockwell, who founded the American Nazi Party in 1959, began to correspond with Devi in 1960. It was Devi who introduced Rockwell to the man who would quietly become something of a mentor, the unreconstructed German National Socialist Bruno Ludke. Together with Britain’s Colin Jordan, the three became the core of the World Union of National Socialists—an organization which sought with little success to link together the far-flung National Socialist tribes from throughout the world. The high point of the effort was the 1962 meeting at Cottswald in England which resulted in the Cottswald Agreement, the World Union of National Socialists’ founding document which served as a theoretical blueprint for the revival of a global neo-Nazi movement. Cottswald, in which Savitri Devi served as the representative of France, was the first and last time that Devi and Rockwell would have the opportunity to meet.

- see Savitri Devi
So, are you a big George Lincoln Rockwell fan?

Originally posted by and2000x
As for the pagan bit, I suppose you obviously KNOW since you are a pagan yourself.
This is little more than the blathering of pro-Nazi scum.
Actually, Hinduism is said to be much older than 1500 B.C. because it has no founder,prophet, or whatever. The early roots of Hinduism can be dated back to at least 6000-7000 years (5000 BC) when the early signs of Indus valley civilization began to take shape in the subcontinent. Hinduism derived richly from the Indus People, the Vedic People, from Dravidian cultures, from folk religions and also from the foreign traditions of Mesopotamia, Greece, Arabia, China and central Russia.
6 . The religious scriptures of the Indo-Aryans, the Vedas , serve as the most widely aknowledged basis forHinduism. The Vedas are said to be the eternal truths of the religion and are upheld as the supreme authority for Hinduism.

I think this phrase right here debunks your own claim.
The 'Indo-Aryans' are from from Europe. The term 'Aryan' means 'noble' and the inhabitants called these beings thus because of their tall stature and fair appearance.

The Vedas MAY have been written prior to the Aryan migration, yet they were not established into any coherent form of Hinduism until the Aryans came. Furthermore, the Aryans added all of the additional texts. So, I was wrong in saying they invented it, but they surely gave it the prominence it has today.

No, Rockwell is a moron and a blinder hate machine.

Mein Kampf is fairly boasterous and venomously racist, but I see nothing wrong with the historical accuracy of it. Not a book I enjoy, since the writing is poor. Julius Evola's 'Men Amongst The Ruins' was a far better guide to radical traditionalism and fascist thought.

I have something to ask of YOU: Describe a situation in pagan mythology or history that will firmly ground your concept of 'morality'.
This is little more than the blathering of pro-Nazi scum.

I'm not a Nazi, but I don't moralize those who are. Apparently it seems impossible for the 'demons' to have anything important to say. Emotion triumphs over reason in this age of group safety and oversocialization and it is going to kill everyone. Nazis are so much scum, yet more humans have been massacred, persecuted, and alienated in the name of human equality. More land and forest has been destroyed to assure this humanist brand of eqalitarianism. Leftism is destruction to all races, religions, cultures, freethought, and natural environments, so I don't see why Nazis are so 'evil'.
Isnt x-ianity having a problem with monoteism when it recognises satan as a "reality"?
No because God created Satan, or Satan is the spawn of God. Satan was also a neccessity and inevitable with the existence of pure goodness. :)
Ah! so that would make him the brother of Jesus! Great..

Some people claim they have found the grave of the brother of jesus (discoverychannel), maybe they have found the sleepingbag of satan :)
Aryan = Indo-European, meaning Indian and European. Meaning that if the aryan invasion is true, then it was invented by Indians and Europeans. There is no real evidence for the Aryan invasion. Read the Aryan Invasion post in the Eastern Philosophy section.
Wiccan Pseudo-Trash?

I'll ignore that. But what he's saying is right. Satan, the ultimate evil, etc, is a creation of the christian religion. Paganism is based on balance, karma, not ultimate good or ultimate evil.
Satan is the ultimate invention of power. You can only repress the "vulgus" if you have something terrifying to threten with.

I somewhere read (but I cant back it up so it can be completely wrong) that satan appeared in xian in medivial times when the church became a powerful organisation based on the pope.

Is satan mentioned in the OT?
YEs satan is in the old testament, In the book of Job, Satan Challenged God saying that Job will blaspheme against God if his fortunes change. God lets Satan harm Job, to test his faith, Satan first gets jobs property destroyed, then he gets his sons and daughteres killed, then he inflicts severe boils and sores on Job. But Job doesnt blaspheme agaisnt God. In the end Job is rewarded for his faithfullness, he gets twice of what he previously he had and lived to see his great great grandchildren.
Jenyar is dancing around the subject again!

Originally posted by Jenyar
Not quite, M*W.
Jenyar, why do you persist in dancing around the subject? If you sincerely search for God, you will find God in your very own soul. This has nothing to do with moral codes established by society. The infinite spirit of God is within the human race. To believe otherwise is to doubt God. You do a very good job of this, by the way.
Re: Jenyar is dancing around the subject again!

Originally posted by Medicine*Woman
Jenyar, why do you persist in dancing around the subject?

psst. he thinks he's Fred Astaire :D
There is no real evidence for the Aryan invasion

Historians now beleive that it was not an 'invasion' per se, but a migration. There may have been some 'coercion' and plundering here and there, but there is no evidence that it was a forced take over.

Today it is fairly common to find blue eyed Indians or Whites with Indian features within India. Most of my Indian friends resemble Europeans besides their dark skin and black hair. These families have existed there for centuries and probably descended from the Aryans (though you can never be sure).

On another subject, what the hell happened to India anyway? It's a complete trash dump in modern times, where is the beauty that it once had? I'm not visting again, that's for sure.
Jenyar, why do you persist in dancing around the subject? If you sincerely search for God, you will find God in your very own soul.

I don't see how Jenyar is dancing around anything, we are talking about Polytheism VS. Monotheism and moral dualism vs. nonduality and morals as standards in particular. While it is nice of you to share your ideas about god, it's best to stay on the topic and not defame other members.

Originally posted by and2000x
I don't see how Jenyar is dancing around anything, we are talking about Polytheism VS. Monotheism and moral dualism vs. nonduality and morals as standards in particular. While it is nice of you to share your ideas about god, it's best to stay on the topic and not defame other members.

I have defamed no one. Jenyar has defamed herself.